JavaScript6 client for the ChRIS Store REST API.
npm i @fnndsc/chrisstoreapi
If you have a ChRIS store server up and running (eg. as explained below) then you can test the API in your Javascript code.
For more information visit the API documentation
These preconditions are only necessary to be able to test the client against an actual instance of a ChRIS Store server both during development and for the automated tests.
Docker 18.06.0+
Docker Compose 1.27.0+
Ubuntu 18.04+ and MAC OS X 10.14+
Open a terminal and run the following commands in any working directory:
$> git clone
$> cd ChRIS_store
$> ./ up
Check that all the services are up:
$> docker-compose -f docker-compose_dev.yml ps
Using curl:
curl http://localhost:8010/api/v1/
Using HTTPie REST API client:
http http://localhost:8010/api/v1/
You can later remove all the backend containers and release storage volumes with:
$ cd ChRIS_store
$ ./ down
- yarn
Open a terminal in the directory of this README file
Install dependencies
$> yarn install
Start tests in watch mode (used for developing)
$> yarn start
Start test in single run mode (used by Travis CI
$> yarn test
Compile library to standalone bundle
$> yarn build
Generate source code documentation
$> yarn docs