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Portal Creation

FabioZumbi12 edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

RedProtect Portals

With RedProtect you can create portals from one location directly to an other rp (region).


  1. If you want to make an existing region to be a portal, jump to step 3;
  2. Using the wand tool (/rp wand) hit the two points where will be your portal. Can be vertical or horizontal.
  3. Use the command /rp createportal [new/existing region name] [destiny region name] [world]. The destiny region don't need to exist to create the first portal, but later you need to create to connect the first portal. The destiny region can be a normal region, just set the tppoint with /rp settp on destiny region.

Its easy and very intuitive! This command is just a shortcut to creation of a new region + set the flag /rp set-portal [region] [world]. You can setup the portal region flags like any other regions.

Remove the Portal

You can just delete the region with /rp del [regionName] [world], or remove the flag set-portal with the command /rp flag set-portal remove.