- feat: splash-image to portable version (so you know that it launched on first click)
- feat: you can now click the city name in either window to prompt for city change
- feat: autoupdater notification for new releases
- feat: added daylength to astral window
- feat: removed e-positioner & added electron-traywindow-positioner (popup windows now know where your tray is)
- feat: updated electron > 11, much better installation experience
- style: new colors & icons, custom titlebar for custom titlebar colors
- docs: updated readme: TOC, new pics, download stats
- dev: added logging for troubleshooting
- Stable version 1.0.0
- Added dew point
- Finally good/clear enough tray icon temp font, closes #2
- New style to whole app
- Input can now take city code also, closes #1
- Full readme instructions
- Better 'fonts' using canvas to create '7segment' numbers on the fly. Maybe still not clear enough at 16x16...
- Also lot of other little tweaks.
- Added separate popup for moon/sun info, lots of little tweaks.
- Better timer and added a prompt icon.
- New one, forgot the goddamn env variables. Tested, works. Allmost there, just better image-fonts to go