Releases: ItamiOMW/CalorieTracker
Releases · ItamiOMW/CalorieTracker
- Updating user info and calorie intake
- AboutAppScreen, UserInfoScreen, CalorieIntakeScreen,
- Logout
- Added logo to splash screen;
- Fixed crush in reports screen when adding new weight entity;
- Forgot to save consumed water locally when loading meals with consumed water in DiaryRepositoryImpl;
- Moved creating viewmodels from navigation graphs to screens;
- Screen sctucture now divided to Screen(viewModel, onNavigateBack) and ScreenContent(state, onAction)
- Now all on-screen Actions are processed by viewModel;
- Implemented auth with email and password;
- Changed onBackgroundVariant color for dark theme;
- Updated some dependencies;
Reports feature implemented.
In order to create an account with google oauth you should be added as one of the test users.
Authorization with email and password not implemented yet.
Implemented Google OAuth, Recipes feature, Diary feature and Profile Feature.
Currently app lacks Settings feature and authentication with email and password.