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Releases: NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS


31 Mar 16:56
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  • Fixed more Table Panel issues with stretched elements -- this includes fixing a regression from 2.1.37.
  • Fixed a regression from 2.1.37 only in Internet Explorer 11 involving Shadow DOM, which broke mouse events.


17 Mar 00:33
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  • Added an Introduction page about Testing with Jest and with Cypress.
  • Fixed some scenarios with Table Panels not apportioning space correctly when elements stretched and rows/columns had minimums or maximums set.
  • Fixed touch-dragging between Diagrams in frameworks that use a shadow DOM.
  • Fixed routing invalidation of links to nodes in collapsed groups that have "...Sides" Spots.
  • Fixed shadows on unfilled PathFigures when a GraphObject.fill was set. This mostly presented itself when shadowing bezier or orthogonal Link paths. This fix may cause Links with a Link Label to draw a shadow on the Link path where none was previously. If you do not want the Link path shaded, you must set GraphObject.shadowVisible to false on the Link path Shape.


08 Mar 13:55
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  • Fixed "Graduated" Panels rendering of final tick mark in some cases where due to floating point errors the tick mark was not drawn.
  • Fixed Link.getLinkPointFromPoint for some cases where the start point was inside the target port shape.
  • One can now avoid invalidating the routes of other links that connect the same pair of ports when links between them are added or removed, by setting Link.curviness to a number such as zero.


11 Feb 18:40
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Changes for 2.1.35

  • Fixed jitter that occurred when dragging between diagrams with a modifier key held down.
  • When dragging between diagrams, fixed the loss of routing of partly or fully disconnected reshaped links that have TwoWay Bindings on "points", and fixed the positioning of multiple fully disconnected links.
  • Fixed a shadow-drawing bug that could occur when Part.isShadowed is false but GraphObject.shadowVisible is true.


12 Jan 22:32
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Changes for 2.1.34

  • Improved performance for off-screen Adornments and Parts.
  • Fixed exception regarding Workers when running in a web Worker.


04 Jan 18:12
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  • Improved AvoidsNodes routing performance for many common cases.
  • Improved ContextMenuTool.canStart to return false for double or triple context clicks.


16 Dec 14:33
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  • Fixed auto-scrolling not to do so in the directions in which Diagram.allowHorizontalScroll and Diagram.allowVerticalScroll disallow it.
  • Fixed the positioning of nodes and links when an animation is stopped during a drag that operates on the same Parts.
  • Fixed Diagram.makeSvg where the SVG would not include Picture.source in some environments, such as headless browsers.
  • Fixed a Diagram initialization bug when no Diagram DIV is specified, but setting some properties expected one (such as Diagram.scrollMargin).


07 Dec 19:37
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  • Fixed a regression since 2.1.30 where the library might not load in React or Angular environments, and a TypeError would be thrown.
  • Fixed dragging of links connected with snapped nodes when the grid cell size was not an integer, causing the links to slowly shift over time.
  • Fixed rendering of background in images drawn by Diagram.makeImageData when the whole page has been scaled to be less than 100%.
  • Fixed Diagram.delayInitialization when calling code that prompts the Diagram to update immediately afterwards.
  • Fixed premature routing of links in Groups that start off collapsed (with Group.isSubGraphExpanded set or bound to false).
  • Fixed an animation bug that might revert some routes when the initial animation was turned off.
  • Link.computeAdjusting now only returns Link.End during animation only when routing is AvoidsNodes.
  • Fixed a regression since 2.1.29 where an Overview would not update with a newly set Overview.observed Diagram and a newly displayed HTMLDivElement until some activity happened on that observed Diagram.


23 Nov 17:14
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Changes for 2.1.30

  • Changed the behavior of GraphLinksModel so that the use of a key of a non-existent node can be resolved by adding a node with that key in a later transaction, not just in the same transaction.
  • Fixed routing of duplicate orthogonal links between ports with "...Side" Spots to avoid producing little loops when the ports are close to each other.
  • Fixed ContextMenuTool to automatically stop running if the newly shown context menu is a not-GraphObject.visible Adornment.
  • Fixed exception on expanding a Group whose member nodes had partly disconnected links.


10 Nov 14:21
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Changes for 2.1.29

  • Overviews now wait for the Diagram to draw first before attempting to draw. This solves timing issues with Diagram.delayInitialization.
  • Fixed delays in updating the Link.geometry after changing properties such as Link.corner.
  • Fixed setting Diagram.scrollMargin during Diagram initialization, which would interrupt the initial transaction.