All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add actual code (c18d6b8)
- add docs (aa22a60)
- add eslint (f1d59c0)
- add fireListenerCallback (64d5d7a)
- add general lifecycles (c58516f)
- add history plugin; add history plugin tests; add readme (d788f77)
- add hooky and lint-staged (c885f86)
- add jest utilities (3ec5760)
- add lifeCycles; add major functionality (7b16855)
- add listener function (003528f)
- add observer function (f3ca677)
- add observer readme; fix type; (ec5f1ae)
- add onInvalidTransition and onPendingTransition func (80f7064)
- add readme; support Multiple states for a transition; problem: transition is a async operation (87782c3)
- add test functions; fix some bugs; optimize code (247a709)
- bundle the package; ready for realease; (d70a20e)
- change doc (53f9780)
- change StateMachineConstructor type (8451f39)
- change type style solved problem; but only when typescript version >= 4.4; for now still shows any (72edc60)
- change workspace settings; useing latest typescript-beta version (8c0196f)
- fix type err (ff6b0e7)
- initilize (da0e46c)
- lint all files; optimize code (a4e42fc)
- major type compelete; but transitionLifeCycel and stateLifeCycle type isn't right; I think i hit the limitation of the ts-server. (cbdfdef)
- merge file (7c30827)
- mixin function done (f10e686)
- observer function should be generic function (0e4fd9c)
- optimize (e0bd11a)
- optimize typescript types; (c90bed8)
- test prebuild project; optimize bundler (66d4e4a)
- transition from state support array (7df1dfb)
- transition method could be async or sync (f6831ee)
- type fix (a978c4c)
- type fix (76a0f20)
- type progressive fix; change event from parameter (547df00)
- update readme; fix stateTransitionAssert (2778337)
- utility types file rename (da65d64)
- 补充static funciton; constructor部分补充 (022c562)
- strongly typed finite-state-machine.
- supports observing lifecycle events.
- supports state historys.
- well tested.
- exported all kinds of module types. Including commonjs, umd, esmodule and modern package.