Download the required files from the Releases page and unzip them into a directory of your choice.
Open the Immolate CLI in the directory you extracted Immolate to.
To check that Immolate works, run the command immolate -h
. You should see a help dialog that lists all of the command-line arguments to pass into the searcher.
To run an existing filter, type the name of the filter after the -f
option, e.g. immolate -f double_legendary
To run the executable, there are a few command line arguments that may be important.
: Sets the filter used by the search.-s
: Sets the starting seed of the search.-n
: Sets the number of seeds of the search.-c
: Sets the score the filter needs to return for a seed to be printed. Useful when searching for streaks or seeds that must meet a variety of conditions.-p
: Sets the platform and device IDs of the device Immolate uses to search. Running Immolate with--list_devices
will give you the platform ID and device ID of every detected OpenCL device, which is needed for these commands. If you are having issues running Immolate, please check the Troubleshooting section of the documentation.-g
: Sets the number of groups of threads used by the searcher. If your device is not being used with 100% utilization, you will want to increase this number from the default of 16. On GPUs, a value of 256 is recommended.
All of the Existing Filters are housed in the /filters folder. Explanations and usage guides are in the comments of each filter file.
It's recommend to use The Soul to analyze a seed.
To print out all of the features in a seed using Immolate, you can use the analyzer filter. Edit to set the deck and stake you want to use, and then run the following command: immolate -f analyzer -s SEED -n 1 -g 1
As of now the only way to create your own filter is to program it yourself. Take a look at the Immolate Documentation for more information.