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File metadata and controls

329 lines (255 loc) · 10.4 KB


Expr c b a is a computation that produces a value of type Action a and can read parameters of the current build Target c b, but what does that mean exactly? Here's its definition from hadrian/src/Hadrian/Expression.hs:

newtype Expr c b a = Expr (ReaderT (Target c b) Action a)
    deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)

So Expr c b a is a newtype wrapper around a ReaderT (Target c b) Action a. In practice within Hadrian c is always Context and b is always Builder. The extra parameterisation is there so that hopefully one day the general functionality of Hadrian (eg. compiling a Haskell library) will be available to Shake users via a library.

A type synonym from hadrian/src/Expression/Type.hs is often used to avoid writing Context and Builder everywhere:

type Expr a = H.Expr Context Builder a

Where H.Expr is the Expr c b a defined above. The following references to Expr will generally refer to this type synonym unless there is extra parameterisation.

Let's break down the type a bit, working from the outside in, left to right.


Put simply, ReaderT (Target c b) Action a adds a read-only environment Target c b (in the case of Hadrian: Target Context Builder) to values of type Action a. It's the equivalent of threading through a Target c b parameter to all our functions, but we only have to worry about it when we need it, using ask :: Monad m => ReaderT r m r (where r is Target c b and m is Action in this case) or other functions based on it. ReaderT and ask are defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Reader.

So, instead of:

foo :: Target Context Builder -> Action ()
foo target = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Some message"
  bar target

bar :: Target Context Builder -> Action ()
bar target' = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Some other message"
  baz target'

baz :: Target Context Builder -> Action ()
baz target'' = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Yet another message"
  liftIO $ print target

We can write:

foo :: ReaderT (Target Context Builder) Action ()
foo = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Some message"

bar :: ReaderT (Target Context Builder) Action ()
bar = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Some other message"

baz :: ReaderT (Target Context Builder) Action ()
baz = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Yet another message"
  target <- ask
  liftIO $ print target

And to make those into Hadrian Expressions all we have to do is change the type and add the constructor:

foo :: Expr ()
foo = Expr $ do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Some message"

bar :: Expr ()
bar = Expr $ do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Some other message"

baz :: Expr ()
baz = Expr $ do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Yet another message"
  target <- ask
  liftIO $ print target


From hadrian/src/Hadrian/Target.hs:

Each invocation of a builder is fully described by a Target, which comprises a build context (type variable c), a builder (type variable b), a list of input files and a list of output files. For example:

preludeTarget = Target (GHC.Context) (GHC.Builder)
    { context = Context Stage1 base profiling
    , builder = Ghc Stage1
    , inputs = ["libraries/base/Prelude.hs"]
    , outputs = ["build/stage1/libraries/base/Prelude.p_o"] }

The data type is as follows and is fairly self-explanatory:

data Target c b = Target
    { context :: c          -- ^ Current build context
    , builder :: b          -- ^ Builder to be invoked
    , inputs  :: [FilePath] -- ^ Input files for the builder
    , outputs :: [FilePath] -- ^ Files to be produced
    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

So we have some inputs to our target, some outputs that it will produce, a context for the build (in Hadrian: Context), and the builder (in Hadrian: Builder).


From hadrian/src/Context/Type.hs:

data Context = Context
    { stage   :: Stage   -- ^ Currently build Stage
    , package :: Package -- ^ Currently build Package
    , way     :: Way     -- ^ Currently build Way (usually 'vanilla')
    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

So Context is a data type that stores a Stage, Package, and a Way, i.e. the context for some particular Target.


From hadrian/src/Stage.hs:

data Stage = Stage0 | Stage1 | Stage2 | Stage3
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Generic, Bounded)


From hadrian/src/Hadrian/Package.hs:

data Package = Package {
    -- | The package type. 'Library' and 'Program' packages are supported.
    pkgType :: PackageType,
    -- | The package name. We assume that all packages have different names,
    -- hence two packages with the same name are considered equal.
    pkgName :: PackageName,
    -- | The path to the package source code relative to the root of the build
    -- system. For example, @libraries/Cabal/Cabal@ and @ghc@ are paths to the
    -- @Cabal@ and @ghc-bin@ packages in GHC.
    pkgPath :: FilePath
    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)

PackageType is simply defined as:

data PackageType = Library | Program deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)

This doesn't quite reflect how Cabal packages are actually structured, as discussed in snowleopard/hadrian#12, but Hadrian can still function treating packages as either libraries or programs.

Both PackageName and FilePath are just type synonyms of String.


From hadrian/src/Way/Type.hs:

newtype Way = Way IntSet

Where Way is a set of enumerated WayUnits wrapped in a newtype.

WayUnit is defined as:

data WayUnit = Threaded
             | Debug
             | Profiling
             | Logging
             | Dynamic
             deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord)

There are also some helper functions in this module to abstract away this complexity. For example:

import qualified Data.IntSet as Set

wayFromUnits :: [WayUnit] -> Way
wayFromUnits = Way . Set.fromList . map fromEnum

wayFromUnits converts the [WayUnit] into [Int] using map fromEnum, creates an IntSet from them using Set.fromList, and then wraps the IntSet with the Way constructor. So we can use wayFromUnits to create a Way that builds Hadrian with both multi-threading and profiling by simply writing wayFromUnits [Threaded, Profiling].

We can also check if a Way contains a particular WayUnit by using wayUnit :: WayUnit -> Way -> Bool. This is useful if we need to do something when we're building with a particular WayUnit, but not otherwise.

For example, using getWay :: Expr Context b Way from hadrian/src/Context.hs:

foo :: Expr ()
foo = do
  w <- getWay
  if wayUnit Profiling w
    then liftIO $ putStrLn "We're building this target with profiling"
    else liftIO $ putStrLn "We're not building this target with profiling"


From hadrian/src/Builder.hs:

A Builder is a (usually external) command invoked in a separate process via cmd. Here are some examples:

  • Alex is a lexical analyser generator that builds Lexer.hs from Lexer.x.
  • Ghc Stage0 is the bootstrapping Haskell compiler used in Stage0.
  • Ghc StageN (N > 0) is the GHC built in stage (N - 1) and used in StageN.

The Cabal builder is unusual in that it does not correspond to an external program but instead relies on the Cabal library for package configuration.

The data type itself is simply a long set of constructors that may or may not be parameterised:

data Builder = Alex
             | Ar ArMode Stage
             | Autoreconf FilePath
             | DeriveConstants
             | Cabal ConfigurationInfo Stage
             | Ghc GhcMode Stage
             ... etc.
             deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)


Action comes from Shake, the library underlying Hadrian. It can perform IO using liftIO and keeps track of the dependencies for a rule. For more information on Action, see the Shake docs:


One useful kind of Hadrian expression is Predicate, which is just a type synonym for Expr Bool. These expressions can read from the Target and possibly perform IO or any other Action to return a Bool.

A particularly useful operator for using Predicates is ?. Its real type and implementation can be found in hadrian/src/Hadrian/Expression.hs, but for the sake of illustrating how it works in most cases, imagine it's defined like this:

(?) :: Monoid a => Predicate -> Expr a -> Expr a
predicate ? expr = do
  bool <- predicate
  if bool then expr else return mempty

If the Predicate returns True, we return the Expr we give it, otherwise we return mempty (which is why we need the Monoid type constraint). In fact thanks to some added type class complexity in the real definition, we can give ? a Bool instead of a Predicate and it works the same way.

To show how we might use Predicates and ? in practice, say we want to compile all the Haskell modules in compiler/ with -O0 during stage 0. We can do that by going to UserSettings.hs (see the user settings docs) and changing userArgs to:

userArgs :: Args
userArgs = package compiler ? builder (Ghc CompileHs stage0) ? arg "-O0"

Args is just a type synonym for Expr [String] and arg just lifts a String into an Args.

package :: Package -> Predicate from hadrian/src/Expression.hs takes a Package and returns a Predicate that will return True if the current Target is part of that package and False otherwise. In this case we give it compiler which is defined in hadrian/src/Packages.hs along with many other convenient Package definitions.

builder comes from hadrian/src/Expression.hs:

This type class allows the user to construct both precise builder predicates, such as builder (Ghc CompileHs Stage1), as well as predicates covering a set of similar builders. For example, builder (Ghc CompileHs) matches any stage, and builder Ghc matches any stage and any GHC mode.

class BuilderPredicate a where
    -- | Is a particular builder being used?
    builder :: a -> Predicate

Other useful Predicate functions can be found in hadrian/src/Expression.hs and hadrian/src/Hadrian/Expression.hs.