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OpenACC Interoperability

The authors of OpenACC recognized that it may sometimes be beneficial to mix OpenACC code with code accelerated using other parallel programming languages, such as CUDA or OpenCL, or accelerated math libraries. This interoperability means that a developer can choose the programming paradigm that makes the most sense in the particular situation and leverage code and libraries that may already be available. Developers don't need to decide at the beginning of a project between OpenACC or something else, they can choose to use OpenACC and other technologies.

NOTE: The examples used in this chapter can be found online at

The Host Data Region

The first method for interoperating between OpenACC and some other code is by managing all data using OpenACC, but calling into a function that requires device data. For the purpose of example the cublasSaxpy routine will be used in place of writing a saxpy routine, as was shown in an earlier chapter. This routine is freely provided by NVIDIA for their hardware in the CUBLAS library. Most other vendors provide their own, tuned library.

The host_data directive gives the programmer a way to expose the device address of a given array to the host for passing into a function. This data must have already been moved to the device previously. The name of this construct often confuses new users, but it can be thought of as a reverse data region, since it takes data on the device and exposes it to the host. The host_data region accepts only the use_device clause, which specifies which device variables should be exposed to the host. In the example below, the arrays x and y are placed on the device via a data region and then initialized in an OpenACC loop. These arrays are then passed to the cublasSaxpy function as device pointers using the host_data region.

    #pragma acc data create(x[0:n]) copyout(y[0:n])
      #pragma acc kernels
        for( i = 0; i < n; i++)
          x[i] = 1.0f;
          y[i] = 0.0f;
      #pragma acc host_data use_device(x,y)
        cublasSaxpy(n, 2.0, x, 1, y, 1);

    !$acc data create(x) copyout(y)
    !$acc kernels
    X(:) = 1.0
    Y(:) = 0.0
    !$acc end kernels

    !$acc host_data use_device(x,y)
    call cublassaxpy(N, 2.0, x, 1, y, 1)
    !$acc end host_data
    !$acc end data

The call to cublasSaxpy can be changed to any function that expects device pointers as parameters.

Asynchronous Device Libraries

NOTE: When using the host_data region to pass data into asynchronous libraries calls or kernels care must be taken regarding the lifetime of data on the device. A common example of this pattern is passing device data to a device-aware MPI library, as illustrated below.

A common use of the host_data region is to pass device pointers into a device-aware MPI implementation. Such MPI libraries may have specific optimizations when passed device data, such as Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) or pipelining. For synchronous MPI routines, the host_data directive can be used just as shown above, but care must be taken when mixing this directive with asynchronous MPI functions (e.g. MPI_ISend, MPI_IRecv, etc.). Take for example the following code:

    #pragma acc data copyin(buf)
    { // Data in `buf` put on device
    #pragma acc host_data use_device(buf)
    { // Device pointer to `buf` passed to MPI
       MPI_Isend(buf, ...);
       // MPI_Isend immediately returns to main thread
    // MPI_Isend may not have completed sending data
    } // Data in `buf` potentially removed from device
    !$acc data copyin(buf)
    ! Data in `buf` put on device
    !$acc host_data use_device(buf)
    ! Device pointer to `buf` passed to MPI
       call MPI_Isend(buf, ...);
       ! MPI_Isend immediately returns to main thread
    !$acc end host_data
    ! MPI_Isend may not have completed sending data
    !$acc end data
    ! Data in `buf` potentially removed from device

In the above example the device pointer to the data in buf is provided to MPI_ISend, which will immediately return control to the thread of execution, even if the data has not yet been sent. As such, when the end of the data region is reached, the device copy of buf may be deallocated before the MPI library has finished sending the data. This could result in an application crash or the application proceeding, but sending garbage values. To fix this issue, developers must issue an MPI_Wait before the end of the data region to ensure that it is safe to change or deallocate buf. The examples below demonstrate how to correctly use host_data with asynchronous MPI calls.

    #pragma acc data copyin(buf)
    { // Data in `buf` put on device
    #pragma acc host_data use_device(buf)
    { // Device pointer to `buf` passed to MPI
       MPI_Isend(buf, ..., request);
       // MPI_Isend immediately returns to main thread
    // Wait to ensure `buf` is safe to deallocate
    MPI_Wait(request, ...);
    } // Data in `buf` potentially removed from device
    !$acc data copyin(buf)
    ! Data in `buf` put on device
    !$acc host_data use_device(buf)
    ! Device pointer to `buf` passed to MPI
       call MPI_Isend(buf, ...)
       ! MPI_Isend immediately returns to main thread
    !$acc end host_data
    ! Wait to ensure `buf` is safe to deallocate
    call MPI_Wait(request, ...)
    !$acc end data
    ! Data in `buf` potentially removed from device

Using Device Pointers

Because there is already a large ecosystem of accelerated applications using languages such as CUDA or OpenCL, it may also be necessary to add an OpenACC region to an existing accelerated application. In this case the arrays may be managed outside of OpenACC and already exist on the device. For this case OpenACC provides the deviceptr data clause, which may be used where any data clause may appear. This clause informs the compiler that the variables specified are already on the device and no other action needs to be taken on them. The example below uses the acc_malloc function, which allocates device memory and returns a pointer, to allocate an array only on the device and then uses that array within an OpenACC region.

    void saxpy(int n, float a, float * restrict x, float * restrict y)
      #pragma acc kernels deviceptr(x,y)
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
          y[i] += a*x[i];
    void set(int n, float val, float * restrict arr)
    #pragma acc kernels deviceptr(arr)
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
          arr[i] = val;
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      float *x, *y, tmp;
      int n = 1<<20;
      x = acc_malloc((size_t)n*sizeof(float));
      y = acc_malloc((size_t)n*sizeof(float));
      saxpy(n, 2.0, x, y);
      return 0;

    module saxpy_mod
      subroutine saxpy(n, a, x, y)
        integer :: n
        real    :: a, x(:), y(:)
        !$acc parallel deviceptr(x,y)
        y(:) = y(:) + a * x(:)
        !$acc end parallel
      end subroutine
    end module

Notice that in the set and saxpy routines, where the OpenACC compute regions are found, each compute region is informed that the pointers being passed in are already device pointers by using the deviceptr clause. This example also uses the acc_malloc, acc_free, and acc_memcpy_from_device routines for memory management. Although the above example uses acc_malloc and acc_memcpy_from_device, which are provided by the OpenACC specification for portable memory management, a device-specific API may have also been used, such as cudaMalloc and cudaMemcpy.

Obtaining Device and Host Pointer Addresses

OpenACC provides the acc_deviceptr and acc_hostptr function calls for obtaining the device and host addresses of pointers based on the host and device addresses, respectively. These routines require that the addresses actually have corresponding addresses, otherwise they will return NULL.

    double * x = (double*) malloc(N*sizeof(double));
    #pragma acc data create(x[:N])
        double * device_x = (double*) acc_deviceptr(x);

Additional Vendor-Specific Interoperability Features

The OpenACC specification suggests several features that are specific to individual vendors. While implementations are not required to provide the functionality, it's useful to know that these features exist in some implementations. The purpose of these features are to provide interoperability with the native runtime of each platform. Developers should refer to the OpenACC specification and their compiler's documentation for a full list of supported features.

Asynchronous Queues and CUDA Streams (NVIDIA)

As demonstrated in the next chapter, asynchronous work queues are frequently an important way to deal with the cost of PCIe data transfers on devices with distinct host and device memory. In the NVIDIA CUDA programming model asynchronous operations are programmed using CUDA streams. Since developers may need to interoperate between CUDA streams and OpenACC queues, the specification suggests two routines for mapping CUDA streams and OpenACC asynchronous queues.

The acc_get_cuda_stream function accepts an integer async id and returns a CUDA stream object (as a void*) for use as a CUDA stream.

The acc_set_cuda_stream function accepts an integer async handle and a CUDA stream object (as a void*) and maps the CUDA stream used by the async handle to the stream provided.

With these two functions it's possible to place both OpenACC operations and CUDA operations into the same underlying CUDA stream so that they will execute in the appropriate order.

CUDA Managed Memory (NVIDIA)

NVIDIA added support for CUDA Managed Memory, which provides a single pointer to memory regardless of whether it is accessed from the host or device, in CUDA 6.0. In many ways managed memory is similar to OpenACC memory management, in that only a single reference to the memory is necessary and the runtime will handle the complexities of data movement. The advantage that managed memory sometimes has is that it is better able to handle complex data structures, such as C++ classes or structures containing pointers, since pointer references are valid on both the host and the device. More information about CUDA Managed Memory can be obtained from NVIDIA. To use managed memory within an OpenACC program the developer can simply declare pointers to managed memory as device pointers using the deviceptr clause so that the OpenACC runtime will not attempt to create a separate device allocation for the pointers.

It is also worth noting that the NVIDIA HPC compiler (formerly PGI compiler) has direct support for using CUDA Managed Memory by way of a compiler option. See the compiler documentation for more details.

Using CUDA Device Kernels (NVIDIA)

The host_data directive is useful for passing device memory to host-callable CUDA kernels. In cases where it's necessary to call a device kernel (CUDA __device__ function) from within an OpenACC parallel region it's possible to use the acc routine directive to inform the compiler that the function being called is available on the device. The function declaration must be decorated with the acc routine directive and the level of parallelism at which the function may be called. In the example below the function f1dev is a sequential function that will be called from each CUDA thread, so it is declared acc routine seq.

    // Function implementation
    extern "C" __device__ void
    f1dev( float* a, float* b, int i ){
      a[i] = 2.0 * b[i];
    // Function declaration
    #pragma acc routine seq
    extern "C" void f1dev( float*, float* int );
    // Function call-site
    #pragma acc parallel loop present( a[0:n], b[0:n] )
    for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
      // f1dev is a __device__ function build with CUDA
      f1dev( a, b, i );