Changelog was generated by Generi. Any questions, consult the documentation.
- π§ chore: route control - [e6bc9c02]
- π§ chore: gtag - [fa67435b]
- π§ chore: update deps - [e7d9d340]
- π§ chore: readme - [30951d81]
- π§ chore(void): limit project uploads - [8cb4232b]
- π feat(schema): toggle schemas list - [eda9d5ee]
- π§ fix(schema): load in start case - [485d71f9]
- π§ chore(editor): remove use-image component - [9e945b02]
- π§ chore: extend tsconfig for root - [baa360f0]
- π feat(statistics): sentences - [f29a25d0]
- π§ fix(schema): hide on click in slash-provider - [1428fc36]
- π§ fix(schema): close modal in click for reset last char - [0daae428]
- π§ fix(auth): fail redirect in 401 code - [2256ffd3]
- π§ fix(history): valid index update - [d4ea5386]
- π§ fix(schemas): open slash in correct key - [089c63f6]
- π§ fix(schema): slash modal in max sizes - [b40a4d3d]
- π feat(schema): general improvements - [97cce19a]
- π feat(schema): nav-links with prefix - [e75dc084]
- π§ fix(schema): ignore key in prod - [bb14bb0e]
- π feat(schema): initial prefix slash implementation - [3abfc3db]
- π§ fix(material): input emoji to bottom - [98f5514d]
- π§ fix(storage): local api in specific cases - [9a91e0ec]
- π§ fix(schemas): support old projects - [1fe30274]
- π feat: dropbox monorepo - [d9a1b1ab]
- π feat: dropbox storage - [f5e21f7b]
- π feat(schemas): scroll control - [02892c1f]
- π§ fix(history): bar scroll prev save - [c240365b]
- π§ chore(lang): files structure - [3297a9c6]
- π feat(history): bar control - [6bcaabb5]
- π feat(editor): history bar - [9ba78024]
- π feat(schemas): templates - [19af38fb]
- π§ chore: update vue to 3.3 - [c8123a68]
- π§ chore: update deps - [d818126e]
- π§ fix(pdf): set fonts in open configuration - [09268d60]
- π feat(project): schemas - [70b28d67]
- π§ fix(pdf): set fonts in open configuration - [4f012b7f]
- π§ fix(shortcuts): ignore third-party editor - [c12e2920]
- π§ fix(preferences): normalize saver - [0e8aefb5]
- π§ fix(scanner): sha256 for external urls - [a9bd3c79]
- π§ fix(storage): default indexeddb - [d0bda47d]
- π§ chore: update deps - [44205088]
- π§ chore(router): all invalid routes redirect to / - [a3140435]
- π§ fix(editor): drawing block load in instant render time - [8fe20ac4]
- π§ fix(material): switcher size in mobile - [cdf3cfc4]
- π§ fix(router): back to editor - [34ca944f]
- π§ chore: remove deprecated locks - [6b112940]
- π§ chore: project readme - [20028991]
- π§ chore(liveshare): debounced ctx max wait - [8b7fd9cd]
- π§ fix(liveshare): ignore double payload - [0f1a161e]
- π§ fix(liveshare): update color for other members - [088de585]
- π feat(landing): google play icon - [66359ab9]
- π§ chore: def seo in index.html - [9f1f0d06]
- π§ fix(storage): delete wrong keys - [2a867df6]
- π build: splitted case - [212fd431]
- π§ chore: update zipjs - [9733f910]
- π§ chore(generi): release false - [178021d1]
- π feat: indexeddb and client storage setters - [9eed23ca]
- π§ chore: update deps - [051ae8ca]
- πΏ ci: remove test - [fe56756c]
- πΏ ci: remove bootstrap - [258d9c4b]
- π§ chore: vercel.json in root - [bf1dcc91]
- π§ chore(vercel): vercel.json - [6c082670]
- π build(vite): split rollup chunks in .pnpm prefix - [cdde7adb]
- π build(manager): yarn to pnpm - [f92a4014]
- π§ fix(sitemap): exclude paths - [708a6fbd]
- π§ chore: update deps - [66085c9a]
- π feat(liveshare): collaboration watcher - [9bb99f0a]
- π perf(landing): disable textgeometry render - [bb6dbac7]
- π feat(auth): google oauth in production - [0fdcee05]
- π§ chore(landing): logos - [2766f63f]
- π§ fix(api): google fonts request only in necessary case - [9725379f]
- π§ fix(auth): reset all user resources in logout and delete - [fe61cc51]
- π§ fix(auth): delete local content - [2f189519]
- π feat(multiplayer): owner check and updated color in ctx - [091c9910]
- π¨ style(material): hovered effect in input boolean - [07756b9b]
- π§ fix(editor): insert raw in delete backspace text block - [8693ee17]
- π§ chore(monorepo): webgl plugin - [ed731f34]
- π feat(storage): toast message in limit case - [edf87898]
- π§ fix(format): simple define - [87bc94dd]
- π§ chore(utils): loading title position - [a2e5305a]
- π¨ style: prettier update - [3beec531]
- π§ chore: remove powered in about - [ee5c87d5]
- π© refactor(utils): screen loading - [b8d665ec]
- π§ fix(editor): correct count cursor position with normalize whitespace - [3f26c5ef]
- π feat(entity): tracking in manual salvageable - [c9523c6d]
- π¨ style(header): login routes - [4f28550f]
- π feat(entity): tracking timers - [2f5e39b0]
- π feat(liveshare): simple url key validation - [bb4297db]
- π§ fix(multiplayer): unsubscribe channel in owner leave - [66f7993b]
- π§ fix(multiplayer): accept only ok tracked presences - [27e57139]
- π feat(multiplayer): shared link - [ffa3a7a9]
- π¨ style(header): outline in delete button - [6b30c6cb]
- π§ chore: readme - [d9ca40fc]
- π feat(header): login email in menu item - [b3e6d3cf]
- π§ fix(header): i18n and position in logged icon - [3085b11d]
- π§ chore: update deps - [c9b8eff3]
- π§ chore(monorepo): remove prefix in folders - [9d5f6f37]
- π feat: oauth monorepo - [2dc3e47e]
- π§ chore(seo): default description case - [5538722f]
- π feat(liveshare): key shadow - [0bf558a9]
- π§ fix(liveshare): reload theme in force ctx - [2c96c66f]
- π© refactor(auth): login and register in wizard - [38db9c86]
- π feat: privacy policy - [1399d718]
- π feat(liveshare): improve icons and ctx - [e3c9a420]
- π feat: liveshare initial implementation - [0aa174fc]
- π§ chore(sitemap): search only initial route - [613b5c9d]
- π¨ style: spinner color - [a24b9b33]
- π§ chore: remove gitlab oauth - [b1eb9001]
- π¨ style(material): pulse in spinner - [38847663]
- π§ fix(auth)!: account create and signIn user - [3bd20419]
- π§ chore(header): temporary disabled - [49cd7db5]
- π§ fix(i18n): file controller export message - [6e6ae4cf]
- π feat(ads): ads.txt in public file - [f2f22820]
- π feat(editor): all calls in monorepo - [6b5d9ca9]
- π build: assetlinks twa - [b53e395b]
- π§ fix(window): drop regex in match files - [4b22bc49]
- π§ chore(color): hex to rgba in monorepo - [f630b6ec]
- π§ chore(monorepo): handlers in plugins - [f57b8b1c]
- π§ chore(monorepo): window drop plugin - [6649c5ab]
- π§ fix(entity): ignore validSelection in select texts - [eeb714dc]
- π§ chore(project): pages to chapters - [39ee383e]
- π§ chore: generi commands - [4cd963b7]
- π§ chore: update generi - [e1b9f297]
- π§ chore(start): console message - [f5ad172a]
- π§ chore(editor): log message - [57f2bb89]
- π§ chore(converter): var to let and const setters - [eb7531e3]
- π feat(pdf): cmyk in option - [b297b07a]
- π perf(cache): remove thin local fonts - [928ec523]
- π perf(pdf): unique local ttf roboto - [1ab6aac1]
- π§ chore(monorepo): progress bar plugin - [379f2307]
- π§ fix(switcher): correct all cases - [3d0715cb]
- π perf(finder): shallowed items - [26f171c3]
- π§ fix(webgl): ignore error in context prerender - [28e967fe]
- π perf(graph): readonly render chapters - [15861c15]
- π§ chore(monorepo): characters plugin - [8090cc11]
- π§ chore(plugin): store types - [2cc89676]
- π§ fix(shortcuts): only private keys - [5e323ecc]
- π§ fix(shortcuts): lower case - [99869bb2]
- π§ chore(monorepo): entity undo in plugin - [2c9b859a]
- π§ chore(monorepo): voice-typing in plugin - [6d1b2d87]
- π feat(annotations): md export - [dc6534b7]
- π feat(preferences): purge entities - [78e7ebe7]
- π feat(annotations): control bar - [d6314668]
- π§ chore(lerna): verbose in buid command - [72285589]
- π§ chore(pdf): remove bw mark - [ad52195b]
- π§ chore(lerna): remove args - [da0b15fb]
- π§ chore: temporary disallow epub plugin - [5019870a]
- π§ fix(txt): remove line break in paragraph case - [01e17bb8]
- π§ fix(import): remove deprecated code - [9d4ed9e1]
- π§ chore(lerna): cache build - [e747c5ce]
- π§ chore: remove turborepo for use lerna caching - [345d95b4]
- π docs: contributing to theme and conventions - [24ca6eb0]
- π docs: contributing to plugin - [bc20e376]
- π feat: powered by windicss - [952e6b17]
- π feat: powered by milkdown - [1a8e745c]
- π docs: translation contribute - [ecbb4fda]
- π§ chore(about): bold in info section - [1f3f5c00]
- π¨ style(editor): shadow in user icon - [b3a7feec]
- π feat(about): powered by - [fb7da258]
- π§ fix(epub): checkbox uuid - [ec65bbcd]
- π§ fix: revert sentry version - [a4090876]
- π§ chore(pdf): bw mark false by default - [9a2eab15]
- π§ chore: readme - [9f0492d5]
- π§ fix(editor): reload storage - [a5f23ba9]
- π§ chore(types): export structure - [61222341]
- π docs: improve explanations - [e24011c9]
- π feat(extension): mimetype file in write - [e2dd758b]
- π© refactor: about route - [73c6e101]
- π§ chore: update deps - [912c6ad0]
- π§ fix(image): ignore compressor in gif mimetype - [4ddef4e1]
- π§ fix(editor): comment emitter case - [279d710c]
- π§ fix(editor): comment on close strategy - [46614c9f]
- π§ chore: readme - [50a8fcb2]
- π§ chore(material): icons - [f6d5f337]
- π§ fix(aside): title in custom fonts - [0b4dddbd]
- π§ fix(header): remove out supabase - [f9ab5356]
- π§ fix(characters): split in special characters - [a21843f4]
- π feat(editor): custom background cover option - [c81ea04a]
- π§ chore: readme - [a7f3602d]
- π§ chore: readme - [9ed4eb69]
- π§ chore: readme - [93f07ec4]
- π§ chore: readme - [9888f74c]
- π docs: for developers - [8882b475]
- π§ fix(editor): graph list only in creative type - [da2a6454]
- π§ fix(material): number to fixed in floating cases - [c6162c18]
- π feat(editor): compress images option - [8f0fab02]
- π§ chore: betterwrite descriptions - [d5f66ec1]
- π§ fix(epub): remove toc in common base-type - [4c40719d]
- π¨ style(editor): statistics impact row revert filter - [b05d7f3d]
- π§ fix(editor): mobile long-press reset option modal - [0f85d1e5]
- π§ fix(editor): preferences scroll size - [5b242746]
- π§ fix(annotation): remove externals in header - [26a939be]
- π feat(vault): store-based - [99af75db]
- π feat(configuration): cloud autosave - [e4f2ea69]
- π§ chore: update zip.js - [d4a5b72c]
- π feat(cloud): get only document in show list - [5beb24e5]
- π§ chore(about): remove image asset - [9162a231]
- π§ fix(editor): new project reset entities - [329cb687]
- π feat(questions): epub support - [e73ecc23]
- π¨ style(theme): pre code milkdown - [44f26a1c]
- π¨ style(milkdown): improve theme - [b67ede05]
- π§ chore(milkdown): upload plugin - [5068a54e]
- π§ chore(editor): positions - [9e69553c]
- π¨ style(theme): opacity in custom type - [d833392b]
- π¨ style(annotations): improve theme - [0e10e4ac]
- π§ fix(annotation): active render in delete cases - [aecc7a2a]
- π§ fix(annotations): debounce reactive for json data - [20881777]
- π§ chore(header): vault icon - [2f7b14ad]
- π feat: upgrade milkdown to v7 - [1806140d]
- π§ fix(annotations): ignore delete last folder in only-annotations - [74536eaf]
- π§ fix(annotations): redirect to safe type - [4163e570]
- π feat(project): initial only-annotations base type - [8cb039d3]
- π§ chore: update deps - [8fe414c1]
- π build: typescript 5.0 - [128cfa4e]
- π§ chore(vite): unplugin upgrade - [e992023f]
- π§ fix(material): input select in max dimensions - [837fd77e]
- π§ fix(editor): word occurrences in statistics - [ced557d7]
- π§ fix(editor): preferences aside bar - [960c7b26]
- π feat(vault): vault in tutorial - [2d2bbbd1]
- π feat(editor): vault system - [508b91ee]
- π§ fix(epub): remove cover - [23828bd7]
- π§ fix(epub): compatible with reader tools - [aa99e50a]
- π§ chore: update sentry - [a6ad54dc]
- π§ chore(epub): text styles - [b0416100]
- π feat(epub): image, list, checkbox and svg - [e47be15b]
- π§ chore: bootstrap dependencies in install hook - [2bc46913]
- π§ chore: update deps - [9e1c5d65]
- π build: minify public images - [69d84039]
- π build: minify assets and html in production - [04b32704]
- π feat(generator): .epub initial implementation - [733f77c0]
- π§ chore(editor): remove beta bar - [49b3d6e7]
- π§ chore: readme - [62744855]
- π feat(ads): google script - [19261450]
- π§ fix(about): removed scroll steps - [e24016df]
- π© refactor(format): remove date-fns - [1e353f14]
- π§ chore: upgrade deps - [eadde6e2]
- π§ chore: readme - [2acb1a93]
- π feat(auth): oauth in production - [a81e9843]
- π§ fix(auth): don't force request key - [ead497d8]
- π feat(router): auth token - [3f65abee]
- π§ chore: generi repository link - [1dc1aa87]
- π§ chore: upgrade deps - [d2d04a42]
- π§ chore: upgrade pdfmake - [69d978ca]
- π§ chore: upgrade supabase to v2 - [72064c4c]
- π§ chore(about): removed bundle background assets - [4eee3351]
- π§ chore(npm): peer dependencies in install - [dae8e697]
- π§ fix(test): update c8 - [8196db21]
- π§ fix(webgl): clear cache in before leave route - [d0d90a75]
- π§ chore: update vite - [9b49ed0b]
- π§ chore: tsup instead unbuild - [3af09db3]
- π§ chore: code of conduct and contributing - [46bce316]
- π§ chore(package): update generi - [95d9f672]
- π© refactor(editor): header items - [e60ed62f]
- π feat(editor): icons in generate new project - [ad40c059]
- π§ chore(app): removed canvas-timeline features - [8950e0e3]
- π§ fix(router): logo back in editor dependence - [bc8f428e]
- π§ chore(i18n): strings only in languages repo - [abbae25d]
- π© refactor(project): new project ui - [cadfbd11]
- π§ chore(deps): upgrade vite to v3 - [7e3ecb74]
- π docs: replace readme content in docs - [a3320f9e]
- π§ chore(raw): remove deprecated code - [afa1cf08]
- π feat(ast): trim normalize option - [80cf674e]
- π© refactor(editor): preferences theme position - [f036a253]
- π§ fix(app): oauth redirects with existent access token in url - [9d81485e]
- π© refactor(editor): options centralized hook - [2f2a4930]
- π§ chore: readme - [b7aafa1d]
- π docs(tooling): vue components structure - [4cc61da6]
- π docs: entity model - [46b7cd2d]
- π docs: application flow - [7936cbe4]
- π docs(project): supabase choice - [f7b43633]
- π docs: tooling section - [1222c46c]
- π docs: generator flow section - [0a7a3a3b]
- π docs: multitheme section - [a48bec56]
- π§ chore(docs): move .md section to docs - [e7f8f183]
- π docs: plugin system docs - [b24823d1]
- π§ fix(editor): normalize in open other windows because a new project loader - [ef0cbaa5]
- π docs: project flow - [104e1c6f]
- π§ chore(extension): rename to data.json base data - [e1f346fa]
- π§ chore: update deps - [98fbe88a]
- π feat(annotations): draggable files - [1448cfc6]
- π§ fix(milkdown): paragraph break in multiple rows - [3e902f68]
- π§ chore(milkdown): theme css variables - [52bc184b]
- π§ chore(monorepo): dependencies centralized in better-write-app - [f1c15311]
- π© refactor(app): general improvements - [fcab1a26]
- π© refactor(ast): v2 normalize to astutils normalize - [fe8dc400]
- π§ fix(tools): revert finder ignore empty cases - [8f570fbf]
- π§ fix(editor): pwa prompt background - [252122aa]
- π feat(tutorial): new sections and template resources - [4d4aa607]
- π© refactor(plugin): calls system - [4f907781]
- π§ fix(monorepo): vite preview correct work - [8e40f05e]
- π feat(editor): icons in paragraph block - [c3b1129c]
- π§ fix(pdf): convert svg to png in draw case - [08d98ecc]
- π§ chore: readme - [1e68d2a1]
- π§ chore(app): vue-directive-providers implements - [71130c58]
- π feat(editor): tutorial implementation - [3f47cc3a]
- π§ chore(editor): remove v-motion in base render - [9e6beb71]
- π feat(build): dynamic sitemap.xml and robots.txt - [f652c38e]
- π§ chore(assets): remove unused gif - [786ddc70]
- π§ chore(editor): preferences advanced in configuration - [ed3b18b4]
- π§ chore: readme - [cfae13c1]
- π feat(build): css transforms for better letter appearance - [2c06c094]
- π§ fix(storage): loader external projects - [ac953d68]
- π feat(storage): compress json project - [4b17e0af]
- π© refactor(tools): corrector total rework" - [68af1b6e]
- π© refactor(tools): drafts complete rework - [2d95deda]
- π§ chore(editor): header margins in items - [16bf13d5]
- π feat(editor): icons in tools header bar - [ef49cf1b]
- π feat(editor): customize sidebar and topbar - [e9bbb315]
- π feat(characters): dropdown and icons - [8034416a]
- π§ fix(loader): image default reader images in mobile and desktop - [d67cba79]
- π§ fix(characters): entity index in wrap innerHTML - [4dc07123]
- π§ chore(theme): betterwrite-custom color bar - [8ad2af20]
- π§ chore(app): support providers - [02424dab]
- π§ fix(editor): transition in initial fallback reactive settings - [b7136838]
- π chore(build): unbuild upgrade - [15c3378a]
- π§ chore(package): remove - [d3294607]
- π§ chore(pdf): new image tracker in configuration - [875c338a]
- π§ fix(characters): load colors in a existent entities sets - [76dc5b45]
- π§ chore(drafts): new icons and button component - [42a09782]
- π§ fix(editor): overflow z-index in header open case - [5b8d4278]
- π feat(editor): image loader limit size - [bf9d14c5]
- π§ chore(theme): tools base colors - [1112ac7a]
- π feat(theme): dynamic blur transparency in modals and over z-index - [4c373ac8]
- π§ chore(about): default editor logo - [d8a09575]
- π feat(editor): custom background filters - [da5c1fb0]
- π§ chore(theme): toast and other improves in custom background - [315a81e0]
- π feat(theme): initial custom theme implementation - [21559b46]
- π§ fix(supabase): support new features in load deprecated projects - [847951d8]
- π§ fix(editor): new autosave in beforeunload hook - [be693b32]
- π§ fix(editor): prefereces font reset in a down google fonts toggle - [0276dae5]
- π§ chore(css): remove default font for correct root propagation - [9fcc89c2]
- π feat(editor): customize base fonts in entity blocks - [d267e28f]
- π§ chore(preferences): bars list in configuration - [4b6f0e3a]
- π§ chore(app): initializer isolated contexts - [01dc474c]
- π§ fix(header): height warning in a header spinner - [3e7e0235]
- π§ fix(characters): priority visual !important - [1742768e]
- π§ chore: readme characters - [83bbe851]
- π§ fix(characters): reset colors in exclude or change cases - [f0976dfe]
- π§ chore(app): removed unused resources - [99b48282]
- π© refactor(editor): account image header in loading and error cases - [32f94c98]
- π feat(characters): toast and async computed data resolver - [2fbfa50a]
- π§ chore(characters): positions and transitions - [810b1611]
- π§ fix(build): revert pwa plugin 0.13.2 to 0.12.8 - [cf2caacb]
- π§ fix(theme): load theme in a new project - [6ed0f5b2]
- π§ chore: update packages - [59a3b74b]
- π feat(characters): transformer in name case select - [b49db9ed]
- π§ chore: rework loading chunks and visual bars - [e66ea318]
- π§ fix(editor): revert onmounted hook to start listeners - [f48ac407]
- π feat(characters): handlers and interface for insert and remove items - [46749071]
- π§ chore(app): default favicon - [c54a86c0]
- π feat(characters): initial implementation - [65e1ce6e]
- π§ chore(editor): insertions in header - [fb345a98]
- π§ fix(path): workaround vite problem in assets handling fonts .ttf - [83c0fba8]
- π§ fix(local): intermediate request in public folder glob patterns - [2eb6933d]
- π§ fix(css): font family default fonts source - [5c09bd27]
- π feat(css): cache fonts .ttf for general use - [16185d45]
- π feat(app): implementation - [90b88d76]
- π§ chore(app): better pwa aproach - [eee666e7]
- π§ chore(fonts): ignore default errors because try in offline mode - [f12b5bde]
- π§ fix(editor): header profile logo in a null case - [9ac45ab5]
- π§ chore(google): google fonts api in a monorepo - [ceb7ffb2]
- π feat(questions): new responses - [add957b5]
- π feat(annotations): create file and load in a folder create - [c0dd61a1]
- π§ chore(mobile): size graph icons - [4e5b80bb]
- π§ fix(storage): null typing in destr object - [eb8cc97b]
- π feat(editor): dev mode commands - [0fb379a1]
- π§ fix(factory): unused generator json - [ec4d1559]
- π§ test(ast): occurrences in utils string target - [fbf86b52]
- π§ fix(ast): correct search occurrences in a raw text - [92e5a55a]
- π§ fix(graph): individual chapters approach - [7eeba2a0]
- π§ chore(theme): infinity selection color - [67eeb249]
- π feat(editor): globar bar loader - [e6e6ee95]
- π§ chore: readme badges - [7a2a922a]
- π© refactor(lang): promise results in switch language - [79f36167]
- π feat(sentry): log tracking and prod mode - [e423fc0d]
- π§ fix(annotations): unmount component in base setting - [b575487a]
- π§ fix(storage): logger object submit - [19a4bc7c]
- π§ chore: readme new features - [5298b906]
- π§ fix(preferences): mobile overflow scroll - [a41df8ff]
- π feat(theme): dynamic theme-color - [987c186c]
- π§ fix(history): unshift in exact index value for instant tick - [888c11af]
- π§ test: remove vitest in empty package tests - [85839862]
- πΏ ci: update tests to node 16.x - [be8bbcf0]
- π§ chore(package): remove logger plugin - [8ebb9a79]
- π feat(extension): .bw zip sets in json archives - [5e506a85]
- π feat(editor): underline and undo commands - [ed4ad60e]
- π feat(editor): history undo inserts and delete - [ff23aad1]
- π§ chore(vue): @vueuse in build system propagation - [e5c8214a]
- π§ fix(editor): overlap in save large scale projects - [f74e028d]
- π§ chore(package): update packages - [217cbbac]
- π§ chore(graph): icons and fonts positions - [ba24789d]
- π feat(annotations): trailing, upload and emoji plugin - [098bab8c]
- π§ fix(annotations): empty block in reactivity text save - [c5e8934c]
- π feat(annotations): new milkdown plugins - [6c9bddcf]
- π feat(annotations): promised nprogress tracking - [add952e7]
- π feat(annotations): delete files and folder - [c2ad51bc]
- π feat(annotations): reactivity in save object files and folders - [56e41716]
- π feat(annotations): initial folders structure - [1bf34330]
- π feat(editor): annotations plugin initial - [1b5a203c]
- π§ fix(graph): load prev context in chapter name - [e647aa6c]
- π§ fix(editor): image in set item - [5b92469f]
- π§ fix(editor): image normalize and drop extension support - [bfbfacf5]
- π§ test(ast): remove rows - [c3ee5948]
- π§ fix(ast): possible string in row break - [b6dd3864]
- π§ test(ast): rename default variable set - [0ec7742a]
- π§ chore(test): vitest new setup - [487feb1c]
- π§ fix(html): purge raw text before html tags creation - [84d33881]
- π§ fix(ast): deep-recursive tags inside other text insert - [0cba1dff]
- π§ chore: packages readme - [0b7e0899]
- π§ chore(package): update monorepo tools - [7ba6bcbc]
- π© refactor(editor): contenteditable ast new implementation - [ea6f27e1]
- π§ fix(image): conversor svg in factory image creation - [2bab439f]
- π feat(generator): image conversor - [2ff10604]
- π§ fix(build): type errors in wrong package name - [437fce08]
- π§ chore(monorepo): exporters plugin and languages rename - [c0bcd663]
- π§ chore(editor): chapter icon - [689304c8]
- π feat(questions): html support - [aea26ea1]
- π feat(html): generator support all blocks - [9a787e2c]
- π feat(generator): .html support extension - [b9ceb35e]
- π feat(dashboard): image project - [e6c426db]
- π§ chore(vite): update for v3 - [feb11b0e]
- π feat(graph): icons in title bar - [d5a53fb3]
- π© refactor(editor): custom entity in only generator template - [a476fb6c]
- π§ chore(project): padronize creation in importer and normal context - [dc913d6e]
- π feat(timeline): initial scope - [5da8d39e]
- π§ chore(pdf): blank project in generate instant - [84282fca]
- π§ chore(pdf): import definitions alerts - [fd5358d6]
- π§ fix(preferences): container scroll - [3c286c15]
- π§ chore(pdf): preview in configuration modal - [0684dbed]
- π§ fix(pdf): color pick instead number in heading configuration - [9ad9d67a]
- π feat(pdf): tooltip in configuration template - [84e01232]
- π§ chore(pdf): configuration in generator items slot - [4b804618]
- π§ chore(docx): flow hidden config - [52ce15ee]
- π§ fix(entity): switch reset properties - [d99392d7]
- π§ fix(pdf): checkbox in correct sizes - [feeb08c4]
- π© refactor(pdf): rewrite configuration slots - [cf277158]
- π feat(docx): supports list and checkbox - [0d7c8c74]
- π§ fix(pdf): list and checkbox default margins - [335dea21]
- π§ fix(Docx): normalize in create file - [6bf10ac2]
- π§ fix(generator): save in close configuration - [4d83f86d]
- π feat(Docx): blocks support - [d905986a]
- π feat(docx): flow support - [92e1141c]
- π feat(docx): bw addon - [d935e00f]
- π feat(docx): custom entity support - [2f11c3e5]
- π§ fix(about): scrolling force stop in section - [bec25b35]
- π§ fix(chapter): focus text entity in create hook - [5392ca8b]
- π feat(editor): absolute loader for edge cases - [12766ddf]
- π© refactor(cloud): auth id in load project - [20deaed6]
- π¨ style: default break set - [2d476822]
- π§ chore(importer): .bw in emitter hook - [b4edccc2]
- π§ fix(editor): text block values in custom block - [fb0bee9b]
- π§ chore(editor): app version in bar - [d9712297]
- π§ chore(app): upgrade deps - [ce56a18b]
- π feat(editor): correct and actions triggers - [fb480d7e]
- π§ chore(editor): statistics impact animation - [655bac4a]
- π§ chore(editor): drafts info data - [40806a82]
- π feat(editor): new loaders and toasts - [abf12ba5]
- π§ chore(pdf): break page in empty front cover - [bb2d175e]
- π§ fix(editor): preferences header drag - [8d1769a5]
- π§ chore(editor): commands in block text - [d8f52c42]
- π feat(editor): insert shortcuts - [26465e9c]
- π© refactor(importer): dragover supports other extensions and importer plugin events - [8b619e15]
- π§ fix(editor): save entity in exact cases - [eeb80dd1]
- π© refactor(app): toasts logic and emit events - [250adf26]
- π feat(editor): preferences in mobile - [0b181ee3]
- π§ chore(landing): github project link - [9090ded1]
- π§ fix(editor): finder and switcher tools in scrolldown and opening normalizes - [356dabb3]
- π© refactor(editor): preferences modal - [0de78c23]
- π© refactor(app): toast colors and appear logic - [44f2c6df]
- π§ fix(editor): entity heading in full click size - [ac453651]
- π§ fix(editor): entity blank line in remove env keys - [14ea14e8]
- π§ fix(editor): create new project in focus entity - [e18732e3]
- π feat(about): finalize route - [b85495f5]
- π§ fix(editor): paragraph insert in factory create - [688c8c2f]
- π feat(about): correct resize in mobile - [cc55998c]
- π§ fix(router): dynamic auth redirect - [74e5443f]
- π§ fix(landing): redirect to auth main login form - [abcf090a]
- π feat(about): entity canvas example - [a7058fef]
- π feat(about): appear transitions - [354f967f]
- π feat(about): initia implementation - [b43f1e8a]
- π feat(importer): txt support - [a9a7d138]
- π§ fix(importer): edge cases in word/document entrypoint - [babd1d7e]
- π feat(importer): accept docx - [0ae772db]
- π feat(importer): initial implementation - [67a073eb]
- π feat(pdf): note and summary settings - [5e5aa1e0]
- π§ fix(generator): accept line breaking in inline paragraph entity - [1f9d4afa]
- π§ fix(editor): paste remove innerHTML - [82431bee]
- π§ fix(editor): last entity appear - [a5dfa737]
- π§ fix(pdf): loading theme hooks in a start new route - [4b4a0c33]
- π feat(live): set initial instances - [4ce25e87]
- π§ fix(live): control key input - [55f1708e]
- π feat(live): room initial implementation - [59cd8829]
- π§ fix(graph): open and close in blocked div - [a64dfd9c]
- π§ chore: logic in auth redirect to editor - [c235a463]
- π feat(editor): bottom bar in mobile - [af19d4ad]
- π§ fix(entity): animation in last item - [2c3cbd18]
- π feat(editor): insert paragraph in break line option - [8df3fa00]
- π§ fix(editor): blocked open in absolute cases - [b7b684f2]
- π feat(blocked): commands finish - [1cd8bcef]
- π§ fix(dashboard): loader projects - [8e2743bd]
- π§ fix(entity): new paragraph entity in endline - [568c7029]
- π feat(editor): bottom bar fullscreen mode - [07a7d69a]
- π§ chore(app): routes definitions - [3cd26f65]
- π feat(tools): substitutions draggable items - [f2ac5e66]
- π feat(editor): bottom bar application and browser info - [5b48262d]
- π§ fix(file): format in exporter - [6b487357]
- π feat(editor): new default preferences - [667c9ac9]
- π feat(blocked): commands example - [fe2f69a3]
- π§ fix(pdf): tracking autosave in pdf state - [e9db01c2]
- π feat(editor): blocked rewrite - [1def946c]
- π§ fix(editor): hidden in finder and switcher close - [d38d3e4d]
- π feat(entity): intersection observer for enter transitions - [571aaa3e]
- π§ chore(app): entity default structure - [b921ea82]
- π§ fix(tools): search all cases in finder and swapper counter - [84c2ff85]
- π¨ style(pdf): input text colors - [cf70d097]
- π§ fix(graph): default image name in inline insert - [ef6c1e32]
- π feat(editor): file controller sets - [6b6827f9]
- π§ chore(pdf): use vue3-pdfmake instead pdfmake - [4b3c7aad]
- π feat(editor): information bar in bottom screen - [a21fc2f2]
- π§ chore(editor): commands in shortkeys - [f06039e2]
- π feat(editor): entity alert in error access image - [5b8a6be3]
- π feat(entity): shortcuts for insert image - [6bc5d279]
- π§ fix(editor): header bar open in mobile top position - [a57cd521]
- π feat(editor): entity modal in add image - [67e5d1bb]
- π feat(editor): text block setters - [1ce75c43]
- π§ fix(editor): default inserts - [6b88fbd6]
- π¨ style(header): language bar country icons - [0597b35d]
- π feat(questions): browsers support - [5982cf35]
- π§ fix(editor): overflow in html presets - [b36d9858]
- π§ fix(editor): scrollbar in options - [339f5aa6]
- π§ fix(editor): contenteditable in firefox - [8467fdb3]
- π§ fix(theme): default scrollbar windicss plugin - [7b7c1805]
- π feat(dashboard): user data image and name - [5493194c]
- π§ chore: github landing image - [602de417]
- π§ fix(header): theme switcher broken in max size - [02c04f66]
- π§ chore(defines): remove default in substitutions - [838fa22e]
- π§ fix(editor): save before unload - [3e59289f]
- π feat(generator): support new text flow - [8e16a0f7]
- π§ fix(entity): insert entity in end heading - [d369064d]
- π§ chore(editor): emitter options rewrite - [417f3fab]
- π§ chore(loader): remove window reload and destroy initializer - [1201af5d]
- π feat(entity): initial heading block item - [fd6ac5b6]
- π§ fix(entity): force save normalize in inexistent editor - [538fbaa8]
- π feat(editor): special blocks for fixed items - [bd957c0a]
- π§ fix(entity): remove item in empty raw property - [613cd8d7]
- π feat(editor): new text block - [3a9eeaa7]
- π§ chore(project): remove autosave init - [80bc3ba3]
- π feat(editor): insert drop image - [a4cc2688]
- π§ chore(editor): image block - [baf292a3]
- π¨ style(editor): new theme infinity - [22c0a2e1]
- π§ fix(editor): firefox outline in text element - [a889c6f9]
- π§ fix(database): loader bar broken - [2df36072]
- π§ chore(pwa): update plugin - [73b71445]
- π feat(editor): load .bw in dragover - [936b00b0]
- π feat(generator): substitutions move - [fa3b839a]
- π§ fix(editor): raw remove normalize for property italic and bold inserts - [00859e8d]
- π§ fix(editor): autosave in unique instance - [a033d4d5]
- π§ chore(project): auto-save logic - [9df711e1]
- π¨ style(editor): theme header icon - [1bd79d94]
- π§ fix(generator): substitutions import file validate structure - [d65c3207]
- π feat(generator): substitutions import and export settings - [df1d63db]
- π feat(generator): support italic and bold substitutions - [4d632776]
- π feat(editor): substitution italic and bold in modal - [842eb022]
- π¨ style(editor): header account provider logo and name - [a5d83275]
- π§ fix(editor): entity options in heading-one force - [9fe024db]
- π§ fix(docx): indent in paragraph's - [71257e3e]
- π feat(editor): substitution description - [c6ce6ab8]
- π§ fix(editor): flex breaking in mobile substitution - [4be96f51]
- π§ chore(editor): substitutions placeholder - [4a535271]
- π§ fix(project): load supporting substitution - [d73803db]
- π§ fix(generator): purge in heading's - [d838b5cd]
- π feat(editor): substitution default keys support - [f18840b6]
- π§ fix(editor): purge logger for better performance - [3b656b46]
- π§ fix(pdf): empty line in other types - [614cbba1]
- π¨ style(editor): logger raw - [e19930dd]
- π§ fix(pdf): full drau image raw - [03839324]
- π§ fix(editor): nprogress behaviour - [a7538d6b]
- π§ chore(loader): destr instead json parse - [2228ccce]
- π§ chore(project): producer default - [9d958ae7]
- π feat(editor): speech ready - [e657c4c5]
- π¨ style(editor): finder and switcher entity type - [6f46b733]
- π feat(logger): entity json loader - [305e8798]
- π§ fix(entity): customize save text template - [dbe5c451]
- π feat(project): purge entities - [12aa7002]
- π§ chore(readme): entity model - [bec38b29]
- π§ chore: readme - [e58ddad6]
- π§ fix(pdf): text style - [87ea500f]
- π§ fix(pdf): list and checkbox support custom text - [7b394d80]
- π§ fix(pdf): convert svgs to png for correct content workflow - [c35aeabe]
- π§ fix(pdf): support async generate content - [e9bc7f78]
- π§ chore(header): transition open down - [75381dff]
- π¨ style(theme): icons in dark and light mode - [e093b3f8]
- π§ fix(entity): options close in all cases - [15f0bf6a]
- π§ fix(entity): options insert after actually block - [4c1e11f9]
- π§ chore(graph): icons - [9da7892f]
- π§ fix(entity): control externals for small json size - [0941e164]
- π feat(project): generate new title board - [be848c45]
- π§ chore(theme): toast colors - [ed5d776b]
- π feat(graph): totally control and preferences exibition - [7a2a001c]
- π feat(graph): support drau and page~line break - [d3b87b5b]
- π¨ style(graph): chapters title - [c147806b]
- π feat: questions section - [38a804ab]
- π§ chore: page components - [0633bfcf]
- π feat(editor): switcher and add option in checkbox list and drawing - [36d9e29e]
- π§ fix(editor): commands appear - [d48e1637]
- π¨ style(editor): drau block icon - [e3ae9283]
- π§ chore(deps): upgrade v-tooltip - [6736d3b1]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [29736d97]
- π§ chore: remove dropbox sdk and support - [7862b4c4]
- π§ chore(deps): update @vueuse/integrations - [16ed160a]
- π feat(pdf): drau support - [40702b1a]
- π feat(editor): drau block component - [c8e564ae]
- π§ chore(editor): wrapper blocks entity for contextmenu and visuals - [5703e9ae]
- π§ fix(editor): statistics normalize full in words - [55939df3]
- π§ chore(editor): i18n in preferences commands - [67a9c257]
- π§ fix(editor): force indent checkbox and list - [e62f17fe]
- π§ fix(editor): checkbox and list margin left - [5d57a2ee]
- π§ fix(pdf): indent in list and checkbox - [696c76db]
- π§ chore(editor): commands rewrite - [b492e175]
- π§ chore(landing): github icon - [fa1fb613]
- π feat: terms of use - [4e2bd4ce]
- π¨ style(pdf): preview raw in configuration - [96a298d1]
- π§ fix(pdf): theme list setts - [77c10a3c]
- π§ fix(editor): focus in headings - [0c29eba4]
- π§ fix(editor): graph icons in list and checkbox - [ae6ce6f6]
- π§ chore(pdf): remove final option - [70d44bb9]
- π feat(pdf): checkbox support - [ca2f0f66]
- π feat(pdf): list support - [c14bb526]
- π feat(editor): checkbox and list command base styles - [a8e4e8ad]
- π¨ style(pwa): prompt theme - [b5212557]
- π¨ style(editor): transitions in header and corrector - [4a6db23d]
- π feat(editor): corrector clear entity raw - [f7a06173]
- π§ chore(editor): preferences auto save - [f522be09]
- π feat(editor): keyboard preferences - [5467991b]
- π feat(editor): switcher render - [02baddab]
- π feat(editor): finder specific highlight - [0db85743]
- π§ fix(editor): chapter impact better values - [64ae38c7]
- π§ chore: seo enhancements - [94550be0]
- π§ chore(seo): prerendering seo - [485a8af8]
- π§ fix(editor): speech supported validation - [a1e0838b]
- π feat(generator): .txt support - [fc8bac48]
- π§ fix(pdf): disallow links - [b9653b0f]
- π§ fix(docx): support italics and bold - [83e8e7dc]
- π§ chore(editor): configure pdf in header - [4b861548]
- π§ fix(supabase): profile logic and store calls - [b153e286]
- π§ chore(pwa): maskable icons - [d6d388cc]
- π§ chore(seo): og metatags - [6292fc2f]
- π¨ style(editor): reactivity inserts and headers - [7c730b4e]
- π feat(pdf): new options in preview and generate - [0db093de]
- π§ chore(dashboard): project delete toast - [e80fabf2]
- π§ chore(app): routes redirect - [b5ee591a]
- π§ chore(app): - [4262d26f]
- π§ chore(editor): complete header rewrite - [2ebc7054]
- π§ fix(pdf): input select in z-index context - [81947053]
- π§ chore(editor): header microphone icon remove - [589720ca]
- π§ fix(editor): set initial load in router - [5c94f0df]
- π§ fix(dashboard): project image in mobile - [19c67432]
- π§ fix(build): @vueuse/integration version - [01c6d343]
- π§ fix(editor): contextmenu in mobile - [eb32ec62]
- π feat(editor): beta badge - [f1728874]
- π§ chore(editor): new project alert - [492c99ca]
- π§ chore(landing): deps and types - [e1f9cc44]
- π§ chore(monorepo): dev command runner - [5f59a668]
- π¨ style(editor): header item gap flex - [1e6225e9]
- π§ fix(landing): get messages for text geometry - [2a08c803]
- π feat(editor): use speech recognition tool - [05874eb8]
- π¨ style(editor): header chapter controls - [9acefb85]
- π feat(editor): speech recognition defines - [050d286d]
- π¨ style(editor): theme and language in project bar - [a604e573]
- π§ fix(pdf): i18n in all transforms - [8f764c21]
- π§ fix(pdf): all message locales in alignment i18n search - [b8f385a6]
- π§ fix(pdf): base cover image in margins set at 0 - [6797e95c]
- π§ chore(monorepo): preset css in better-write-theme - [9d014777]
- π§ chore(monorepo): better-write-localisation - [12d1a5fd]
- π¨ style(landing): spinner logo - [05483366]
- π§ chore(landing): cached image - [90b83e3f]
- π§ fix(landing): overflow hidden in body main - [82805b1a]
- π§ chore(landing): i18n en in paragraphs - [1950f75f]
- π§ fix(landing): async webgl render - [f1c152fa]
- π feat(dashboard): paragraphs in 3D context - [805473c7]
- π§ chore(editor): new styles - [4ae5c817]
- π§ fix(pdf): pdf container appear - [cd61d292]
- π feat(pdf): generate chapter choice - [da77330e]
- π¨ style(plans): appear transitions - [7a7a2682]
- π§ chore(pwa): cache fonts and css at google requests - [82e21416]
- π§ chore(pwa): new assets in cache - [958643d1]
- π§ fix(pdf): standard vfs in offline mode - [0c02ddd8]
- π§ fix(pdf): cover in break points - [7019661e]
- π§ fix(editor): back route in graph logo - [590777a1]
- π§ fix(editor): event listener in save unmount - [b5aebbf4]
- π§ fix(editor): sabe in unmounted editor - [c491fe1c]
- π§ fix(editor): new project reload contexts - [78395499]
- π§ fix(landing): webgl resize - [c66570e0]
- π§ fix(editor): route leave save local project - [11ed054b]
- π¨ style(theme): ascend default base colors - [c025b456]
- π feat(dashboard): bw-theme implements - [63fef605]
- π¨ style(plans): bar color - [86b74898]
- π§ fix(landing: webgl supported - [35add77e]
- π feat: plans section - [e77ac1e6]
- π§ fix(editor): normalize theme - [96baa672]
- π§ fix(dashboard): navigation guard for empty user - [f655ea0a]
- π§ fix(dashboard): empty projects remove spinner - [e7faa6ed]
- π§ fix(landing): remove nodes - [26dda26e]
- π feat(landing): webgl background - [aecc4ac8]
- π feat(dashboard): notion and gitlab integration - [3938c801]
- π feat(dashboard): plans route - [0adf8882]
- π feat(dashboard): profile database - [79caf0a2]
- π§ fix(account): correct upsert project id - [198b9ab8]
- π¨ style(editor): new transitions - [a740fbea]
- π¨ style(theme): ascend hover icons - [72d72be0]
- π§ chore(env): base url - [6f1fed62]
- π§ chore(seo): improve load timer - [4262ae15]
- π¨ style(editor): z-index in header - [62fd3beb]
- π§ fix(editor): paste offset in dialog command - [fb8bc62a]
- π§ chore: new license - [7260492b]
- π§ chore: delete license - [812bf38d]
- π§ fix(editor): draft and statistics use heading chapter - [668c96c9]
- π§ fix(editor): finder and switcher select break - [dedba999]
- πΏ ci(e2e): remove base test - [dfe61403]
- πΏ ci(e2e): build before run dev - [6aa9dd53]
- πΏ ci(e2e): only ubuntu build - [67b0d5cd]
- πΏ ci(2e2): execute in all cases - [d332452b]
- π§ fix(build): @vueuse/integration 8.0.0 to 7.7.1 - [c56c63fc]
- π§ chore(project): project hook in externals creation - [9542c0fc]
- π§ chore(editor): vueuse fullscreen hook - [f4bf353d]
- π§ fix(pdf): broken application in offline mode - [33e5e14d]
- π§ fix(editor): aside in z-indexc - [07f95e35]
- π feat(project): export as support - [ccf90ae6]
- π¨ style(editor): header content in overflow - [fac9805f]
- π§ fix(editor): passive finder and switcher in window listener - [940f3a8e]
- πΏ ci(test): cypress setup - [b089406b]
- π§ chore(project): header corrector in addons - [e3d7fca6]
- π¨ style(editor): customize margin template - [9f804398]
- π§ fix(editor): generator not save actually template - [dbaa44d0]
- π feat(editor): entity paragraph generator templates - [34724223]
- π§ chore(editor): header ux - [78452ea3]
- π§ fix(pdf): customize paragraph 0 false inserts - [dd4baae8]
- π feat(editor): custom paragraph preview - [0c4f236d]
- π¨ style(editor): header icons and reactivity - [4d23f364]
- π§ chore(vite): vue-tsc checker in vite runtime - [56fa48c7]
- π feat(project): use actually scroll value in save and load context - [d9ad9fe4]
- π§ chore(project): remove keyboardjs - [9fc956de]
- π§ fix(editor): remove normalize keyboard - [c8e110d3]
- π§ fix(editor): project reset context loader - [bec97d9c]
- π§ fix(editor): paste correct workflow break lines - [be3bc25d]
- π§ fix(editor): redirect empty project - [366865ca]
- π¨ style(editor): loading bar in new project - [aa23bebb]
- π§ fix(editor): remove aside in blank projects - [cd360c7b]
- π§ chore(deps): upgrade unbuild to 0.7.0 - [bee08af7]
- π§ chore(landing): time of letters - [f591b3d1]
- π§ fix(pdf): offline vfs roboto insert - [919bf91e]
- π§ fix(editor): paste text entity sequence - [2da2b6e3]
- π§ chore(project): create new projects and annotations - [42e4029d]
- π¨ style(commands): remove title in mobile for breakpoint - [13ae70f5]
- π§ fix(commands): mobile sizes - [31e20c9b]
- π§ fix(drafts): title name in sidebar - [0897e9a9]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [4eeb9f95]
- π© refactor(editor): entity paragraph custom in mobile provider - [44fa2612]
- π feat(dropbox): option for hour insert in save file - [edd77ba2]
- π§ fix(editor): open comment modal in graph comment click - [5a896ccc]
- π§ fix(pdf): reload google fonts request in dev mode - [2f1d2388]
- π feat(pdf): support offline mode - [70c71f89]
- π§ fix(pdf): preview in line break render image not support - [b103c64e]
- π§ fix(pdf): validate empty line in line break setter - [bc1116b5]
- π¨ style(editor): entity scan text indent - [a599a41d]
- π§ chore(deps): update turborepo to v1.1 - [875a268c]
- π¨ style(landing): landing bold in title - [3e888a9e]
- π§ fix(app): detect default navigator language in start hook - [76500b97]
- π¨ style(dashboard): animations in appear - [abbda528]
- π§ chore(editor): base paragraph indent - [796ca05a]
- π¨ style(dashboard): base colors - [a50d0073]
- π¨ style(editor): project preferences textarea in subject - [15836896]
- π§ fix(pdf): remove canvas in white background - [6b3bdff6]
- π¨ style(app): base scroll theme colors - [716b7e75]
- π§ fix(dashboard): plugin theme setter - [e0c884ba]
- π feat(dashboard): carousel project options - [afed7b6b]
- π feat(dashboard): create blank project - [08c68c78]
- π§ chore(deps): remove tailwindcss deps - [8592c0c4]
- π§ chore(deps): update vue monorepo to v3.2.29 - [b123a8b8]
- π§ chore(deps): update vue to 3.2.29 - [5e07850d]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-optimize-persist to v0.1.2 - [a2e2a8cf]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-pwa to v0.11.13 - [36f33fcf]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency @types/jsdom to v16.2.14 - [24c39f49]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency @headlessui/vue to v1.4.3 - [2bb28d76]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency @vueuse/integrations to v7.5.5 - [d522657d]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency @vueuse/core to v7.5.5 - [8b9ad85a]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite-plugin-package-config to v0.1.1 - [bd1a955a]
- π§ chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.10.1 - [574e838e]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency unplugin-vue-components to v0.17.15 - [04d5c257]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency @types/file-saver to v2.0.5 - [62c7a03f]
- π§ chore(app): default fonts by the vite fonts - [22bbcc40]
- π§ chore(app): tailwindcss to windicss - [ec2cbc43]
- π chore(build): minify with esbuild - [6a18e178]
- π§ fix(editor): switcher in fixed items - [1659e5a7]
- π feat(landing): typical in description - [0aae22a4]
- π§ test: support @vueuse/motion - [a2a46fb9]
- π§ test: remove defaults and setup vue - [f8cf1a30]
- π§ chore(editor): use default settings for custom entity - [24bdd89c]
- π§ fix(pdf): line break in default values - [b1ace884]
- π§ fix(editor): placeholder hover cursor text - [d1915cd4]
- π§ fix(deploy): correct global components - [9afa3036]
- π§ chore(md): new features - [ad18ba0a]
- π§ chore(entity): remove transition-colors - [8f6a11b8]
- π§ fix(editor): remove vuedraggable - [ecdf57e0]
- π feat(dashboard): object save size - [faf9ec3d]
- π§ chore(editor): header generator to generic - [06121f28]
- π feat(pdf): line-break command settings - [9defd854]
- π§ test(raw): remove v1 tests - [9170efe5]
- π feat(dashboard): delete project - [65248dd8]
- π§ fix(dashboard): image main - [56a03117]
- π feat(dashboard): database projects save - [fa7f4945]
- π§ fix(env): insert number in google max fonts - [bc79125f]
- π§ fix(env): only local keys - [1f4d69e8]
- π feat(auth): supabase initial content - [70672e54]
- π§ chore(editor): paragraph options title - [3ea07d92]
- π§ chore: standardize the prettierrc - [2f55230f]
- π§ fix(editor): project update in normalize storage - [bbdf2440]
- π feat(editor): entity paragraph custom - [b1444683]
- π¨ style(pwa): width settings in prompt - [343fb303]
- π§ chore(tsconfig): vite pwa types - [25bef9a3]
- π§ fix(editor): insert new line in fixed items only the last entity - [bc27fc59]
- π feat(graph): comments show - [099b991d]
- π§ fix(pwa): use prompt instead auto updater - [27d2f846]
- π§ chore: improved readme - [f27412b7]
- π¨ style(graph): activity page highlighted - [c15b99c2]
- π feat(project): create blank project in empty local storage content - [f0b43bae]
- π feat(graph): chapter commands - [edc6acc4]
- π§ fix(editor): focus in entity placeholder - [c01e0f3b]
- π§ fix(pdf): XSS warning in i18n setter - [97cb275d]
- π feat(pdf): i18n in input select configuration - [bb064466]
- π§ chore(theme): pdf utils - [efbf529a]
- π§ chore(project): alerts in save project - [18122146]
- π feat(pdf): default background color option - [11933093]
- π§ fix(pdf): theme background canvas broken cover image - [4d57cd5c]
- π§ fix(pdf): tracking error in generate - [c2f7c80d]
- π§ fix(material): input select in svg inputs - [13e7dd2b]
- π feat(pdf): option theme affected colors - [e0a6e4e9]
- π§ fix(editor): entity options in break area - [52553efe]
- π§ chore(pdf): update pdfmake - [b4f0ad6c]
- π§ fix(editor): delete entity reset base - [b71f2225]
- π§ fix(editor): entity color transition - [8df40a31]
- π§ test(app): set new factory creation - [74522246]
- π§ chore(deps): remove better-write-entity - [21df003a]
- π§ fix(editor): breaking point in statistics impact - [883b8713]
- π feat(creative): impact chart in statistics - [efe95539]
- π§ fix(editor): force lowercase in statistics - [2880738b]
- π feat(editor): min caracters in statistics - [a2de9292]
- π feat(editor): statistics best repeated words - [dea5dc2f]
- π§ fix(pdf): set vfs fonts in pdfmake create function - [cf3af606]
- π§ fix(editor): new project factory items - [4f6b5f26]
- π§ fix(editor): full touch in mobile menu - [ca28d412]
- π feat(editor): visual alerts in entities - [77444661]
- π§ fix(build): unbuild in .cjs exports - [7f523b5f]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency @vueuse/integrations to v7.4.1 - [fb189319]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency unbuild to v0.6.7 - [5a95b78f]
- π§ fix(editor): support old versions in new menu - [72b605f9]
- π§ chore(deps): upgrade generi - [c644c5f3]
- π§ chore(logger): global console in plugin-logger repo - [12234c63]
- π§ chore(editor): menu in mobile supress - [a6021bce]
- π§ fix(editor): menu rows in correct intersection - [7ba7ee4a]
- π§ fix(editor): intersection in options menu - [da6adc17]
- π§ fix(editor): reset events - [f65bdd3b]
- π§ fix(editor): contextmenu in selection elements - [6465ba15]
- π§ chore(editor): popover theme in options container - [c3c72c95]
- π§ fix(editor): update time dialog - [1c42379c]
- π© refactor(editor): popover to menu - [7a2e67d1]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency @vueuse/core to v7.4.1 - [5a0d2652]
- π§ chore(generi): configs - [3ab8143d]
- π§ chore: generate generi.json - [a306ee16]
- π§ chore(deps): added generi - [5cb58ef6]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.7.6 - [36bc3b15]
- π§ chore(monorepo): turborepo setup - [416da8bd]
- π§ chore: fix readme - [949ea749]
- π§ chore: changelog - [85a7e135]
- π§ chore: changelog setup - [a783e5f0]
- π§ chore(test): jest to vitest - [ea90d264]
- π§ fix(pdf): set illegal fonts statement - [4c6e413f]
- π§ chore(monorepo): pdf and docx packages - [e337d0c1]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependencies - [6dcfec31]
- π§ chore(monorepo): theme and logger - [d00e6327]
- πΏ ci(test): set internal build dependencies - [47f26b99]
- π§ chore(plugin): core plugin in create - [0cf2d67d]
- π§ chore(app): using better-write-types - [1d758280]
- π§ chore: monorepo - [2b151041]
- π© refactor(editor): save entity empty lines - [470a2d64]
- π§ fix(editor): validate in onupdatecontent call - [ae4fceee]
- π§ chore(dropbox): toast save and inject script tag - [26c0833a]
- π§ chore(fonts): request with vueuse fetch - [963a311e]
- π§ chore(dropbox): insert dynamic script tag - [f0957f8f]
- π§ fix(dropbox): overwrite existent files - [3b443c07]
- π§ fix(editor): finder active event - [c0c66e1d]
- π feat(editor): repeated words in statistics - [b18a88f9]
- π feat(editor): statistics interface - [0e973770]
- π feat(editor): new options to convert - [bd90bd77]
- π§ fix(editor): corrector validate inserts - [c7b7df87]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency @vue/compiler-sfc to v3.2.24 - [5f8f38fe]
- π§ chore(deps): update package - [97e29c21]
- π feat(editor): corrector initial apply - [21bab139]
- π¨ style(editor): corrector modal - [ca218294]
- π§ fix(editor): force scroll in last entity - [7eec9e0a]
- π§ chore(editor): aside open in new project - [495527ad]
- π§ fix(editor): delete drafts in delete unique page - [145ade70]
- π§ chore(project): components absolute - [275a01d8]
- π§ fix(editor): insert title draft in create project - [1a1a80d6]
- π§ chore(editor): corrector componentization - [dc0f3981]
- π§ chore(css): configuration-reverse - [9da408d1]
- π§ chore(editor): drafts organization - [3274d9f8]
- π¨ style(editor): set transition in appear - [293f466f]
- π§ fix(editor): correct update title in drafts - [f381d0e5]
- π§ chore(pwa): theme color - [9950c65d]
- π§ fix(editor): export project name - [35c1b8fe]
- π¨ style(editor): draft lines in bottom - [231df532]
- π§ chore(editor): text utils structure - [1e69c37f]
- π feat(logger): drafts implementation - [d57eddbb]
- π¨ style(editor): drafts line in mobile - [e4d57284]
- π feat(editor): drafts longest paragraph - [7d313c7f]
- π¨ style(theme): drafts implementation - [6c4b2f74]
- π feat(editor): initial creative drafts - [a4128ad5]
- π feat(landing): github logo - [843deea3]
- π§ fix(editor): force reset entity properties in update entities - [cb46d1c1]
- π§ fix(editor): add popover not mutate entity - [83ad5d83]
- π§ chore(package): validate in release script - [7dcdf9c0]
- π§ test(raw): margins in fixed items - [03782d0c]
- π§ chore: remove electron types - [3b071e2e]
- π§ fix(pwa): inserts offline support - [435daed4]
- π¨ style(editor): new default icons - [aaf0408a]
- π§ chore: remove electron for only pwa - [2b854674]
- π§ chore(editor): project provider and pwa base configs - [6f62a0bd]
- π¨ style(editor): loading in import .bw - [3d7fefc3]
- π§ fix(pwa): correct inject manifest - [8d9d2c22]
- π feat(editor): import and export .bw - [b73dac42]
- π§ fix(docx): not support images - [c54862df]
- π feat(docx): footer insert - [1493a5a0]
- π feat(editor): generate docx - [1e45bf79]
- π§ fix(editor): on reset in mutable entities - [b6292a3c]
- π feat(editor): draggable entities - [5bccadfd]
- π§ chore(router): async import routes in web pages - [7dc7a8c7]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [ef2a0906]
- π© refactor: complete landing rewrite - [e082ef77]
- π§ chore: prettier default - [71888631]
- π§ fix(editor): delete entity overflow sequence - [ee5e3b7e]
- π§ fix(editor): new line in fixed items insert - [ac4535a9]
- π§ fix(editor): clean raw in not fixed items - [9fb076b3]
- π feat(editor): placeholder input editable - [3be68523]
- π© refactor(editor): unique input element - [47f50a6c]
- π§ chore(pdf): remove decorations - [df329daa]
- π feat(pdf): dynamic margins in paragraph's and heading's - [dbd4b50b]
- π feat(editor): validade entity updates - [85a01c87]
- π§ fix(editor): popover event focus alterate entity - [5c4d37ce]
- π§ fix(editor): storage normalize in finder - [5fe28957]
- π§ fix(pdf): build images and supported extensions default empty - [d6aa96fd]
- π¨ style(editor): entity popover icons - [3c93051f]
- π§ fix(editor): propagations in entity keyboard - [0cb4e789]
- π§ fix(editor): correct keyboard in delete and arrow keys - [7b8ace7f]
- π§ chore(deps): upgrade packages - [b4e0250c]
- π¨ style(theme): dark theme toasts - [5dd5179b]
- π§ fix(editor): correct keyboard in to empty lines - [1cf853c6]
- π feat(logger): create empty line - [f278fdf7]
- π§ chore(components): render editor - [ae6066c2]
- π§ fix(editor): commands in prefix length - [b3283daa]
- π§ fix(editor): correct keyboard tracking for focus in emitter - [dd9d63eb]
- π§ fix(editor): shortcuts in caps lock - [aff5a171]
- π§ fix(editor): break lines and focus in inline texts - [acbef392]
- π§ fix(seo): title in empty line - [aaa4efaa]
- π§ fix(editor): commands visible in top - [a44228bb]
- π¨ style(editor): header correct margins - [4b8f1c5c]
- π§ fix(lang): null property in commands - [329e384e]
- π feat(editor): dialogue value modification - [74f8bcdb]
- π© refactor(pdf): paragraph transform - [b1588218]
- π§ fix(pdf): promise finally nprogress - [800ed42a]
- π§ fix(editor): copy without html - [d660b2c9]
- π feat(editor): commands preferences - [f7574b7f]
- π feat(editor): commands dynamic prefixs - [94a968f3]
- π feat(editor): commands dialogue - [5d125389]
- π§ fix(editor): switch entities in empty lines - [99f73f11]
- π§ chore(components): modal implements - [d49b337e]
- π§ chore(load): css only request http - [a5867a91]
- π feat(editor): commands appear animation - [892db3d8]
- π§ fix(editor): aside graph in full width mobile items - [89cd4f13]
- π§ fix(editor): absolute items in correct width position center - [585f911e]
- π¨ style(theme): input switcher specify colors - [c7d2426e]
- π feat(editor): sidebar option - [6a6f05f4]
- π¨ style(editor): comments icon - [7b8c294a]
- π§ chore(editor): local fonts for offline font support - [3740ff41]
- π§ test: raw v2 html and image - [e78288e6]
- π¨ style(editor): theme addons - [39728af3]
- π feat(editor): normalize vhtml tags - [1c91cb66]
- π§ fix(desktop): update correct timeout in shown tooltip - [87a6eab6]
- π feat(desktop): check for updates frequently - [dfef8beb]
- π feat(desktop): updater countdown tooltip - [1c850117]
- π feat(desktop): updater tooltip - [df7ace2e]
- π feat(editor): pdf progress bar - [3a8d250e]
- π§ chore(desktop): remove dev tools in all builds - [bf59b8c7]
- π feat(editor): aside touch close - [40ffccfa]
- π§ fix(storage): support actives entity - [f46b433d]
- π feat(editor): progress bar - [2bcf60a3]
- π feat(electron): updater button - [86502b4a]
- π§ chore(deps): @vueuse/electron package - [08e2d65c]
- π§ chore(md): new features - [48714156]
- π§ fix(editor): correct normalize shortcuts - [c8eb20ba]
- π feat(editor): custom favicon theme - [29407de9]
- π feat(editor): detect system preferred color scheme - [c7d33030]
- π feat(editor): paragraph comment popover - [4a3cfa45]
- π§ chore(pdf): populate styles - [e1f0f184]
- π¨ style(editor): ascend graph line - [e9ed8880]
- π¨ style(pdf): configuration switcher margin-left - [65490cf6]
- π§ chore(vite): pwa generate sourcemap - [1529af0a]
- π§ chore(vite): pwa manifest settings - [764a97ff]
- π feat: pwa basic integration - [20d61660]
- π¨ style(editor): pdf configuration remove transparency in switchers - [79a76f74]
- π§ chore(pdf): doc generator return data - [74c5a46c]
- π§ chore(i18n): fallback en - [08cf3253]
- π feat(pdf): encryption settings - [d38dd0a9]
- π feat(pdf): tooltips added - [88b57ce6]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [35ebc5c7]
- π¨ style(editor): tooltip theme integration - [b28a8520]
- π feat(editor): info document - [6d632411]
- π§ fix(desktop): not necessary no context isolation - [b1dd716f]
- πΏ ci: tests in all push's and pull requests - [23f5d7df]
- π§ chore(editor): preferences to a unique page - [0b8fab05]
- π§ fix(pdf): font in summary - [1edebbf3]
- π feat(editor): configuration author - [d0e7a5a0]
- π§ fix(editor): breakpoints in correct harmony - [6699b424]
- π feat(editor): configuration absolute - [7cfa359b]
- π¨ style(editor): header themes new color set - [1a62cab5]
- π¨ style(editor): mobile correct flex break - [6601dee0]
- π§ chore(editor): populate name - [186cdc6b]
- π© refactor(editor): project create logic - [d6e322db]
- π¨ style(editor): theme ascend new editor text color - [ede5b727]
- π¨ style(editor): rise theme correct hovers - [00f4d444]
- π¨ style(editor): popover correct in fixed items - [7ccc4a53]
- π§ fix(editor): aside in mobile break - [2103e47b]
- π feat(editor): updated time entity option - [2999ab13]
- π§ fix(editor): convert image to other entity type - [7365ce03]
- π§ chore(editor): theme extras - [dfcb0606]
- π§ chore(editor): theme pdf properties - [30d2a924]
- π§ chore(components): linter correct rules - [3abba7ed]
- π feat(editor): theme new logos - [f4f076b1]
- π§ chore(editor): theme new properties - [84b83c7a]
- π feat(editor): harmonic theme - [89f54c3b]
- π feat(editor): ascend theme - [9b97bec1]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [dece9188]
- π§ chore(package): commands - [87edd1ae]
- π§ fix(editor): theme in empty project - [7e9ca090]
- π© refactor(project): new with contents - [90a05c60]
- π¨ style(pdf): configuration gaps - [52e8d106]
- π§ fix(editor): stores reset in new projects - [e7015679]
- π§ fix(editor): push routes - [7f3d801c]
- π feat(desktop): close and maximize buttons - [afc4ee47]
- π§ chore(editor): header componentization - [d0304e42]
- π¨ style(editor): improvements in theme settings - [9534f094]
- π¨ style(editor): header theme sets - [ed81105b]
- π feat(pdf): support svg files - [2ee8080c]
- π§ chore(pdf): not support svg inline - [b0e65264]
- π§ chore(editor): theme new features - [f9082e3a]
- π§ fix(editor): header preferences - [f27ace62]
- π¨ style(editor): themes aside defines - [e66bd07a]
- π§ chore(package): release alpha and major specs - [840b064a]
- π§ chore(package): standard version commands - [8d46fefd]
- π§ chore(deps): pin dependencies - [b87e4490]
- π§ fix(desktop): correct electron-dl import - [2f355395]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [05aecb45]
- π§ chore(deps): electron-dl - [788047ab]
- π§ fix(editor): not insert possible null entity - [d0bf0e20]
- π§ fix(plugin): hook in timeout - [2eb48609]
- π§ chore(plugin): after mounted hook - [a265739c]
- π§ chore(editor): rise theme name - [d4f5a0f0]
- π§ fix(editor): graph truncate items - [141837f7]
- π feat(editor): rise theme - [ab1ba72f]
- π feat(editor): switcher theme - [6a9566b5]
- π feat(editor): theme definitions - [e87757d2]
- π© refactor(editor): tailwind dark to css variables - [8ec5e0a5]
- π§ fix(material): select truncate in scroll - [18be21ac]
- π feat(pdf): default summary implements - [71a8d8ac]
- π feat(pdf): header implements - [98c8f6ca]
- π§ fix(pdf): top margin - [359838fa]
- π§ chore(pdf): configuration carousel to select - [303dbbd9]
- π feat(pdf): footer implements - [2fa9dfe1]
- π© refactor(pdf): base footer set - [40c0bf60]
- π§ chore(pdf): componentization items - [62f55483]
- π§ fix(editor): absolute overflow in modal container - [14fcafac]
- π feat(editor): finder and switcher dragabble - [1bb760f6]
- π§ fix(editor): delete entity duplicate raw - [320c6049]
- π feat(editor): cursor in new delete entity - [6a8fe9b4]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [05a1db09]
- π§ fix(editor): inserts in cursor correct position - [e2fb21ff]
- π§ chore(editor): remove editable tag - [45e7bf0d]
- π§ fix(editor): editable in fixed items - [e18873c6]
- π§ fix(editor): italic and bold in internal mutate - [06f8f7bf]
- π§ fix(editor): remove italic and bold - [71178ffc]
- π feat(editor): italic and bold insert by selection - [0559a567]
- π§ chore(raw): set v1 in external callback - [c826329a]
- π§ fix(editor): swapper correct affect - [037aaed8]
- π§ fix(editor): italic and bold inline supports only paragraph - [104aa826]
- π© refactor(pdf): link binding - [0818e6b7]
- π§ fix(pdf): normalize for pdf use - [fd8d71ca]
- π§ fix(editor): to next entity in fixed items insert - [29bbd920]
- π© refactor(editor): entity styles - [c876a962]
- π© refactor(commands): remove italic and bold - [cffa57f8]
- π© refactor(editor): v2 entity initial implement - [96c3bb2e]
- π§ fix(editor): delete raw not mutation in switch true - [d61eeb4c]
- π§ fix(editor): utilities commands in last input - [4ac0076f]
- π§ fix(editor): italic and bold remove whitespace - [c1609bc1]
- π§ fix(editor): ctrl z ignore - [4104cd5e]
- π feat(logger): paste event - [898fa9d9]
- π§ fix(editor): click in selection force scroll - [0f5e03ef]
- π¨ style(editor): selection color - [82140bf0]
- π§ fix(editor): paste promise in render content - [ee7c1572]
- π feat(editor): paste in show entities - [69b0ca0b]
- π feat(editor): italic and bolt insert direcly in show entity - [c4c158a1]
- π§ fix(aside): mobile close effect - [b7130933]
- π§ fix(project): correct normalize save methods - [a4c399ae]
- π feat(project): save project in close - [4a8a3dd4]
- π feat(graph): load last page project - [b58109da]
- π§ chore(desktop): web security - [0991fb21]
- π§ fix(seo): title in fixed items - [ff275c85]
- π§ chore(pdf): default font in paragraph - [07badf65]
- π§ fix(editor): alter entity not exclude content - [191382aa]
- π§ fix(editor): scroll in initial contexts - [0b3c128f]
- π§ fix(graph): name project to reset context - [a7663e15]
- π§ fix(editor): close popover in mouseout - [e9c0e8f1]
- π§ chore(deps): update packages - [b1573a7f]
- π§ fix(graph): mobile sets - [31fab2a5]
- π feat(editor): global preferences - [22d50b68]
- π§ chore(editor): remove prevents in editor keyboard - [3bcc6fa8]
- π¨ style(editor): preferences hotkeys item - [f6ad4862]
- π feat(editor): preferences hotkeys - [8ce13114]
- π§ fix(editor): necessary events - [6fb8a501]
- π§ fix(desktop): build linux - [8b4f71dd]
- π§ fix(editor): load in correct set stores - [ee0637d1]
- π feat(logger): alter page - [cc1a79fd]
- π§ fix(storage): local name key - [981b046b]
- π© refactor(storage): project object - [e61bea2e]
- π feat(editor): load local project in initial mounted call - [eec154f5]
- π§ chore(desktop): force icon - [9ffa5fe4]
- π§ chore(desktop): correct size icons - [f830381b]
- π§ chore(desktop): builder windows options - [7b838570]
- π feat(desktop): correct register app package - [ea906333]
- π© refactor(desktop): auto-updater implements] - [4d73a181]
- π§ fix(desktop): drag bar ignoring items - [339037ba]
- π feat(editor): support v0.5.3 - [c1af89ac]
- π§ fix(editor): save sequence - [cd732026]
- π§ fix(editor): auto save set interval - [d7ee35c1]
- π§ fix(logger): convert fixed items - [c2342df5]
- π§ fix(editor): auto save in initial call - [4a681300]
- π§ chore: new features - [e06820ed]
- π feat(project): auto save option - [fb99df9c]
- π§ fix(seo): title in empty blank project - [a3ad0a40]
- π feat(logger): break page action - [8b8208ea]
- π§ fix(logger): delete entity in raw content - [69898d03]
- π feat(logger): general contents - [5c810d53]
- π© refactor(project): plugin name page - [91319075]
- π© refactor(editor): preferences sizes - [facd68ba]
- π© refactor(material): correct names and imports - [a61f29b2]
- π feat(vite): chunk split because a large pdfmake bundle - [9eaf6a69]
- π§ chore(components): remove inexistent html - [d49dd31a]
- π§ fix(project): normalize context items - [54d9b027]
- π§ fix(project): reset logger in new project - [ed54a49c]
- π§ fix(editor): externals in blank template - [5c1000ce]
- π feat(editor): preferences in header - [d65b1e78]
- π§ fix(keyboard): prevent default navigator keys - [ec2e06c8]
- π¨ style(editor): header font sizes - [8aa29a65]
- π¨ style(landing): new colors in first and second section - [5a69d165]
- π§ chore(editor): remove old components - [9bcd8960]
- π feat(logger): confirm reset - [34ca35e2]
- π§ fix(editor): header itens overflow modals - [c006c2f8]
- π feat(editor): new header bar - [df422da5]
- π§ fix(editor): graph save last input - [7dfd85cd]
- π§ chore(md): new features - [c0d2514f]
- π§ fix(editor): update area in a event tick - [af32588c]
- π§ fix(editor): ctrld for delete entity and prevent all - [63dbe015]
- π§ fix(editor): arrow affected by cursor position - [b85f93fc]
- π§ fix(editor): remove line in next index - [2c19f63f]
- π§ chore(desktop): remove shortcuts - [84320650]
- π§ fix(editor): insert paragraph and bp command - [b7ac1190]
- π§ fix(created): global wrapper in dev mode - [e80b694c]
- π§ fix(editor): load pages in edit contents - [36ce103a]
- π§ fix(editor): m key to delete entity - [cb75a785]
- π§ fix(editor): prevent only in keys - [2cf18cf5]
- π§ chore(desktop): hide mainframe - [86a62930]
- π§ fix(editor): not mutate entities in swap - [708f9209]
- π feat(editor): aside force scroll in a new or delete page - [013774b5]
- π§ fix(editor): save entity in a new page - [91ff8370]
- π§ fix(editor): delete keyboard - [44331011]
- π§ fix(editor): save open entity in a other context click - [bdd2191f]
- π feat(logger): page set - [e244e8b9]
- πΏ ci: remove depend - [18b15753]
- π feat(logger): clear button - [044b9750]
- π§ chore(logger): actions to editor type - [1c61694b]
- π feat(logger): entity basic sets - [4bdbec18]
- π¨ style(logger): full size - [64a50ac9]
- π feat(logger): contexts - [ad55b850]
- π¨ style(editor): create project white colors - [74983f31]
- π¨ style(editor): logger header - [11587d07]
- π feat(plugin): logger view - [17ca0cb9]
- π feat(plugin): workflow - [465bb2d3]
- π feat(plugin): last input on - [ae9831c9]
- π feat(plugin): base structure - [44a381ae]
- πΏ ci: desktop releases depend tests - [b9319348]
- π§ test: remove deprecated test - [0a44d418]
- π§ chore(project): bw base data access - [c8572ee1]
- π§ fix(editor): reset hovers in fixed items - [959de372]
- π¨ style(aside): image name - [8ddb635d]
- π¨ style(editor): image popover alignment properties - [1a8df6ba]
- π feat(editor): image settings - [d62569b5]
- π feat(editor): image set - [71b71a6e]
- π§ fix(editor): fixed itens open in external click - [eb69ef81]
- π§ chore(editor): entity popover in horizontal - [48324abf]
- π§ chore(editor): alt to shift key in swapper - [f3a5313d]
- π§ fix(pdf): illegal import in dev mode - [b37d449b]
- π§ fix(pdf): configurations in blank project - [0f66e18f]
- π feat(editor): to entity with ctrl arrow - [0965c94c]
- π§ chore(editor): swap ctrl to alt - [e4c9cbae]
- π§ fix(editor): font size in heading's - [f77931aa]
- π§ chore(tailwind): just-in-time mode - [92d4c51a]
- πΏ ci: release electron only in the main - [f09df6c2]
- π¨ style(landing): windows icon color - [842fa4d1]
- π feat(landing): links set - [b2d9fdb2]
- π§ fix(editor): header bar appear - [0c3f3fcc]
- π§ chore(md): new features - [fa325323]
- π§ chore(readme): new site link - [6911a656]
- π§ fix(desktop): toggle aside - [f5714947]
- π feat(desktop): redirect_uri in desktop applications - [a6de9472]
- π§ fix(desktop): drag in aside toggle - [a339ed53]
- π§ chore(desktop): priorize window render - [f54389ab]
- π feat(desktop): auto updater - [23e7872c]
- πΏ ci: args to desktop release - [4e36a88a]
- πΏ ci(desktop): publish options - [a59caa22]
- π feat(desktop): release application - [f8a0ac14]
- π§ chore(desktop): build icons in all platforms - [c19fd41f]
- π feat(desktop): draggable bar - [ce09d62f]
- π§ fix(editor): reset states not to interfere with other projects - [a3823917]
- π§ fix(editor): save entity before project - [2d02cf65]
- π§ fix(editor): save entity in swap - [3a578d93]
- π§ fix(editor): support old project versions - [64d38260]
- π§ test: new type entity - [c40b908e]
- π§ chore(editor): context types - [7463a480]
- π§ fix(editor): entity break in wrong payload set - [f70047eb]
- π§ chore(editor): entity name type - [3bfd10f2]
- π© refactor(editor): keyboard handler - [a7061733]
- π§ fix(editor): click in external entity focus - [012ed150]
- π§ fix(editor): pdf set fonts - [6fe64a8f]
- π§ fix(seo): new sitemap url - [061b5715]
- π§ chore(google): google search code - [11f84846]
- π feat(desktop): logo - [acbf2229]
- π§ chore(editor): providers path - [4b021e82]
- π§ fix(editor): teleport providers to body - [1da6d2a4]
- π§ chore(pubsub): pdf exclude actions - [cf3197a3]
- π§ fix(integration): dropbox connect - [67852932]
- π§ chore(pubsub): pdf types - [a8fccbb1]
- π© refactor(pubsub): correct appointments - [5579ab02]
- π© refactor: vuex to pinia - [7d3cf651]
- π§ chore(desktop): remove dropbox support - [ed9e2961]
- π§ fix(desktop): google api calls - [aecade1e]
- π§ chore(package): author set - [cf1e78bf]
- π§ chore(deps): electron 15 - [4b8a74e6]
- π§ chore(desktop): dev electron - [bda44c23]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency dropbox to v10.13.0 - [041d08d0]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency vue-toastification to v2.0.0-rc.5 - [3224e441]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency jest to v27.3.1 - [1719d0f0]
- π feat(desktop): initial desktop electron - [cde7d76f]
- π§ chore(deps): added vite-optimize-deps - [0db5a345]
- π§ fix(editor): v-cloak in logo - [2403dfb1]
- π§ chore(types): prop types - [29c51267]
- π§ fix(editor): graph empty line - [28317af3]
- π§ fix(editor): commands appear - [6ccea0f5]
- π feat(editor): inline insert commands - [5d3177ab]
- π§ fix(editor): mutate in whitespace updates - [b82113dc]
- π§ fix(editor): empty line in throw error - [78306dac]
- π¨ style(editor): project create modal background - [7a44dc3b]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency unplugin-vue-components to v0.16.0 - [f4619e7a]
- π§ fix(editor): switch heading one - [b8d5db99]
- π§ fix(editor): change area in all close elements - [e9068227]
- π§ fix(editor): not remove last element in delete key - [a3812e55]
- π§ fix(editor): remove first entity in blank project - [d2b47a5b]
- π§ fix(editor): continue essentials events - [c1fd4760]
- π§ fix(editor): initial iso in html tag - [3d18846f]
- π§ chore(types): editor state - [aea4c961]
- π§ fix(editor): swapper and finder in selection elements - [34a721d2]
- π© refactor(editor): project create general revamp - [c03c086c]
- π¨ style(editor): aside language select - [768803ad]
- π© refactor(editor): support other languages - [94b5ac8c]
- π§ chore(deps): added @tailwindcss/forms - [efd96651]
- π© refactor(project): create project rows - [1a6538f2]
- π§ fix(editor): header inject hook - [7fec8579]
- π§ fix(editor): whitespaces in overflow keys - [68e91bbc]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.6.10 - [313b3195]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency standard-version to v9.3.2 - [c3fb0645]
- π§ chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5 - [922fa3aa]
- π§ chore: stdversion problem - [b0f6f143]
- π¨ style(project): top padding in blank project - [4ecf5c44]
- π feat(project): not insert a heading one in blank template - [619b5fb0]
- π© refactor(editor): new aside and project create - [767927d7]
- π feat(project): animations in create - [2799e959]
- π§ fix(project): deprecated saves set a default creative type - [b627679d]
- π feat(project): blank page contents - [8b27d1a1]
- π§ fix(project): type description in initialize new project - [09a874f4]
- π feat(project): type definition - [05b48459]
- π§ fix(editor): enter whitespace insert - [9580f891]
- π§ fix(editor): break line in initial focus position - [c12081f0]
- π§ fix(editor): minimal height entity - [f5504b30]
- π¨ style(editor): remove shadow - [986d605f]
- π§ fix(editor): hover entity in a keyboard focus - [0691d037]
- π§ fix(project): save entity updates - [e6624e2f]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vue-tsc to v0.28.7 - [016dfd25]
- π§ chore: readme alert - [99c77732]
- π§ chore(editor): show types - [c61fb13c]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency jest to v27.3.0 - [e9683eda]
- π§ fix(editor): ignore external click - [63251e1f]
- π feat(editor): scroll to entity in border click - [9050c9e6]
- π feat(editor): entity show type - [67cad7a7]
- π§ fix(editor): change area in target swap entitys - [1816f04d]
- π§ fix(editor): entity performance in mutations - [e12523cf]
- π§ fix(entity): update container area after enter break line - [d8111e4a]
- π§ fix(router): redirect to /landing in initial visit - [b1c65b42]
- π§ fix(spa): editor in / route for auth redirects - [9f043501]
- π§ chore: route matching in / - [a19cb660]
- πΏ ci: remove gh-pages - [b7817d0c]
- π§ chore(general): some changes - [5f5d823a]
- π feat(animation): entity show appear - [3172301b]
- π feat(animation): entity popover - [a77999ab]
- π§ chore(deps): added @vueuse/motion - [e2d417b1]
- π feat(seo): head route - [68020ab9]
- π§ chore(deps): added @vueuse/head - [d01e0822]
- π feat(editor): bw logo redirect to main route - [7719f50d]
- π feat(landing): finish - [743fc2ad]
- π feat(landing): fourth background - [3cc20f19]
- π feat(landing): icons to editor - [3a60be72]
- π feat(landing): second section - [c5f27f7c]
- π feat(landing): first section - [eebc4c96]
- π§ chore(vue): vuex strict mode - [2c14a1be]
- π§ fix(context): update empty line - [96e38c60]
- π§ fix(entity): empty line raw in delete paragraph - [6cac5f20]
- π§ chore(vite): exclude @vue/reacitivity in optimize - [f5652f49]
- π feat(editor): delete command - [2052624e]
- π feat(editor): adjusts in fixes - [c7ac5eea]
- π§ chore(editor): remove adjusts - [9474b2d8]
- π© refactor(editor): entity props.entity index - [08d8919b]
- π§ fix(editor): popover in fixed items - [bbdfa975]
- π§ test: image insert - [c982c3eb]
- π§ fix(raw): bold and italic same tag size - [71b8b763]
- π© refactor(entity): show types - [ad0097f2]
- π© refactor(editor): raw load - [15d0f746]
- π§ fix(editor): raw same font size with convert - [b53db5cc]
- π§ fix(editor): correct whitespaces appear - [da217d3a]
- π§ fix(editor): same break word in edit and show - [02f28ef2]
- π§ fix(editor): not force scroll in click entity - [8ca9392a]
- π§ fix(editor): set raw in pass entity and break in fixed itens - [4f713fcc]
- π feat(editor): styles new set - [cca04521]
- π§ chore(editor): break all entity - [02b4cf25]
- π§ fix(editor): entity popover desnecessary open - [2ca09745]
- π feat(editor): click automatic focus - [e5d858a6]
- π§ fix(context): update entity in all cases - [85789a56]
- π§ fix(context): not find object append - [6ae2c53e]
- π© refactor(editor): hover and edit emit a entity popover - [163e3a53]
- π feat(editor): insert command in all entitys - [3d8c5bc6]
- π© refactor(editor): file reader hook - [ec14b3ee]
- π¨ style(editor): create project shadow - [f5ff9034]
- π§ fix(editor): revert external click - [1f2556ae]
- π§ fix(editor): external click in initial left position - [8a9bae25]
- π§ test: remove import.meta calls in jest environment - [765f1cbd]
- π feat(pdf): set empty lines without a line break tag - [b5e0bb0a]
- π§ fix(editor): entity emit before data in new line - [de72481e]
- π¨ style(editor): remove background in empty line - [441e2ec1]
- π§ chore(editor): bp and lb env - [3f645896]
- π feat(editor): focus on last input in external editor click - [cc277f1c]
- π§ fix(editor): empty lines ignore - [07728f06]
- π§ fix(editor): break in last line - [adab017e]
- π¨ style(pdf): heading margin left - [8c4ee63e]
- π feat(material): delete source - [5763528c]
- π§ fix(editor): delete entitys in empty backspace - [c7665dc6]
- π§ fix(editor): enter get full raw - [884162ef]
- π feat(editor): destroy entity in empty data - [02e420c8]
- π feat(editor): header breaking and last time set - [8153ee21]
- π¨ style(editor): last update in all entity - [12e0afc3]
- π§ fix(save): dropbox files - [3d3b368f]
- π feat(editor): last edit time in popover - [8b130a30]
- π§ chore(date): new format date inserts - [2d77714c]
- π§ fix(pdf): div exists before preview - [69e9cc82]
- π© refactor(editor): keyboard rework - [63f708f7]
- π© refactor(editor): pdf rework - [f32ae27a]
- π§ fix(editor): app init and destroy - [593ffdfe]
- π§ fix(editor): inject in destroy component - [74b5a3ce]
- π© refactor(editor): project rework - [27f16125]
- π© refactor(aside): graph rework - [ce344201]
- π© refactor(integrations): dropbox rework - [606a22e9]
- π© refactor(entity): swapper and finder rework - [b7f8b72f]
- π feat(editor): finder go to center scroll - [a116a67d]
- π§ fix(editor): finder support whitespaces - [2a03440e]
- π feat(pdf): option to not save configurations - [3cba9e2d]
- π feat(editor): navigate with arrows - [85c619b2]
- π feat(editor): switch entity with ctrl arrows - [f85d1ccd]
- π feat(editor): broken lines in enter - [c1b1ba40]
- π¨ style(editor): extra column - [11ec95d9]
- π§ fix(editor): entity in out mouse - [9189650e]
- π feat(editor): header fullscreen - [1ac3c01a]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vue-tsc to v0.28.3 - [ea144339]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.6.7 - [abb80af1]
- π§ fix(entity): incorrect entity.type - [05134a1d]
- π§ chore: readme - [3204365e]
- π¨ style(pdf): preview padding - [e69315f9]
- π§ chore: remove callback type in hooks - [a1f67a95]
- π§ fix(editor): expandable text area - [7620d481]
- π§ fix(preview): icon full size - [d6dbc9cd]
- π§ fix(editor): remove draggable in editor - [423955a9]
- π feat(editor): scroll to entity borders - [35855c3f]
- π§ fix(editor): show enter in scroll middle area - [b00da826]
- π§ fix(editor): push scroll in focus input - [4a0de7d5]
- π© refactor(types): emitter - [57b7c410]
- π feat(editor): enter in next entity - [6515b610]
- π¨ style(entity): left position hover - [e381569e]
- π© refactor(entity): hover without click - [480a77f9]
- π feat(editor): create entity in next edit content - [39c9a6a1]
- π§ fix(editor): break overflow scrollbar - [180e2cdd]
- π¨ style(editor): general contents - [214c6d3c]
- π feat(entity): adjusts icons with text - [18859d1c]
- π© refactor(entity): adjusts options in new container - [cf0236b4]
- π© refactor(context): provider in editor - [97372dd1]
- π© refactor(context): global load - [e820e080]
- π§ fix(entity): paste in actually set - [ab841384]
- π§ chore(deps): update vue monorepo to v3.2.20 - [3f6abd94]
- π© refactor(editor): entity stop events - [9df4d2bc]
- π feat(pdf): switch entity type - [4ed70682]
- π§ chore(entity): correct prevent events function - [b370e2e4]
- π feat(entity): add types in new entity - [f8662511]
- π¨ style(editor): expand editor sizes - [2561a60e]
- π§ fix(pdf): generate without roboto font - [883dabe9]
- π¨ style: new logo - [639bb262]
- π feat(graph): image set - [353def75]
- π§ fix(editor): entity return in close - [4367bc04]
- π feat(editor): save entity in other focus - [30d793c6]
- π§ chore(vue): event bus - [36044f44]
- π¨ style: absolute commands position - [751a6b0b]
- π feat(absolute): image commands - [5c38c6dd]
- π feat(pdf): image entity insert - [d9816048]
- π feat(editor): image command - [c4127033]
- π§ chore(deps): vue-i18n-extract - [27d896fb]
- π§ chore(markdown): list - [5982df03]
- π feat(editor): alerts - [b981ad60]
- π§ chore: features defines - [0fffccac]
- π§ test: link and extra utilities - [2afe97b7]
- π feat(pdf): links append - [93d88254]
- π feat(editor): visualize links - [9db93fb6]
- π¨ style(aside): pdf icon - [8f5867d0]
- π¨ style(editor): colors - [9ebadeac]
- π§ fix(pdf): preview error in background layer - [3d4590ce]
- π§ fix(pdf): background in items - [8b6fa24d]
- π feat(pdf): main background - [d43131e0]
- π feat(components): input file preview - [a4590d9e]
- π§ fix(pdf): margin in headings - [f693fa4f]
- π§ fix(pdf): correct margin in contents - [b5b2c07a]
- π¨ style(editor): header div - [e9fa7844]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency @vuelidate/validators to v2.0.0-alpha.23 - [9b7eaaac]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.6.3 - [48890fe4]
- π feat(editor): switch pages - [3c6d26e9]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v1.9.3 - [23a4e7ac]
- π§ fix(deps): update dependency date-fns to v2.25.0 - [56a065c3]
- π§ chore: update vue - [73ed41c6]
- π§ fix(editor): prevent focus in input - [b4fcee21]
- π§ fix(editor): force scroll in effects - [90de86c4]
- π© refactor(editor): command list to absolute in input - [ca98e1c8]
- π§ chore(deps): update jamesives/github-pages-deploy-action action to v4 - [727bfc8e]
- π§ chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v2 - [ecc9e493]
- π§ fix(pdf): pdfmake force any for fonts append - [d532fa21]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vue-tsc to v0.3.0 - [afa4c1de]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency unplugin-vue-components to v0.15.6 - [da2536a6]
- π¨ style(editor): addon correct position - [9213291c]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.6.2 - [33322d10]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency @vitejs/plugin-vue to v1.9.2 - [6699ab93]
- π§ fix(deps): pin dependencies - [38b1978a]
- π§ chore(deps): update dependency @types/pdfmake to v0.1.19 - [9821cd44]
- π¨ style: active in wb-icon - [ea359daa]
- π¨ style: waiting for future support elements - [5cbcab15]
- π© refactor(editor): text effects - [ddf55a32]
- π feat(editor): break line and page command - [b8ff9b71]
- π§ chore: - [6ec4fabd]
- π feat(editor): header icons - [fdbf67f2]
- π feat(finder): go to marker - [cf7a5053]
- π feat(editor): finder scroll - [1bd35d23]
- π feat(shortcuts): finder implementation - [2bbd22bf]
- π feat(shortcuts): finder initial structure - [0d0bf0b6]
- π feat(switcher): i18n - [46a14ce5]
- π¨ style: close button - [79591c5d]
- π© refactor(absolute): switcher styles - [6990bf27]
- π feat: logo in aside bar - [7c63145c]
- π§ fix(env): localhost with http - [cb90c607]
- π§ chore: favicon defaults - [726f073d]
- π§ fix(dropbox): correct redirect - [433127e8]
- π§ fix(dropbox): save override a file - [87cfb97c]
- π¨ style(aside): beta tag - [d480bdf0]
- π feat(save): dropbox connect - [3ed74318]
- π feat(save): dropbox integration - [5e75b942]
- π feat(save): load and save project in dropbox - [8c524099]
- π§ fix(local): load context - [b08460cb]
- π feat(aside): beta token - [78034888]
- π§ fix(save): unnecessary content - [62f1a61c]
- π feat(integrations): dropbox early support - [efcb8d52]
- π§ chore: ts ignore - [38e60225]
- π§ chore(deps): added @types/jsdom - [dddb20f7]
- π§ fix(editor): stop all events in edit entity - [b503740d]
- π feat(editor): focus input in edit container - [477b32e4]
- π§ fix(editor): entity edit remove bottom margin - [c76e4529]
- π§ fix(editor): load id in entitys - [e8c9643b]
- π feat(editor): update page - [281de24c]
- π feat(entity): add line in index - [6f4b8f40]
- π§ fix(editor): remove over div - [818b51db]
- π© refactor(editor): remove options in popover - [dddafec9]
- π§ test(raw): pdf converter - [a75934f2]
- π§ test: raw converter - [81bedca4]
- π§ fix(input): paster remove whitespaces - [58587a74]
- π feat(pdf): default cover - [21937540]
- π§ fix(pdf): font buffer - [aa5aae81]
- π§ fix(fonts): https in wrapper - [4fec2a6c]
- π§ fix(fonts): request http to https - [84716128]
- π feat(pdf): footer - [b18f0d1e]
- π feat(pdf): cover base image - [295a2eb7]
- π feat(file): base64 converter - [740d24b0]
- π§ fix(pdf): await create context - [d74bbd4a]
- π feat(pdf): preview - [b30f9a88]
- π§ chore: remove local fonts - [85724d84]
- π§ fix(style): input select break in width - [6a0304bf]
- π feat(pdf): global styles inject - [d342bfe1]
- π§ fix(fonts): overload - [3418f8f6]
- π§ fix(fonts): list in pdf configuration - [5acdc806]
- π§ chore: initial google fonts - [57bafa69]
- π§ chore(components): new organization - [83deeca8]
- π feat(pdf): indent in paragraph - [3cf145d4]
- π§ fix(input): text number center text - [52e05b1a]
- π§ fix(select): remove svg - [1bd5f1c8]
- π§ fix(input): force number - [3aa15b45]
- π§ fix(select): fixed open contents - [ca4b4e4f]
- π feat(pdf): page configuration - [c085ec0f]
- π¨ style(pdf): configuration in fullscreen - [5b5c946f]
- π feat(editor): save logger and pdf - [0ad0e1db]
- π¨ style(pdf): color picker - [6e65c881]
- π feat(components): text boolean switcher - [d2a655d2]
- π§ chore: components to editor - [723413d2]
- π§ chore(components): text to entity - [d5e98a8f]
- π§ chore(text): text to entity - [3e28a3e7]
- π feat(aside): new buttons - [4bed3b16]
- π feat(pdf): implement generate - [b92cb14c]
- π feat(pdf): store computeds - [90a9ad5a]
- π feat(pdf): reactive refs in export pdf - [062185fc]
- π feat(pdf): configuration paragraph - [1e4a36c0]
- π feat: new components for pdf configuration - [12289396]
- π© refactor: material components - [34368839]
- π feat(aside): pdf configuration button - [4672e3b6]
- π feat(pdf): configuration base - [d6c0c322]
- π feat(pdf): configuration set - [2d1902c7]
- π feat(material): input component - [11161f2e]
- π¨ style(logger): background color - [b06eb12a]
- π§ fix(shortcuts): destroy correct in other instance - [ff6c50b5]
- π feat: logger - [790cbd69]
- π§ chore(logger): types definitions - [d752ef47]
- π feat: logger added - [dafd1d56]
- π© refactor(raw): bold and italic sequence - [b5dc469a]
- π feat(context): auto save - [a16abaff]
- π© refactor(editor): input contents - [d76bc4cd]
- π© refactor(input): query to ref - [922498ee]
- π© refactor(editor): namespace components in editor - [1295c394]
- π§ fix(pdf): prod - [6cdcb582]
- π feat(shortcuts): switcher initial implementation - [10ceb8e5]
- π feat(editor): keybinding in switcher text - [27394522]
- π feat(editor): switcher keyboard - [63280acb]
- π§ test: correct paragraph - [cb6d20f3]
- π§ chore: remove temporary set fonts - [971596c9]
- π§ chore: jest new config - [9b182226]
- πΏ ci: only 14.x - [71fb7795]
- π§ chore: tests setup - [50944751]
- π§ fix(types): deprecated set - [765e9490]
- π feat: error page - [d36fdb11]
- π§ fix(shortcuts): render only in editor component - [3b8a420c]
- π§ fix(pdf): generate without project - [e247523e]
- π¨ style(graph): padding - [ed2353f4]
- π§ fix(aside): correct position - [8eb61e68]
- π¨ style(aside): padding in configurations - [629870a5]
- π© refactor(store): computed definitions - [81910f89]
- π§ fix(absolute): initial value - [3f272468]
- π¨ style(aside): close button - [2ebf865b]
- π§ fix(aside): computed set in switcher - [a0320829]
- π§ fix: line break - [7a3ff961]
- π¨ style(aside): new lines - [243b5c90]
- π feat(shortcuts): many key-bindings - [fdeaf904]
- π© refactor: load project hook - [0f6c9689]
- π§ chore(lang): i18n structure - [36dc07cf]
- π feat(shortcuts): load project - [2200c575]
- π feat(aside): adaptations for shortcuts example - [9834e0d3]
- π feat: shortcuts structure - [6f6f1e94]
- π§ chore(deps): vue upgrade - [0f34c03e]
- π© refactor: new svg - [2ff5e43f]
- π§ chore: google verification - [64a9bd7e]
- π¨ style: aside color in white mode - [8af365f8]
- π¨ style(aside): appear - [0582d869]
- π¨ style: transition in aside - [f74482e8]
- π feat(pdf): load pdf provider - [6b5bd87c]
- π¨ refactor(style): reactivity sizes! - [106d8ae5]
- π© refactor(editor): prevent keys - [0141242c]
- π§ fix(pdf): poppins fonts set - [d5195150]
- π§ chore: provider load - [dac1f584]
- π§ chore(page): load last element in delete other - [00767425]
- π§ chore(router): transition set - [d77692f8]
- π¨ style(aside): switcher rounded in external border - [4def3a6a]
- π§ chore: text in load and save project - [35f0082b]
- π¨ style: show text block - [f0df982d]
- π¨ style(aside): hover max width - [061e5c9f]
- π§ fix(storage): local error in empty get - [07934e7d]
- π feat: simple save and load project - [6777faca]
- π§ chore: fonts base - [539b365d]
- π§ fix(commands): placeholder message - [23de6af2]
- π§ chore: .env in production - [262fc6bc]
- π§ chore: env base - [090c7090]
- π feat(editor): create page inside a editor - [9c1c6105]
- π¨ style(aside): remove border - [5f8960c8]
- π¨ style(editor): height in mobile - [a9ea30c9]
- π§ chore(aside): initial boolean - [443038f6]
- π§ fix(aside): position in reactivity - [e3c96fca]
- π§ chore: provider app - [d674d8c5]
- π¨ style(graph): transitions - [9c117955]
- π¨ style(aside): transitions - [7b551535]
- π¨ style(aside): definitions in options - [db7b9e3d]
- π§ chore(deps): remove package - [dbdecfee]
- π feat(absolute): commands appear in input - [f4aa5865]
- π§ chore(editor): p tag to div tag - [a49d0275]
- π§ fix(editor): id append in paste - [5da16768]
- π feat(pdf): added bold and italic - [4205094b]
- π§ chore(start): only log fn in production - [c7e19364]
- π feat(pdf): switch to raleway default font - [44e074db]
- π§ chore: input event - [6774a351]
- π feat(pdf): center and size at heading - [5742513e]
- π feat(pdf): break page in heading one - [d0cd39c2]
- π§ fix(structure): remove property in return - [e3ed0e96]
- π§ fix(editor): break lines in standard insert! - [e63398c7]
- π§ fix(pdf): font codes locally - [d25ee62f]
- π§ chore: pdfmake optimize - [a28a40e7]
- π§ chore(deps): remove vite-eslint - [bc445901]
- π feat: pdf generator - [b4064cd3]
- π§ fix: broken vuelidade in vite otimize - [1ec218fa]
- π§ chore(deps): some new packages - [88912d0e]
- π¨ style(create): a new project - [f18edda0]
- π¨ style: popover in paragraph - [c77620fc]
- π© refactor(ts): new types - [29d582ec]
- π© refactor: simple removes - [2dd720f2]
- π© refactor(context): delete and switcher - [5043c925]
- π§ fix(editor): header defines - [f39a6ee1]
- π§ fix(editor): hover popover - [0386f3fd]
- π§ chore(tailwind): font sizes - [02d44197]
- π§ chore(deps): vue-toastification added - [6fd4de98]
- π¨ style: scrollbar - [c30f105f]
- π feat: paste contents and dev mode - [811c86b6]
- π§ chore(tailwind): minify bundle with specific colors - [60d401ce]
- π§ fix(build): i18n runtime only - [021d57c8]
- π§ chore(vite): otimize deps - [32c2429a]
- π§ fix(i18n): cache path - [9925efd9]
- π§ chore: vite addons - [f97df0bf]
- πΏ ci: new ci for gh-pages deploy - [2ba527bf]
- π§ chore: append app - [bd36b8d3]
- π§ fix: remove ci - [c34bf657]
- π§ chore: version - [47315163]
- π§ fix(ci): node 12 to node 14 - [9f9c5596]
- π§ fix: correct message and size text - [909e051b]
- π§ fix(router): base path - [d174d7ee]
- π§ chore: settings - [e225a8c6]
- πΏ ci: github deploy - [e42965d6]
- π§ chore: scroll to new page - [5be5b924]
- π¨ style: wb-icon insert - [f3f788d0]
- π feat(editor): delete page - [9635f4ba]
- π§ chore: graph defines - [ce37de4b]
- π feat(editor): switch pages - [003f3a39]
- π feat(editor): draggable container - [3edc4deb]
- π§ chore(entity): input entry - [0b4c4bd4]
- π feat(graph): project name in title - [29d5fd63]
- π§ chore(graph): new component - [2de9b877]
- π§ chore(store): page to entity in context - [631c888c]
- π feat(editor): scroll items - [f52c76a9]
- π feat(graph): entity in id - [6d503b7c]
- π§ fix(graph): update contents - [77fc650b]
- π feat(graph): separate context and project - [1a4c0a4f]
- π§ chore(editor): one heading in page - [7b7bdd49]
- π¨ style(graph): lines - [a0f1c85c]
- π§ chore: readme - [4222ce13]
- π¨ style(editor): popover define - [2e5524e3]
- π¨ style(editor): hover popover aux - [a6904c19]
- π feat(editor): transition entitys page - [6f5c9c37]
- π§ fix(project): clean project for another project - [74007154]
- π feat(editor): blocked editor - [aa7d1e43]
- π feat(editor): new project starting - [9a38f9c3]
- π¨ style(editor): new project - [12d1515c]
- π§ fix(show): breaking in double click - [1821a84f]
- π§ fix(editor): aside breaking - [62e20abd]
- π¨ style(editor): background svg - [26f8d949]
- π¨ style(editor): exact height input size in edit - [899d0864]
- π§ fix(editor): popover text edit position - [2c8dbaeb]
- π§ fix: padding editor - [b615687e]
- π feat(editor): aside commands example - [e3b5f967]
- π§ chore: title - [f828ef12]
- π§ chore: package name - [7cd19129]
- π feat(editor): date formats in entity - [b8948e29]
- π§ chore: insert html lang - [2c7d3beb]
- π feat(editor): i18n switcher - [0470d5dd]
- π§ chore(editor): commands insert in placeholder - [6a557fb5]
- π§ fix(raw): break in other type - [c5ba54a3]
- π feat: italic and bold - [34af87c9]
- π feat: aside bar reactivity - [4e33cead]
- π§ fix: event click and tab indent - [d5ce6306]
- π feat(editor): update content - [53e4eed9]
- π¨ style: correct justify - [f0193de8]
- π§ fix: justify text in show - [16bce85a]
- π§ chore: tasks - [c2db3a7a]
- π§ chore: vuex types - [ab130b50]
- π¨ style: inset shadow in entity - [cdfb914f]
- π feat: delete entitys - [c373c1bd]
- π feat: show items - [8ca73b2a]
- π feat: dark theme switcher - [6ba93f14]
- π feat: scroll correct overflow - [8091a24d]
- π feat: editor definitions - [503d7203]
- π§ chore: format - [99e60802]
- π feat: initial editor inserts - [1a2ee274]
- π feat: editor tests - [514b151f]
- π§ chore: base config - [d00c4390]
- π feat: license - [4d433cc4]
- π feat: yep - [c6ef66c0]