Releases: IntellectualSites/PlotSquared
PlotSquared 4.0 Pre-release (Bukkit 1.13)
PlotSquared 4.0 for Bukkit 1.13 has been promoted to a pre-release. That means that we are not currently aware of any bugs, but we do not guarantee that everything is working as intended.
1.13.2 Download
Legacy Download
This is a very big release, and some of the major changes include:
- Complete API restructure (things using the PlotSquared API will break)
- We have revamped the schematic system entirely
- We have updated to support WE 7. In fact, PlotSquared now depends on WE 7.
- We have added a new configuration system, that we refer to a "Block buckets". They allow you to specify up to 100 blocks, that will be randomly picked for any of the plot components. This system is more powerful than the old block and block list systems.
- We have added support for 1.13 blocks, and completely moved to string based material IDs
- We have changed the configuration format used in
, and introduced a new configuration converter. - etc.
Up until a full release (or when we decide what we want to do with them )the following components will be disabled:
- Advanced automatic plot clearing
- Auto updating
- Update notifications
If you are updating from a previous release, then you can find instructions on how to do so here. The wiki has been updated to support the 1.13 changes to schematics and configurations.
You can find downloads for the new version at the Athion CI server through this link. These builds will be updated when new code is committed to Github
PlotSquared for older versions of Minecraft will be referred to as "Legacy PlotSquared". Support for these versions of Minecraft will not be dropped entirely, but we will focus on making sure PlotSquared works for the current version of Minecraft.
If there are any official addons you would like updated, then feel free to mention so in our Discord. Plot2Dynmap has already been updated, and links can be found both on Discord and Spigot.
If you have any questions, then we recommend that you join our Discord Guild. We have worked very hard on this update, and if you want to show appreciation then we very much welcome constructive feedback, donations and possibly even a nice review on Spigot 😃
Updated some classes to 1.10
New cleaner config layout
- Most components of PlotSquared can now be disabled/enabled in the config
Added support for multiple expiry tasks
- Copy the expiry block to create a new task
Added required plots option to expiry tasks (only runs on oldest if set)
Added bypass perm to building at y0
- plots.admin.destroy.groundlevel
Added teleport on death
- Set teleport.on-death: true
Added and removed expiry date from plot info (sorry)
Added perm requirement for trusted/adding *
- plots.add.everyone
Plot add/trust/deny now support comma separated names
Added worlds/commands file to paste command
Optimizations to plot auto trimming
Removed plot download size limit
Tweaked title behavior
Leashed mobs are now ignored by the entity killing task
Optimized block placement (block cache + other stuff)
Add flag suggestions flag command when an invalid name is provided
Duplicate messages are now ignored
Added creature cap notifications
- Disable by removing the message from the translations file
Added support for dynamic plot pricing (50*{arg})
Fixed essentials milk bucket babyfying animals
Fixed plot visit sometimes breaking with purely numerical player names
Fixed populate offset for older versions
Fixed schematic on claim/auto
Fixed an issue with plot purging
Fixed an issue with the WorldEdit hook
Fixed an issue with chat
Fixed denying everyone (/2 deny *)
Fixed use f lag not respecting pressure plates
Fixed an issue with plot entry
Fixed plot download/done
Fixed an issue with plot clear creating holes
Fixed update command using outdated startup info
Fixed an issue with failed event registration
Fixed BO3 direction/chance options
Fixed BO3 not creating parent directory
Fixed an issue with mushroom growth in plot areas
Fixed an issue with plot ratings cache
Fixed merge command failing to handle invalid arguments
Fixed inverted item-drop flag check
Fixed plot merging sometimes not removing intersection
Fixed an issue with not handling corrupted playerdata files
Fixed trust/add bypass (plots.admin.command.<cmd>) not bypassing player limit
Fixed forcefield flag not working as expected
Fixed some issues with fastmode clearing
Fixed WorldEdit mask allowing copy outside plot
Fixed instabreak flag
Fixed location when running plot commands from console
Fixed scripting issue
Fixed hangings being classified as vehicles for kill road vehicles task
Fixed fly flag behavior when leaving plot
Fixed expire task confirmation
Fixed buying not resetting buy flag in merged plots
Fixed broken signs on plot unlinking
+ More (see
manuelgu(26), PauloMart(1), MisterErwin(1), Empire92(93), MattBDev(70), Sauilitired(2)
The last update log was Nov 29, 2015.
Commit history:
Summary of last month:
Major changes in 3.3.1:
- Updated to 1.9
- Numerous bug fixes
- Removed unclaim command
- Added world regeneration to trim command
- Plot clearing confirmation
- Allows multiple plot areas per world