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A Convolutional Neural Network created by Alex Krizhevsky

Architecture Diagram

Notes :

Dataset : 1.2 million high-res images from ImageNet LSVRC-2010 contest

Number of Classes : 1000

Error rates : top1 - 37.5% , top5 - 17.0%

Trained on 2 GTX 580 GPU

References :

Input :

256x256 sized RGB image

Architecture :

60 million parameters

6,50,000 neurons

8 Learned Layers : 

5 Convolutional Layers

3 Fully Connected Layers

1000-way softmax

Activation function :

ReLU (Rectified Linear Units) Non-linear as it trained faster than tanh units

The activation function is responsible for transforming
the summed weighted input from the node into the 
activation of the node or output for that input
  ReLu Formula : F(x) = max(0.0,x)    

Convolutional Layers :

 Convolution is the first layer to extract features from an input image.
 Convolution preserves the relationship between pixels by learning image features using small squares of input data.
 It is a mathematical operation that takes two inputs such as image matrix and a filter or kernel

ReLU activation function used for every conv layers

1st Convolutional Layer :

Kernels - 96

Size - 11x11x3

Strides - 4

Multiple Convolution kernels acts like a filter and extract features

Followed by Response Normalization then Max Pooling

2nd Convolutional Layer :

Kernals - 256

Size - 5x5x48

Stride - 1

Response Normalization and Max Pooling

3rd Convolutional Layer :

Kernels - 384

Size - 3x3x256

Stride - 1

4th Convolutional Layer :

Kernels - 384

Size - 3x3x192

5th Convolutional Layer :

Kernels - 256

Size - 3x3x192

Max Pooling Layer :

It is done to downsample the output which helps in reducing overfitting.

This basically takes a filter and a stride of the same length. It then applies it to the input volume and outputs the maximum number in every subregion that the filter convolves around.

Fully Connected Layer :

Number of Neurons : 4096

2 Layers in series after convolutional layers both followed by dropout layer then last fully connected layer is outputed to 1000 way softmax

This layer looks at the output of previous layer and then determines which features correlates to particular class

Dropout :

This layer "drops out" a random set of activations in that layer by setting them to zero. This helps in alleviating overfitting problem.

Dorpout rate 0.5

1000 way softmax :

This is a tuple of 1000 elements each representing a particular class

This is used to get the probablity of correctness of a particular class

We select the highest probablity to determine the prediction of the neural net