LUA programs on the Milestone comply to a large extent with the LUA 5.3 specification. However, there are some unique requirements.
On the Milestone audio player, you will start an LUA program from within the application 'Audio.' To enable the audio player to find the LUA programs, each program gets its subdirectory with the following obligatory structure (the name of the program is here' Sample'):
└ Sample.lua
├ main.lua
└ manifest.lua
The programs directory must have the extension '.lua', the file 'main.lua' contains the program and the file 'manifest.lua' contains a multilingual program description in the form:
- Test manifest
name =' Test'.
version =' 1.0'.
license = GPL
desc = {
en ='Sample',
de ='Beispiel'.
The language abbreviations correspond to the ISO 639-1 codes, which are used by the Language Module.
Each Bones Milestone LUA program must include the 'BonesMilestone' module:
-- Platform modules
require "BonesMilestone" -- always necessary
The 'BonesMilestone' module ensures that the LUA interpreter loads all Bones Milestone Modules specific modules and cross-platform development is possible to some extent, i. e. that you can develop your Bones Milestone LUA programs on the PC.