Composition addresses the variety of physical or logical forms present within the set.
Abbrev | Value | Gloss |
HET | heterogeneous | physically or logically diverse |
HOM | homogeneous | physically or logically uniform |
The 2 values of composition
Abbrev: HET
Members of the set have varying characteristics.
Abbrev: HOM
Members of the set have similar characteristics.
Connectedness expresses the proximity of the members of an organizational set.
Abbrev | Value | Gloss |
SEP | separate | isolated instances |
CNT | contiguous | adjacent/touching instances |
FSD | fused | combined, interwoven |
The 3 values of connectedness
Abbrev: SEP
Separate conveys that an interval of space or time divides the members of the organizational set from one another.
Abbrev: CNT
Contiguous is used when instances are in contact with one another, but retain clearly defined boundaries
Abbrev: FSD
Fused is used when members of a set are joined
Disposition indicates the relationship between the functional or qualitative features of the stem.
Abbrev | Value | Gloss |
AMB | ambivalent | (dis)similarities of function irrelevant |
MUT | mutual | common use/purpose |
OPP | oppositional | conflicted use/purpose |
SYN | synergetic | emergent use or function |
The 4 values of disposition
Abbrev: AMB
Ambivalent is used when the function of the items is unknown or irrelevant.
Abbrev: MUT
Mutual describes a set whose members share goals or functions.
Abbrev: OPP
Oppositional indicates internal differences of use or purpose.
Abbrev: SYN
Synergetic describes cases where the various purposes of the individual members constitute a purpose for the whole set.
Longer, possibly multi paragraph explanation of the purpose and method
of operation of the category. This section can contain formatted
text, as well as links and
images as well.
can it handle tables though? | we will see |
foo bar baz bim bop bam boop | zip zap zuey |
foo to the bar to the baz to | the boom |
- and lists as well!
- (I hope, ayway!)
- foo
- bar
Abbrev | Value | Gloss |
MAT | Material | physical |
SOC | social | cultural, personal |
PHI | Philosophical |
The 3 values of domain
Abbrev: MAT
Material is used to select the physical reality of sensible objects.
Abbrev: SOC
Social is used to describe the meaning of the word as it relates to cultural facts.
Abbrev: PHI
Boom shaka laka, redux
Number addresses the question How many?
Abbrev | Value | Gloss |
NCT | non-count | some, a mass quantity of one or more |
SNG | singular | one |
DUA | dual | two, a pair |
PLR | plural | group of several |
The 4 values of number
Abbrev: NCT
Non-count is used to describe mass quantities and instances in which the number (or even individuation) of the members of the organizational set is unclear.
Abbrev: SNG
An individual instance of the stem.
Abbrev: DUA
Exactly two instances of the stem.
Abbrev: PLR
Plural refers to collections of several instances of the stem.