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File metadata and controls

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Creating the application Docker images into Minikube

  • To work with the Docker daemon on your Mac/Linux host, use the docker-env command in your shell:

     eval $(minikube docker-env)
  • Build the RESTFul Service Docker image:

    docker build -t store-rest-api:v1 docker/sb-api/.
  • Build the Web Client Docker image:

    docker build -t store-web-client:v1 docker/jsf-client/.

Deploying the Application on Minikube Engine

  • Open a terminal.

  • List the containers running in a Cluster:

    kubectl get pods
  • Start the proxy to the Kubernetes API server:

    kubectl proxy
  • Deploy the Postgres database with a persistent volume claim with the following command:

    kubectl create -f kubernetes/store-db.yml
  • Get the pod for Postgres database:

    kubectl get pods
  • Connect to Postgres:

    kubectl exec -it store-db-<POD> -- psql -U postgres
  • On Postgres and run the command \dt to see the tables, '\q' to logout Postgres

  • Create a config map with the hostname of Postgres database:

    kubectl create configmap store-db-hostname-config --from-literal postgres_host=$(kubectl get svc store-db -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}")
  • Deploy the RESTFul service. Remove the <your Docker Hub account> in kubernetes/store-rest-api.yml file, then deploy the application:

    kubectl create -f kubernetes/store-rest-api.yml
  • Check the logs:

    kubectl logs store-rest-api-<POD>
  • Create a config map with the hostname of the RESTFul service:

    kubectl create configmap store-rest-api-hostname-config --from-literal JAVA_STORE_API_URI=http://$(kubectl get svc store-rest-api -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"):8080/store/product/v1
  • Get the External IP address of the RESTFul Service, then the application will be accessible at http://<External IP Address>:<Port>/store/product/v1/:

    minikube service store-rest-api --url
  • Deploy the Web Client. Remove the <your Docker Hub account> comment in kubernetes/store-web-client.yml file, then deploy the application

    kubectl create -f kubernetes/store-web-client.yml
  • Check the logs:

    kubectl logs store-web-client-<POD>
  • Get the External IP address of the Web Client Service, then the application will be accessible at http://<External IP Address>:<Port>/store-web-client/:

    minikube service store-web-client --url
  • Scale your RESTFul service:

    kubectl scale deployment store-rest-api --replicas=3

Deleting the Resources

  • Delete the Web Client deployment:

    kubectl delete -f kubernetes/store-web-client.yml
  • Delete the RESTFul service hostname config map:

    kubectl delete cm store-rest-api-hostname-config
  • Delete the RESTFul service deployment:

    kubectl delete -f kubernetes/store-rest-api.yml
  • Delete the Postgres database hostname config map:

    kubectl delete cm store-db-hostname-config
  • Delete Postgres database:

    kubectl delete -f kubernetes/store-db.yml