Releases: Duet3D/RepRapFirmware
3.5.0 Release Candidate 3
This release fixes bugs in release candidate 2 and adds support for a scanning Z probe to be used as a regular Z probe if appropriate temperature compensation is set up. See for upgrade notes and the change list.
Use of Duet with attached Single Board Computer, please upgrade from the package server as usual. Users running in standalone mode, use the files here.
3.5.0 Release Candidate 2
This release fixes bugs in 3.5.0-rc.1. It also provides additional control over the application of input shaping, and it feeds back data on filament monitor and closed loop motor performance to facilitate monitoring. See for the changes.
Users of Duet with attached Single Board Computer, please upgrade via the unstable feed on the package server.
Users running in standalone mode should use the files here. The WiFi module firmware included here is version 2.1beta6.
3.5.0 Release Candidate 1
This release fixes introduces the remaining new features planned for the 3.5 release cycle and fixes bugs in 3.5.0-beta4. Highlights include:
- Experimental support for LDC1612-based scanning Z probes connected to tool boards and SAMMYC21 boards
- New fileread function for reading single-line CSV files
- Improved input shaping, in particular for short moves
See for the change list and upgrade notes. You can use the DWC ReleaseMgr plugin to highlight changes that are likely to affect your machine.
User of Duets with attached Single Board Computer, please update from the unstable feed on the package server. Users of Duets in standalone mode, use the files here. The WiFi module files are unchanged from 3.5.0-beta.4.
Release 3.4.6
This release fixes bugs in 3.4.5 and introduces minor new features. See for the list of changes.
Users running Duet with attached single board computer should upgrade from the stable package feed on the package server. Users running in standalone mode, use the files here.
Release 3.4.6-rc.1
This release fixes bugs in 3.4.5 stable and introduces some minor features. The change list is at
Release 3.5.0-beta.4
This release fixes bugs in beta 3 and brings a few new features:
- LED strips on expansion boards
- Experimental Enterprise Authentication to WiFi-equipped Duets.
- Reduced motor noise and an experimental Assisted Open Loop mode for the Expansion 1HCL board
See for the upgrade notes and change list.
Duet users running in standalone mode can use the files here. The WiFi server modules are still version 2.1-beta4 so there is no need to reinstall them if you are already using that version.
Duet users running in SBC mode should upgrade from the unstable feed on the package server as usual.
Release 3.5.0-beta.3
This release brings input shaping to CAN-connected expansion boards, pressure advance synchronised to input shaping, some minor feature improvements and bug fixes. Release notes are at
Release 3.5.0beta2
This beta release brings a number of new features and bug fixes. See for the change list.
Users of Duets in SBC mode should update from the package server. User of Duet in standalone mode should use the files here. The WiFi files are from WiFiSocketServerRTOS release 2.1beta3.
Release 3.5beta1
This release brings support for dual motion systems on some boards, more types of user input in M291 message box commands, array-values variables, and many smaller improvements to functionality. Be sure to read the upgrade notes and known issues list at before upgrading! As this is the first beta following major changes to the motion system planning code, it is not recommended for those of a nervous disposition. You may wish to test at reduced motor currents initially.
Other notes:
- CAN protocols have not changed significantly in this release, so version 3.5beta1 main board firmware will work with version 3.4.x expansion board firmware, and vice versa.
- For WiFi enabled boards, DuetWiFiServer version 2.1beta 2 is included with these files; however you can continue using version 1.27 if you wish. In some systems, version 2.1beta2 may give a lower upload speed than 1.27, however it supports additional features such as WiFi scanning and WPA Enterprise (details to follow) and it may work better with some WiFi access points than 1.27 does. Note, if you do upgrade to 2.1beta2 then you will have to re-enter your access point details using M587.
Release 3.4.5
This is a bugfix release. For the list of bugs fixed, see
Important! There are no changes to firmware binaries for Duet 3 expansion boards, so they remain at version 3.4.4 in the file in this release
Important! Some users experienced issues with the printer failing to complete homing in this release. This was traced to an incorrect main board binary file within the .zip file included in this release. The .zip file has been updated with the correct file.