2.1.0 (2025-02-20)
- add 'new search' link to the course catalog page (#456) (ca5e4c1)
- add 404 page (#426) (46c76b1)
- add CacheStore for GitHub stats and use names instead of usernames (#405) (b732a80)
- add eslint-plugin-tsdoc (#430) (e987fbb)
- add explanation to grade distribution (#325) (9ad3239)
- add open calendar button (#457) (93733e3)
- add spacing system (#474) (e61ab56)
- build: add Docker support (#322) (a5e921f)
- build: add vite-build-logger (#507) (1aa4e8c)
- build: refactor gulpfile to use gulp-execa (#323) (db04bbb)
- export/import functionality (backup/restore/share with friends) + a new input component (#433) (7dbffc6)
- injected button - add all courses from MyUT AND passing URL to handler (#291) (c41467c)
- modify Course Block text style and time and location text (#409) (0d51cae)
- settings: add option to always open calendar in new tab (#488) (009de62)
- settings: allow disabling of auto-loading courses (#489) (b74c698)
- ui: add schedule list icons (#500) (f0b257a)
- ui: added shadows to popup buttons and course blocks (#378) (a20332e)
- ui: calendar header redesign (#479) (9c766c2)
- ui: calendar sidebar redesign (#464) (843cb5b)
- ui: change icons to phosphor-icons #467 (#469) (37bd7e7)
- ui: change red text when instructor not found (#483) (52347fd)
- ui: color picker final touches (#491) (c2328e4)
- ui: course color picker (#382) (1f635d2)
- ui: course unique number copy button (#490) (501f506)
- ui: Modify Calendar Footer design and Unscheduled courses (#503) (b171f01)
- ui: redesign grade distribution tooltip (#485) (a61bddf)
- ui: update button variants following figma (#482) (0aa469a)
- ui: update popup and course blocks (#506) (ee4c6ce)
- ui: update theme colors #466 (#473) (0d73b13)
- update SWE list (aa29bcf)
- update text styles (#468) (918f4e4), closes #465
- validate login passed to background and implemented into add all injected button (#443) (cd05e5e)
- 4th attempt for: now able to delete schedule even if active (#435) (2425679)
- instructor formatting errors (#425) (8b92208)
- place hours and courses under schedule name (#388) (7dd9369)
- transition added (#381) (598bafe)
- ui: fix longstanding drag-and-drop duplication issue (#502) (4752f58)
- ui: reduce left side grade distribution margin/padding (#427) (91fa78e)
- ui: stop import button dropdown from squishing (#504) (846070e)
- updated text when time/location not provided (#289) (ebcc0aa)
2.0.2 (2024-11-05)
- add core curriculum chips to injected popup (#372) (6f1afc5)
- Add linkedin social to calendar (#368) (b6eccac)
- add more relevant links to the From the Team section (#380) (643ea13)
- bold course number in grade distribution chart, change text to ut-black (#406) (638ee88)
- disable/some actions when no instructor (#319) (839f9c6)
- ui: changed popup close icon to ut-black (#394) (0077ae7), closes #333F48
- update senior swe admins (#326) (b967240)
- update useful links (#367) (cef99c2)
- use "copy of" for duplicated schedules and place them under the original schedule #358 (#397) (94744e0)
- added descending sort for commits on contributor section in settings page (#365) (a715bbd), closes #363 #363 #363
- change schedule total courses text color to UTRP black (#369) (b00bf6c)
- changed the font-weight of h1-course (#370) (4f609ae), closes #347
- ensure input elements take full width of parent (#364) (c2007ef)
- remove screenshot padding class for png download for #344 (#376) (768ac77), closes #334
- sentry issues (#389) (2d0804f)
- typo in settings page (#386) (d357735)
- ui: add space before/after forward slash in "ASYNC/OTHER" text (#366) (86792eb)
- ui: duplicate schedule warning (#295) (7346720)
- ui: main popup now shows 0 for empty schedule (#395) (8de88d6)
- ui: multiple instructors are formatted properly, displays last name only, and are capitalized in all course blocks (#342) (#403) (50e88fa)
- ui: placeholder text for no instructor course #400 (#402) (b3ae91d)
2.0.1 (2024-10-17)
- add a little error checking to settings (#315) (e261641)
- gulp zip (#314) (05f00b2)
- migration loop (aeff5e0)
- show calendar in active window (#312) (ceba38b)
2.0.0 (2024-10-15)
- abhinavchadaga/course-catalog-popup (#128) (745f9dd)
- abhinavchadaga/reusable-popup-prompt (#148) (44af9e1)
- actually sum for duplicate semesters (different uniques) (#202) (d3f64ec)
- add button to the rows, use new ConflictsWithWarning component (bec2649)
- add buttons with icons in tailwind (93b65ac)
- add cal save buttons (no functionality) (53e7c7f)
- add Calendar Component (e0212d5)
- add Calendar schedules component (clicking on storybook not working) (d1a336e)
- add CalendarHeader and its Storybook, need to resize (23276e5)
- add check-path-alias custom ESLint rule (#123) (208103d)
- add chrome.storage api mocks for storybook use (#141) (3839bff)
- add CSS for calendarCell div (6cdcf49)
- add CSS for hourLine div (0ba6153)
- add CSS for timeLabelContainer div (56f6456)
- add custom ESLint rule restrict-import-depth (#110) (8c069b7)
- add downloadBlob util (2af351e)
- add empty settings component - waiting on design (9d0f210)
- add ImportantLinks Component (5dbee6f)
- add List component (e6b4049)
- add MIMEType (0c76052)
- add new db powered by UT_Grade_Parser (#163) (60d1f48)
- add react-loading-skeleton package (#244) (b4dd91a)
- add skeleton loader for course description + distribution (#267) (c2cab40)
- add story for CalendarGridCell (fd91c3b)
- add Storybook story (cb3cb5d)
- add tailwind version of Button component (28d93b3)
- add tickmarks to day div (8b9cb06)
- add time column to Calendar Component (9d68211)
- add timeAndGrid div (95e0544)
- added flag ;-; (#195) (9b4d61c)
- added scrapedAt property (#149) (8e181b3)
- additional changes to #201 (#224) (bc354f3)
- aesthetically pleasing squishier course blocks when compressed (#232) (438c82b)
- align day labels and add to grid (1bb6191)
- alignment on calendar and header (#109) (07ec5ab)
- async course adding and async/other course block adjustments (#273) (668c8d0)
- async text hiding on Calendar's Bottom Bar when there are no async courses (#152) (0dff122)
- basic CalendarCourseMeeting component laid out - missing Text and Right Icon (da9e7aa)
- Best Practices (#102) (5eb7be2)
- beta builds (#187) (8a5e12e)
- better discord icon (#205) (a3f5e0f)
- bold red refresh error (#220) (229a8a2)
- bottom bar for the calendar page (#91) (0f730d6)
- build without errors (babc925)
- calendar components 3rd attempt at merging (#60) (4faca8c)
- Calendar Components 3rd Attempt at Merging (#60) (ab2cd68)
- calendar course block component (#75) (00e0019)
- calendar course block component (#75) (a41cb3e)
- calendar grid and grid cells (#81) (bfeb239)
- Calendar Grid and Grid Cells (#81) (dd2f696)
- calendar header formatting and data displaying (#160) (5cce1c7)
- calendar matchings (#173) (791a42b)
- Calendar Schedule component finished, fix: list didn't allow updates when adding a new schedule (#115) (a99a557)
- calendar-course-cell-color-picker (#157) (df18491)
- can open tabs, updated injected popup heading. basically done (35fab34)
- change Chip to tailwind css. Fixed eslint for ConflictsWithWarning (3568b8e)
- check-path-alias autofix (#124) (265652c)
- chrome extension works (35f3c72)
- color palette for calendar (#118) (471e55d)
- Conventional Commits (#103) (fe599df)
- convert all LabelsAndDetails Components to Tailwind (9e0f9df)
- course color generation (#179) (5ed81e4)
- course colors (#175) (dc77cc2)
- Course Flag Tooltips (#178) (ba2bc60)
- course-catalog-injected-popup (#98) (89d03f4)
- CourseStatus Component implemented (#83) (58d7df4)
- CourseStatus Component implemented (#83) (fa1d737)
- create empty Popup story (ad83ba4)
- Create icon helper (#77) (ccea0f4)
- Create icon helper (#77) (1b51d65)
- Derek vinson/calendar header (#94) (12d09b5)
- Derek/disable updating (#239) (0ab83ef)
- Derek/export png (#95) (58c2b46)
- DialogProvider component (#198) (d1b921a)
- dividers in calendar bottom bar (#120) (eba5d9f)
- docs: add extra acknowledgements (e2cbfa3)
- drag only on vertical axis (34a6449)
- early iteration of non-virtual list (677aa62)
- enable TS strict mode (#168) (efed1c0)
- experimental toggle for icons, left off for now (#237) (f34dd95)
- fall 2023 grades (#226) (863d980)
- finally fix grid JSX.Element generation (e49fc29)
- finish ScheduleTotalHoursAndCourses (12f680d)
- fix icons on PopupMain and convert to tailwind (#108) (87799d8)
- fix save as button dividers (#153) (7986549)
- grades by professor (#225) (78d749a)
- html2canvas -> htmlToImage and fix derick's bugs (bda0282)
- icon added successfully (3b588c2)
- implement Chip component (23e881f)
- implement flatten course schedule helper function (e54f488)
- implemented ConflictsWithWarning (93f3a30)
- implemented InfoCard (21b6430)
- Initial Splash Text Commit (#208) (0534f60)
- limit schedules to 10 (#272) (290b841)
- link to your registered courses (#228) (f83e012)
- list reordering (#154) (038ebaa)
- listed versioning for beta builds (#192) (0c42979)
- lowercase instructor! (#268) (9ec05ef)
- made List more extensible (cd34601)
- match calendar designs & add functionality (#176) (8027c3d)
- migrate styles to TailwindCSS (7e2f5ea)
- migration update showing (#293) (aede681)
- missed one chip toggle there (#245) (5ca24da)
- newer grades and parameterized queries (#238) (75ad416)
- one single exclamation mark did all that (#235) (be87e41)
- open an injected course page on course block click in popup main (#146) (2709484)
- pad unique ids to 5 digits (#170) (b4ad687)
- parallelize initializeDB.ts promises (9f1dcc6)
- popout icon for ccip in calendar (#221) (6812d68)
- popup schedule select (#126) (7f2a589)
- PopupCourseBlock Component (#79) (9accd17)
- PopupCourseBlock Component (#79) (f045b40)
- proper injected styles (#164) (e919e96)
- readme animation (#281) (da6d86c)
- refactor all components in common (e544312)
- refactor all components in injected (0c44849)
- refactor calendar (28f1924)
- Refactor database initialization code (5e98f45)
- release notes (#283) (bd17e33)
- report issue popup (#261) (65ff6bf)
- rerouted directory to syllabus when click on professor name (#211) (8959e0d)
- sam's jokes (#278) (895cd31)
- save as PNG functionality (ad18fbd)
- schedule list item action menu (#230) (15fc369)
- screenshot whole page, hide certain elements, screenshot fixed size (#180) (7d4c5d7)
- settings page (#260) (7a5c3a2)
- show async courses in the bottom bar (#204) (227de53)
- some small changes for colors and font (#201) (bae1da4)
- splash text additions before v2 release (#296) (e774f31)
- splash text has arrived! (#246) (9971435)
- Storybook for Vite (#52) (9cc299c)
- swe title updates (#310) (4629626)
- switch button (#229) (abae7a5)
- temporary removal of waitlist etc (#236) (d424ccc)
- UnoCSS (TailwindCSS) (Storybook only) (#61) (85c7f78)
- UnoCSS (TailwindCSS) (Storybook only) (#61) (6521a4b)
- unplugin-icons (#62) (2d67b12)
- unplugin-icons (#62) (945e09b)
- update admin titles (4cf8c3f)
- update badge count when schedule changes (#150) (a5e9e3c)
- update Button to v2 design (863521f)
- update dialog component to headlessui (#159) (442be8c)
- update with TailwindCSS (f3a8a7d)
- updated calendar page and recruitment banner links (#219) (a2303ee)
- updated divider component (#99) (8ab60c9)
- updated Text component to latest design specification (#70) (8b8433d)
- updated Text component to latest design specification (#70) (bb727f7)
- updating joke styling and updating jokes array (#277) (0da27e2)
- use display: grid for calendarGrid (b535a6e)
- use downloadBlob util (#186) (2dfb10e)
- use filter() instead of pop() (063349d)
- use React-icons (8df9ea5)
- UTRP v2 migration (#292) (d22237d)
- working PNG and CAL downloads (#119) (d9ee23c)
- add margin-top: -10px to p (18406b0)
- added room number to course popup (#231) (9eaff24)
- align timeBlock div (4dc8957)
- async course display size (#181) (949bbb0)
- broken close bracket (b34aacb)
- broken file (92462cf)
- bugs (2a01506)
- build (60ab140)
- build errors and merge in Casey's branch (driodiwb) (39947b3)
- build errors and restructure Calendar page (c6a48dd)
- calendar course cell colors (74be880)
- calendar storybook issue (#125) (0c5bec8)
- Calendar View/Scaling Issues (#144) (4c61ebd)
- CalendarCourseCell spacing (13c69ef)
- change Chromatic action to build current branch, not base branch (#100) (e73c9fe)
- change material icons to material symbols (#71) (52e34cb)
- chromatic build (11303da)
- chromatic builds on PRs (#140) (78a6939)
- chromatic storybook - CourseCatalogInjectedPopup (#106) (ced2997)
- clean up #173 (#174) (afa634f)
- cleanup imports (#112) (b17c3fa)
- conflict row bug (#130) (a8ea3bc)
- ConflictsWithWarning (1599e48)
- correct parsing of noon (#155) (91f62e1)
- db with proper insertion order (8e79d6a)
- delete storybook timestamp file (f93a98e)
- dialog movement (#227) (bc5d68c)
- disabled [object Object] hover message on dialog popups (#284) (dcc1d81)
- divider usage in HeaderAndActions (#113) (84e8320)
- doesn't autoload on pages that don't have pages to load (#270) (88eeb62)
- don't crash on cultural diversity flag (#196) (5b1e451)
- eslint and remove React-beautiful-dnd (6af805b)
- extra space (0f43796)
- Fix popup drag hitbox (#216) (7a40008)
- fixed bug where activeSchedule doesn't update correctly (#158) (a409090)
- fixed bug with course cells after 12 PM extending past midnight (#122) (f22a3cd)
- fixed issues involving course meeting objects not being recognized as course meeting objects (#132) (3406e9a)
- Fixed typescript error (#161) (df7a7c6)
- grade dist when no instructor (#269) (6a363ae)
- grid JSX.Element generation (b691bf3)
- icon library resolution (#74) (bb3b313)
- idk why that comment was there (#177) (c5fc621)
- import error (152bc45)
- improper list data propagation (#240) (149fda3)
- improve dialog handling and error management in list items (#257) (1942508)
- injection not working from som/elie commit (#145) (591687e)
- list component fixed (#162) (5714ed1)
- made list draggable only by handle (cbb190b)
- margins on list component (cc71389)
- non-determinstic options page generation (#137) (d700110)
- non-virtual dnd (837fddf)
- old icon removed in .tsx (4d387e8)
- only show button hover effects when not disabled (8e3aa7e)
- openTabFromContentScript TS issue (3a48859)
- options page (#131) (dc100b5)
- reactivity (#188) (4f4f34e)
- README.md (a30fecf)
- README.md (b27b21b)
- refactor AST parsing for custom ESLint rule (62f0851)
- remote react-window fully (from List component) (#114) (5f1c023)
- remove course name from the syllabi lookup (#200) (bcb5a8c)
- remove extra spacing (#121) (6ba8b68)
- remove white space after duplicate schedule regex matching (#286) (d73615e)
- rename to course block and fix line height for styling (b602b0b)
- revert "chore: add default story" (aef8c3d)
- revert "rename to course block and fix line height for styling" (0273a23)
- revert CalendarGrid and CalendarGridCell back to SCSS from Tailwind (56306ab)
- revert last commit (27d945f)
- Schedule Switching Bugs (#138) (c51e688)
- support classes with no location (#242) (3ff06e0)
- theme colors (2f537b4)
- type issues by using correct import (#111) (19fe070)
- ui: unhid settings button (#288) (db1eac3)
- undefined color case (9aa78a0)
- unocss theme color namings (79d7832)
- update alignment (7eb3113)
- update daysOfWeek with new DAY_MAP keys (ecdaadb)
- visual overflow bug when editing schedule name (#251) (e8d2c2e)
- vitest path alias bug (ee37897)