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index 78472580a71f..5ec029edd8df 100644
--- a/reference/docs-conceptual/toc.yml
+++ b/reference/docs-conceptual/toc.yml
@@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ items:
       - name: Overview
         href: whats-new/overview.yml
+      - name: What's new in PowerShell 7.6
+        href: whats-new/what-s-new-in-powershell-76.md
       - name: What's new in PowerShell 7.5
         href: whats-new/what-s-new-in-powershell-75.md
       - name: What's new in PowerShell 7.4
diff --git a/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/What-s-New-in-PowerShell-76.md b/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/What-s-New-in-PowerShell-76.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/What-s-New-in-PowerShell-76.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+title: What's New in PowerShell 7.6
+description: New features and changes released in PowerShell 7.6
+ms.date: 01/17/2025
+# What's New in PowerShell 7.6
+PowerShell 7.6-preview.2 includes the following features, updates, and breaking changes. PowerShell
+7.6 is built on .NET 9.0.101 GA release.
+For a complete list of changes, see the [CHANGELOG][04] in the GitHub repository.
+## Breaking Changes
+No breaking changes were introduced in PowerShell 7.6-preview.2.
+## Updated modules
+PowerShell 7.6-preview.2 includes the following updated modules:
+- **Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet** v1.1.0-RC3
+- **PSReadLine** v2.3.6
+## Tab completion improvements
+- Update Named and Statement block type inference to not consider AssignmentStatements and
+  Increment/decrement operators as part of their output ([#21137][21137]) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
+- Add -PropertyType argument completer for New-ItemProperty ([#21117][21117]) (Thanks
+  @ArmaanMcleod!)
+## Cmdlet improvements
+- Add -ExcludeModule parameter to Get-Command ([#18955][18955]) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
+- Return correct FileName property for Get-Item when listing alternate data streams
+  ([#18019][18019]) (Thanks @kilasuit!)
+- Fix Get-ItemProperty to report non-terminating error for cast exception ([#21115][21115]) (Thanks
+  @ArmaanMcleod!)
+- Fix a bug in how Write-Host handles XmlNode object ([#24669][24669]) (Thanks @brendandburns!)
+## Engine improvements
+- Added the AIShell module to telemetry collection list ([#24747][24747])
+- Added helper in EnumSingleTypeConverter to get enum names as array ([#17785][17785]) (Thanks
+  @fflaten!)
+- Update DnsNameList for X509Certificate2 to use
+  X509SubjectAlternativeNameExtension.EnumerateDnsNames Method ([#24714][24714]) (Thanks
+  @ArmaanMcleod!)
+- Add completion of modules by their shortname ([#20330][20330]) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
+## Experimental features
+The following experimental features are included in PowerShell 7.6-preview.2:
+- [PSNativeWindowsTildeExpansion][01] - Add tilde expansion for windows native executables
+- [PSRedirectToVariable][02] - Allow redirecting to a variable
+- [PSSerializeJSONLongEnumAsNumber][03] - `ConvertTo-Json` now treats large enums as numbers
+<!-- end of content -->
+<!-- reference links -->
+[01]: ../learn/experimental-features.md#psnativewindowstildeexpansion
+[02]: ../learn/experimental-features.md#psredirecttovariable
+[03]: ../learn/experimental-features.md#psserializejsonlongenumasnumber
+[04]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/blob/master/CHANGELOG/preview.md
+[17785]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/17785
+[18019]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/18019
+[18955]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/18955
+[20330]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/20330
+[21115]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/21115
+[21117]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/21117
+[21137]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/21137
+[24669]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/24669
+[24714]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/24714
+[24747]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/24747
diff --git a/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/overview.yml b/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/overview.yml
index 2342c09994c0..d57d646f6c77 100644
--- a/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/overview.yml
+++ b/reference/docs-conceptual/whats-new/overview.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ metadata:
   ms.topic: landing-page
   author: sdwheeler
   ms.author: sewhee
-  ms.date: 11/30/2023
+  ms.date: 01/17/2025
 # linkListType: architecture | concept | deploy | download | get-started | how-to-guide | learn |
 #               overview | quickstart | reference | tutorial | video | whats-new
@@ -21,16 +21,14 @@ landingContent:
       - linkListType: whats-new
+          - text: What's new in PowerShell 7.6 (preview)
+            url: ./What-s-New-in-PowerShell-76.md
+          - text: What's new in PowerShell 7.5 (RC)
+            url: ./What-s-New-in-PowerShell-75.md
           - text: What's new in PowerShell 7.4 (LTS)
             url: ./What-s-New-in-PowerShell-74.md
-          - text: What's new in PowerShell 7.3
-            url: ./What-s-New-in-PowerShell-73.md
-          - text: What's new in PowerShell 7.2 (LTS)
-            url: ./What-s-New-in-PowerShell-72.md
-          - text: What's new in PowerShell 7.1 (out of support)
-            url: /previous-versions/powershell/scripting/whats-new/what-s-new-in-powershell-71
-          - text: What's new in PowerShell 7.0
-            url: ./What-s-New-in-PowerShell-70.md
+          - text: Differences between Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell 7
+            url: ./differences-from-windows-powershell.md
           - text: PowerShell differences on non-Windows platforms
             url: ./unix-support.md