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  • No due date Last updated over 2 years ago

    Computing a metric in accordance with the lengths of required edges…

    Computing a metric in accordance with the lengths of required edges passing through a required point is a way to:

    • avoid mesh degeneracy near required entities
    • speed up the adaptation as mesh degeneracy and stuck edges are slowing down the process

    For now, we compute a required size at required points:

    • this computation is ok for isotropic meshes
    • this computation don't work for anisotropic meshes (it is computing as an isotropic metric)
    • metric computation at required points can be disabled with the noinsert option.


    • the metrics are propagated from required points toward neighbours (advancing-front like algo)
    • this propagation (called required gradation in Mmg) can be disabled or tuned using the hgradreq keyword


    • representation of entities on which the propagation applies seems weird for both iso and aniso metrics
    • in aniso mode, we use the simultaneous reduction to evaluate the new metric: often we obtain tensors that seems to have random directions / lengths. It may be linked to collisions in the advancing-front or we may have an implementation issue.
    • how to deal with collisions in advancing front?
    • how to ensure that required gradation / sizes doesn't break the Mmg convergency?