- Breaking change: Update the json output format
- Breaking change: Update Snakemake to version 8
- Fix a bug with the Java runtime environment for Picard
- Fix a bug with caching of report assets introduced in snakemake 8
- Fix a bug with structural variants missing effect prediction
- Run VarDict job with 8 threads
- Run VEP with either vep_cache or just the gtf/fasta files as database
- Update picard from 2.27.4 to 3.3.0
- Update cutadapt from 4.6 to 5.0
- Update sequali from 0.9.1 to 0.12.0
- Update star from 2.7.10b to 2.7.11b
- The bed_variant_call_regions option has been removed, variants are now called for all genes present in the gtf file.
- Add graphviz/dot as a dependency (developer only).
- Please create a new HAMLET configuration file with create-config.py script.
- To use the latest hotspot regions and artifact blacklist, please recreate the HAMLET reference data.
- Add novel module, expression, which analyzes gene expression.
- Add optional input strandedness to the sample configuration.
- Add json output file for the expression module.
- Fix a rare bug where different modules use the same MultiQC file list.
- Fix a bug with filtering VEP records that contain multiple population. frequency records for a single variant.
- Add ability to generate configurations for each module using the utilities/create-config.py script.
- Update the hotspot regions reference file.
- Update the blacklist of known artifacts.
- Remove various superfluous plots from the MultiQC report.
- Add pysam to the conda environment (developer only)
- Add exon number to variant table
- Add chromosomes to fusion table
- Set the maximum population frequency to 1%. This was accidentally set to 5% in v2.1.1
- Fix a bug where VEP removed rare variants
- Remove the JSON output for the qc-seq module (this has been replaced by a MultiQC report)
- Add sample name to STAR counts table
- Automatically remove _STAR temporary folders
- Modified PDF formatting
- Change cover image
- Add bookmarks under chapter variant
- Sort the genes of interest alphabetically
- Remove the "Sequencing Results" section from the report (this has been replaced by a MultiQC report)
- Replace FastQC with Sequali
- Fix a bug where the trimmed FastQ files are not removed when no longer needed
- Update Cutadapt to 4.6
- Update MultiQC to 1.22
- Update snakefmt to 0.10.0 (developer only)
- Update black to 24.3.0 (developer only)
- Increase space for the HGVS description in "Results Overview" table
- Automatically check the release tag is set correctly
- Fix a bug where long HGVS descriptions make the "Results Overview" table overflow the page
- Include the sample name in the final BAM file
- Update version number in HAMLET report
- Fix a bug with inconsistent config setting 'blacklist' in snv*indels
- Fix a bug where unmapped reads are not included in STAR output file
- Replace StarFusion and FusionCatcher with Arriba
- Replace VarScan variant caller with VarDict
- Replace GSNAP aligner with STAR
- Update VEP to 108.2
- Update Picard to 2.27.4
- Update FastQC to 0.11.9
- Update Cutadapt to 4.1
- Use multiple threads for Cutadapt, and reduce the compression of output files
- Remove run name from the report
- Deprecate option fusion*partners, in favour of report_genes, which points to a list of fusion genes to report
- Show allele frequency as a percentage in the pfd report
- Add additional genes of interest
- SF3B1
- U2AF1
- EZH2
- Filter fusion results based on fusion partners
- Add fusion plots from Arriba
- Add default blacklist with common false*positive variants
- Add support for variant blacklist in VEP hgvsc format
- Add script to generate a configuration file
- Add pipeline to generate reference files
- Add per*module configuration options
- Add support for PEP sample configuration
- Add support for Snakemake 7.8.5
- Remove variants plots
- Use MANE select transcript for all genes