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andrecastro0o edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 5 revisions

RXNO Contribution - Git Workflow

contributions steps

Create new issue NFDI4Chem/rxno issue. The description we should provide an overview of the contribution you are planning to do.

  • currently we planning to organize issues around terms with the same parent class:
    • 1 issue will request introduction of children terms of the same class,
    • more than 15 or so terms should be broken into more than 1 issue
    • example: issue #3

Create new branch where the work for the issue contribution will take place

  • the branch name should start with the issue number, follow by a descriptive title ie. 3-children-rxno_addition

After all commits necessary for the contribution are done, and before creating a Pull Request (PR)

  • convert the rxno.owl to rxno.obo with ROBOT convert:
    • robot convert --input rxno.owl --output rxno.obo
  • git add rxno.obo, git commit and git push

Create a PR from NFDI4Chem/rxno issue-branch to rsc-ontologies/rxno master branch.

  • should look like base repository:rsc-ontologies/rxno base: master <- head repository: NFDI4Chem/rxno compare:issue-branch

Terms included


 (merge the PR (4))  - pull from upstream to master(5)
RSC/rxno(upstream)  (1)--forked-->   NFDI4Chem /rxno (fork)
 \                                       \
  \                                     issue 1 / branch 1 (2)
   \                                                /
     ---Pull Request (3)-------------------------- /

before creating

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