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File metadata and controls

135 lines (89 loc) · 5.63 KB

In this project, the useFormState hook is used to manage form state in the SigninForm and SignUpForm components. This hook is essential for handling form submissions and managing form-related state such as error messages . we can use useFormStatus to manage the pending state also of out project

the action is a function that get called on the server when we finish the form and want to submit we can validate the form and return error if there is no error we do what we need like redirect ,or api call ..ect

the user sign in or sign up process is easy we look the database , if there are no match we creatre an account and send the token which can indentify each user and without fforgetting ouyr secret !

Flow of useFormState

  1. Initialization:

    • The SigninForm component initializes the useFormState hook with two arguments: the signIn action and an initialState.
    • The initialState contains a message property, which is initially set to an empty string. This property is used to store any error or success messages related to the form submission.
    const [formState, action] = useFormState<{ message: string | null }>(
  2. Form Submission:

    • The form element uses the action function returned by useFormState as its action attribute. This function is called when the form is submitted.
    • The action function handles the submission logic, invoking the signIn function with the form data.
    <form action={action} className="bg-content1 ...">
      <!-- Form inputs and submit button -->
  3. State Management:

    • The formState object contains the current state of the form, including the message property.
    • If the signIn function throws an error, the message property is updated with an error message, and this message is displayed to the user.
      formState?.message && (
        <div className="text-red-500 py-1 px-2 rounded-md ">
  4. Rendering Feedback:

    • The component conditionally renders a message based on the formState.message value. This provides immediate feedback to the user after form submission, indicating whether the sign-in was successful or if there was an error.

Overall, the useFormState hook simplifies form handling by encapsulating state management and submission logic, making the component more organized and easier to maintain.

Route Slots {parallel routes}

its advenced route startegy

its uses @ symbol its like rendering multiple pages within the same route each @test have its own error , loading , page files if that test route {slot }have a nested route and we navigate to it will stay and the changes will be applied

we will recieve the slots on the layout props

we should have on the slot route : default.tsx , loading , error , page , default are use as fallback , if we have some routes within the slot it and we do hard reload it wont be able to maintain the state so it will use the fallback default also need to be in the route who uses the parallel

page , default on the slots should be the same

we can show slot depend on the user role or any similar things you can return null on the route who uses slots on default.tsx , page.tsx

there is something cool and so powerful we can do which is that grid layout SHELL

server side feching data

data managment :there are alot of benefits when we use server component to fetch data , one of them is that the server components have direct access to resources and enhance security , and more effciency

  • when we use server componets for data managment like fetching (getting), Mutating(updating, creating , deleting ) we need to revalidate the cache

  • we get also scoped data fetching , not like normal we would fetch on global and pass as prop

  • Streaming and Suspense Integration , incremental delivery

-- async server components , caching import "server-only";

we can do per caching request its for request like if we send the same request , get the same response

we have active route and middleware the middleware allow us to do authentication or setting a header or cokkie before going to the page

if we dont have it and check on the page this will be very bad bcs it will load the page which is bad for us and the performance than it will redirect

we can do route based protection based on the user role

  • to do that we need to know where the role is stored like cookie or figure out where to store the admin on the cookie redreict , rewrite url , dont forget the matcher

non-form server actions

In Next.js, Server Actions are not limited to form submissions; they can be integrated into various parts of your application, such as event handlers and React hooks. This allows for dynamic server-side operations in response to user interactions or lifecycle events.

we can use server actions on client component

we can do useTransition when switching between tabs or showing some data which are not that important , bcs the heavy state changes or fetching will interupt the ui and not allow it to do anyting

  • we can revalidate after some time like every hour using time based revalidation : fetch("url", {next:{revalidate:3600}}) or export const revalidate=3600 on page or layout if its not using cookies

on demand revalidation

to opt out from cache we use revalidate =0 or no store

things to check and learn more about : intercepting routes , fetch function on server side , pre load and pre connect a11y , performance , styling route handlers under api folder db connect and config orm ui state managment and remote state managment