STEM EDU is an online educational platform for children's programming, designed to offer an interactive learning experience.
# Build the all-in-one image
docker build -t spx .
# Assuming you have a .env file in pwd,
# which contains the environment variables for backend
docker run -v $(pwd)/.env:/app/.env spx
Before you begin, ensure that you have both Go and Node.js environments set up on your local machine.
Clone the repository and install.
git clone
cd spx-gui
npm install
In this stage, we build the two WASM components required by the web app and copy them into the app's assets folder.
## in spx-gui folder
## in spx-gui folder
# Build the project
npm run build
# Or, run the project in development mode
npm run dev
cd spx-backend/cmd
# Assuming you have Go & Go+ installed
gop build -o spx-backend .
# Run the server, assuming you have a .env file in pwd
Import the zip( in builder/tools/ the top button 'Import - upload', and click the run button in the stage, then wait for a few seconds.