diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 936be18..a303e18 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ mv -n /home/user/duplicates/bar.txt /home/user/duplicates/✓bar.txt
 mv -n /home/user/duplicates/third.txt /home/user/duplicates/✓third.txt
-# Documentation – `Deduplidog` class
+# Documentation
+## Parameters
 Import the `Deduplidog` class and change its parameters.
@@ -112,6 +114,8 @@ Import the `Deduplidog` class and change its parameters.
 from deduplidog import Deduplidog
+Or change these parameter from CLI or TUI, by launching `deduplidog`.
 Find the duplicates. Normally, the file must have the same size, date and name. (Name might be just similar if parameters like strip_end_counter are set.) If media_magic=True, media files receive different rules: Neither the size nor the date are compared. See its help.
 | parameter | type | default | description |
@@ -141,4 +145,47 @@ Find the duplicates. Normally, the file must have the same size, date and name.
 | media_magic | bool | False | Nor the size or date is compared for files with media suffixes.<br>A video is considered a duplicate if it has the same name and a similar number of frames, even if it has a different extension.<br>An image is considered a duplicate if it has the same name and a similar image hash, even if the files are of different sizes.<br>(This mode is considerably slower.) |
 | accepted_frame_delta | int | 1 | Used only when media_magic is True |
 | accepted_img_hash_diff | int | 1 | Used only when media_magic is True |
-| img_compare_date | bool | False | If True and media_magic=True, the file date or the EXIF date must match. |
\ No newline at end of file
+| img_compare_date | bool | False | If True and media_magic=True, the file date or the EXIF date must match. |
+## Utils
+In the `deduplidog.utils` packages, you'll find a several handsome tools to help you. You will find parameters by using you IDE hints.
+### `images`
+*`urls: Iterable[str | Path]`* Display a ribbon of images.
+### `print_video_thumbs`
+*`src: str | Path`* Displays thumbnails for a video.
+### `print_videos_thumbs`
+*`dir_: Path`* To quickly understand the content of each video, output the duration and the first few frames.
+### `get_frame_count`
+*`filename: str|Path`* Uses cv2 to determine the video frame count. Method is cached.
+### `search_for_media_wizzard`
+*`cwd: str`* Repeatedly prompt and search for files with similar names somewhere in the specified path. Display all such files as images and video previews.
+### `are_contained`
+*`work_dir: str, original_dir: str, sec_range: int = 60`*  You got two dirs with files having different naming system (427.JPG vs DSC_1344)
+        which you suspect to contain the same set. The same files in the dirs seem to have the same timestamp.
+        The same timestamp means +/- sec_range (ex: 1 minute).
+        Loop all files from work_dir and display corresponding files having the same timestamp.
+        or warn that no original exists.
+### `remove_prefix_in_workdir`
+*`work_dir: str`* Removes the prefix ✓ recursively from all the files. The prefix might have been previously given by the deduplidog.
+### `mark_symlink_by_target`
+*`suspicious_directory: str | Path, starting_path: str`* If the file is a symlink, pointing to this path, rename it with an arrow.
+:param suspicious_directory: Ex: /media/user/disk/Takeout/Photos/
+:param starting_path: Ex: /media/user/disk
+### `mark_symlink_only_dirs`
+*`dir_: str | Path`* If the directory is full of only symlinks or empty, rename it to an arrow.
+### `mtime_files_in_dir_according_to_json`
+*`dir_: str | Path, json_dir: str | Path`*  Google Photos returns JSON with the photo modification time. Sets the photos from the dir_ to the dates fetched from the directory with  these JSONs.
diff --git a/deduplidog/__main__.py b/deduplidog/__main__.py
index 3f10e75..ccd0780 100644
--- a/deduplidog/__main__.py
+++ b/deduplidog/__main__.py
@@ -72,11 +72,15 @@ def cli(dd: Deduplidog):
     return dd
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def main():
+    global INPUTS
     # CLI
         dd = cli()
-        if input("Continue? [Y/n] ").casefold() not in ("", "y"):
+        if not dd:  # maybe just --help
+            return
+        if input("See more options? [Y/n] ").casefold() not in ("", "y"):
     except click.MissingParameter:
         # User launched the program without parameters.
@@ -110,3 +114,6 @@ def cli(dd: Deduplidog):
         if input("See more options? [Y/n] ").casefold() not in ("y", ""):
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deduplidog/deduplidog.py b/deduplidog/deduplidog.py
index 5a9517d..ccf8772 100644
--- a/deduplidog/deduplidog.py
+++ b/deduplidog/deduplidog.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import json
 import logging
 import os
 import re
@@ -7,24 +6,19 @@
 from dataclasses import dataclass
 from datetime import datetime
 from functools import cache
-from itertools import chain
 from pathlib import Path
 from time import sleep
 from typing import Annotated, get_args, get_type_hints
-from zlib import crc32
 import click
-import cv2
 import imagehash
 from dataclass_click import option
 from humanize import naturaldelta, naturalsize
-from IPython.display import Image, clear_output, display
-from ipywidgets import HBox, widgets
 from PIL import ExifTags, Image
-from sh import find
 from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
 from .interface_utils import Field
+from .utils import _qp, crc, get_frame_count
 VIDEO_SUFFIXES = ".mp4", ".mov", ".avi", ".vob", ".mts", ".3gp", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".wmv"
 IMAGE_SUFFIXES = ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif"
@@ -528,9 +522,9 @@ def _find_similar(self, work_file: Path, candidates: list[Path]):
         for original in candidates:
             ost, wst = original.stat(), work_file.stat()
             if (self.ignore_date
-                        or wst.st_mtime == ost.st_mtime
-                        or self.tolerate_hour and self.tolerate_hour[0] <= (wst.st_mtime - ost.st_mtime)/3600 <= self.tolerate_hour[1]
-                    ) and (self.ignore_size or wst.st_size == ost.st_size and (not self.checksum or crc(original) == crc(work_file))):
+                or wst.st_mtime == ost.st_mtime
+                or self.tolerate_hour and self.tolerate_hour[0] <= (wst.st_mtime - ost.st_mtime)/3600 <= self.tolerate_hour[1]
+                ) and (self.ignore_size or wst.st_size == ost.st_size and (not self.checksum or crc(original) == crc(work_file))):
                 return original
     def _find_similar_media(self,  work_file: Path, comparing_image: bool, candidates: list[Path]):
@@ -609,209 +603,3 @@ def _print_change(self, change: Change):
             for text, changes in zip((f"  {wicon}{self.work_dir_name}:",
                                       f"  {oicon}{self.original_dir_name}:"), change.values()) if len(changes)]
-def crc(path: Path):
-    """ Surprisingly, sha256 and sha1 was faster than md5 when using hashlib.file_digest. However crc32 is still the fastest."""
-    crc = 0
-    with path.open('rb') as f:
-        while True:
-            chunk = f.read(4096)
-            if not chunk:
-                break
-            crc = crc32(chunk, crc)
-    return crc
-def _qp(path: Path):
-    """Quoted path. Output path to be used in bash. I wonder there is no system method which covers
-    quotes in the path etc.
-    """
-    s = str(path)
-    return f'"{s}"' if " " in s else s
-# TODO: below are some functions that should be converted into documented utils or removed
-def remove_prefix_in_workdir(work_dir: str):
-    """ Removes the prefix ✓ recursively from all the files.
-    The prefix might have been previously given by the deduplidog. """
-    work_files = [f for f in tqdm(Path(work_dir).rglob("*"), desc="Caching working files") if f.is_file()]
-    for p in work_files:
-        p.rename(p.with_stem(p.stem.removeprefix("✓")))
-def get_frame_count(filename):
-    video = cv2.VideoCapture(str(filename))
-    # duration = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC)
-    frame_count = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
-    return frame_count
-def mark_symlink_by_target(suspicious_directory: str | Path, starting_path):
-    """ If the file is a symlink, pointing to this path, rename it with an arrow
-    :param suspicious_directory: Ex: /media/user/disk/Takeout/Photos/
-    :param starting_path: Ex: /media/user/disk
-    """
-    for f in (x for x in Path(suspicious_directory).rglob("*") if x.is_symlink()):
-        if str(f.resolve()).startswith(starting_path):
-            print(f.rename(f.with_name("→" + f.name)))
-            print(f)
-# Opakovane vyhledavat, zde se soubory podobneho jmena naleza nekde v dane ceste.
-# Zobrazit jako obrazky a nahledy videi vsechny takove soubory.
-def _stub():
-    while True:
-        a = input()
-        clear_output()
-        cwd = "/media/user/disk1/Photos/"
-        print("Searching", a, "in", cwd)
-        files = find("-iname", f"*{a}*", _cwd=cwd)
-        files = [Path(cwd, f.strip()) for f in files]
-        print("Len", len(files))
-        images(files)
-        [print_video_thumbs(f) for f in files]
-def _are_similar(original: Path, work_file: Path, accepted_img_hash_diff: int = 1):
-    original_pil = Image.open(original)
-    work_pil = Image.open(work_file)
-    hash0 = imagehash.average_hash(original_pil)
-    hash1 = imagehash.average_hash(work_pil)
-    # maximum bits that could be different between the hashes
-    return abs(hash0 - hash1) <= accepted_img_hash_diff
-def are_contained(work_dir, original_dir, sec_range: int = 60):
-    """ You got two dirs with files having different naming system (427.JPG vs DSC_1344)
-        which you suspect to contain the same set. The same files in the dirs seem to have the same timestamp.
-        The same timestamp means +/- sec_range (ex: 1 minute).
-        Loop all files from work_dir and display corresponding files having the same timestamp.
-        or warn that no original exists-
-        """
-    # build directory of originals
-    global originals, found
-    originals = defaultdict(set)  # [timestamp] = set(originals...)
-    for of in Path(original_dir).rglob("*"):
-        originals[of.stat().st_mtime].add(of)
-    found = {}
-    for wf in (bar := tqdm(list(Path(work_dir).rglob("*")))):
-        bar.set_postfix({"file": str(wf.name), "found": len(found)})
-        timestamp = wf.stat().st_mtime
-        # 0, -1, 1, -2, 2 ... to find candidate earlier
-        range_ = sorted(range(-sec_range, sec_range+1), key=lambda x: abs(x))
-        corresponding = (originals.get(timestamp + i, set())
-                         for i in range_)  # find all originals with similar timestamps
-        # flatten the sets and unique them (but keep as list to preserve files with less timestamp difference first)
-        corresponding = list(dict.fromkeys(chain.from_iterable(corresponding)))
-        if corresponding:
-            for candidate in (bar2 := tqdm(corresponding, leave=False, desc="Candidates")):
-                bar2.set_postfix({"file": candidate.name})
-                if _are_similar(candidate, wf):
-                    found[wf] = candidate
-                    # tqdm would not dissappear if not finished https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm/issues/1382
-                    bar2.update(float("inf"))
-                    bar2.close()
-                    break
-            else:
-                print("No candidate for", wf.name, corresponding)
-                images([wf] + list(corresponding))
-        else:
-            print("Missing originals for", wf.name)
-# are_contained("/media/user/disk1/Photos/_tabor/2/", "/media/user/disk1/Photos/tabory/C 074 2016/")
-def images(urls):
-    """ Display a ribbon of images """
-    images_ = []
-    for url in tqdm(urls, leave=False):
-        p = Path(url)
-        if p.exists():
-            images_.append(widgets.Image(width=150, value=p.read_bytes()))
-        else:
-            print("Fail", p)
-    display(HBox(images_))
-def print_video_thumbs(src):
-    vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(src))
-    success, image = vidcap.read()
-    count = 0
-    images = []
-    while success:
-        success, image = vidcap.read()
-        if count % 100 == 0:
-            try:
-                # images.append(Image(width=150, data=cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]))
-                images.append(widgets.Image(width=150, value=cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]))
-            except:
-                break
-            if count > 500:
-                break
-        count += 1
-    print(src, get_frame_count(src))
-    if images:
-        display(HBox(images))
-def get_video_thumbs(dir_):
-    """ Abych rychle poznal, co v kterem videu je, vypsat delku a prvnich par screenu """
-    for f in sorted(Path(dir_).rglob("*")):
-        if f.suffix.lower() in (".mov", ".avi", ".mp4", ".vob"):
-            print_video_thumbs(f)
-def mark_symlink_only_dirs(dir_):
-    """ Pokud je adresar plny jen symlinku nebo prazdny, přijmenovat mu šipku """
-    for d in (x for x in Path(dir_).rglob("*") if x.is_dir()):
-        if all(x.is_symlink() for x in Path(d).glob("*")):
-            print(d.rename(d.with_name("→" + d.name)))
-# mark_symlink_only_dirs("/media/user/disk2/Takeoutuser/Google Photos/")
-def mark_01_copies(suspicious_directory):
-    for f in (x for x in Path(suspicious_directory).glob("*(1)*")):
-        stem = f.stem.removesuffix("(1)")
-        for x in (x for x in Path("/media/user/disk2/_duplikaty_smazat/").rglob("*") if x.stem.removeprefix("✓") == stem):
-            print(f.rename(f.with_name("→" + f.name)))
-# mark_01_copies("/media/user/disk2/Takeoutuser/YouTube and YouTube Music/videos/")
-def mtime_files_in_dir_according_to_json(dir_, json_dir):
-    """ google photos vrací json, kde je čas fotky
-    Kromě JPG.
-    """
-    for photo in Path(dir_).rglob("*"):
-        # if photo.suffix.lower() in (".jpg", ".jpeg"):
-        #    continue
-        # if "50607264_2240519186012556_9095104762705084416_o.jpg" not in photo.name:
-        #    continue
-        metadata = Path(json_dir).joinpath(photo.name[:46] + ".json")
-        if metadata.exists():
-            # if photo.stat().st_mtime < 1654812000:
-            # zmenit jenom takove soubory, ktere uz nebyly zmeneny jinak,
-            # coz poznam tak, ze jejich datum je 10.6.2022
-            #    continue
-            timestamp = json.loads(metadata.read_text())["photoTakenTime"]["timestamp"]
-            os.utime(photo, (int(timestamp), int(timestamp)))
-            print(photo)
-            # break
-# mtime_files_in_dir_according_to_json("/media/user/disk2/Takeoutuser/Google Photos/Photos from 2019/",
-            # "/media/user/disk2/photos_json/")
diff --git a/deduplidog/utils.py b/deduplidog/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a597d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deduplidog/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+import json
+import os
+from collections import defaultdict
+from functools import cache
+from itertools import chain
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Iterable
+from zlib import crc32
+import cv2
+import imagehash
+from IPython.display import clear_output, display
+from ipywidgets import HBox, widgets
+from PIL import Image
+from sh import find
+from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
+def crc(path: Path):  # undocumented function
+    """ Count CRC32 file hash.
+    Surprisingly, sha256 and sha1 was faster than md5 when using hashlib.file_digest. However crc32 is still the fastest."""
+    crc = 0
+    with path.open('rb') as f:
+        while True:
+            chunk = f.read(4096)
+            if not chunk:
+                break
+            crc = crc32(chunk, crc)
+    return crc
+def _qp(path: Path):
+    """Quoted path. Output path to be used in bash. I wonder there is no system method which covers
+    quotes in the path etc.
+    """
+    s = str(path)
+    return f'"{s}"' if " " in s else s
+def images(urls: Iterable[str | Path]):
+    """ Display a ribbon of images. """
+    images_ = []
+    for url in tqdm(urls, leave=False):
+        p = Path(url)
+        if p.exists():
+            images_.append(widgets.Image(width=150, value=p.read_bytes()))
+        else:
+            print("Fail", p)
+    display(HBox(images_))
+def print_video_thumbs(src: str | Path):
+    """ Displays thumbnails for a video """
+    vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(src))
+    success, image = vidcap.read()
+    count = 0
+    images = []
+    while success:
+        success, image = vidcap.read()
+        if count % 100 == 0:
+            try:
+                # images.append(Image(width=150, data=cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]))
+                images.append(widgets.Image(width=150, value=cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]))
+            except:
+                break
+            if count > 500:
+                break
+        count += 1
+    print(src, get_frame_count(src))
+    if images:
+        display(HBox(images))
+def print_videos_thumbs(dir_: Path):
+    """ To quickly understand the content of each video, output the duration and the first few frames. """
+    for f in sorted(Path(dir_).rglob("*")):
+        if f.suffix.lower() in (".mov", ".avi", ".mp4", ".vob"):
+            print_video_thumbs(f)
+def get_frame_count(filename: str | Path):
+    """ Uses cv2 to determine the video frame count. Method is cached."""
+    video = cv2.VideoCapture(str(filename))
+    # duration = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC)
+    frame_count = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
+    return frame_count
+def search_for_media_wizzard(cwd: str):
+    """ Repeatedly prompt and search for files with similar names somewhere in the specified path.
+    Display all such files as images and video previews. """
+    while True:
+        query = input()
+        clear_output()
+        print("Searching", query, "in", cwd)
+        files = find("-iname", f"*{query}*", _cwd=cwd)
+        files = [Path(cwd, f.strip()) for f in files]
+        print("Len", len(files))
+        images(files)
+        [print_video_thumbs(f) for f in files]
+def _are_similar(original: Path, work_file: Path, accepted_img_hash_diff: int = 1):
+    original_pil = Image.open(original)
+    work_pil = Image.open(work_file)
+    hash0 = imagehash.average_hash(original_pil)
+    hash1 = imagehash.average_hash(work_pil)
+    # maximum bits that could be different between the hashes
+    return abs(hash0 - hash1) <= accepted_img_hash_diff
+def are_contained(work_dir: str, original_dir: str, sec_range: int = 60):
+    """ You got two dirs with files having different naming system (427.JPG vs DSC_1344)
+        which you suspect to contain the same set. The same files in the dirs seem to have the same timestamp.
+        The same timestamp means +/- sec_range (ex: 1 minute).
+        Loop all files from work_dir and display corresponding files having the same timestamp.
+        or warn that no original exists.
+        """
+    # build directory of originals
+    originals = defaultdict(set)  # [timestamp] = set(originals...)
+    for of in Path(original_dir).rglob("*"):
+        originals[of.stat().st_mtime].add(of)
+    found = {}
+    for wf in (bar := tqdm(list(Path(work_dir).rglob("*")))):
+        bar.set_postfix({"file": str(wf.name), "found": len(found)})
+        timestamp = wf.stat().st_mtime
+        # 0, -1, 1, -2, 2 ... to find candidate earlier
+        range_ = sorted(range(-sec_range, sec_range+1), key=lambda x: abs(x))
+        corresponding = (originals.get(timestamp + i, set())
+                         for i in range_)  # find all originals with similar timestamps
+        # flatten the sets and unique them (but keep as list to preserve files with less timestamp difference first)
+        corresponding = list(dict.fromkeys(chain.from_iterable(corresponding)))
+        if corresponding:
+            for candidate in (bar2 := tqdm(corresponding, leave=False, desc="Candidates")):
+                bar2.set_postfix({"file": candidate.name})
+                if _are_similar(candidate, wf):
+                    found[wf] = candidate
+                    # tqdm would not dissappear if not finished https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm/issues/1382
+                    bar2.update(float("inf"))
+                    bar2.close()
+                    break
+            else:
+                print("No candidate for", wf.name, corresponding)
+                images([wf] + list(corresponding))
+        else:
+            print("Missing originals for", wf.name)
+def remove_prefix_in_workdir(work_dir: str):
+    """ Removes the prefix ✓ recursively from all the files.
+    The prefix might have been previously given by the deduplidog. """
+    work_files = [f for f in tqdm(Path(work_dir).rglob("*"), desc="Caching working files") if f.is_file()]
+    for p in work_files:
+        p.rename(p.with_stem(p.stem.removeprefix("✓")))
+def mark_symlink_by_target(suspicious_directory: str | Path, starting_path: str):
+    """ If the file is a symlink, pointing to this path, rename it with an arrow
+    :param suspicious_directory: Ex: /media/user/disk/Takeout/Photos/
+    :param starting_path: Ex: /media/user/disk
+    """
+    for f in (x for x in Path(suspicious_directory).rglob("*") if x.is_symlink()):
+        if str(f.resolve()).startswith(starting_path):
+            print(f.rename(f.with_name("→" + f.name)))
+            print(f)
+def mark_symlink_only_dirs(dir_: str | Path):
+    """If the directory is full of only symlinks or empty, rename it to an arrow."""
+    for d in (x for x in Path(dir_).rglob("*") if x.is_dir()):
+        if all(x.is_symlink() for x in Path(d).glob("*")):
+            print(d.rename(d.with_name("→" + d.name)))
+def mtime_files_in_dir_according_to_json(dir_: str | Path, json_dir: str | Path):
+    """ Google Photos returns JSON with the photo modification time.
+    Sets the photos from the dir_ to the dates fetched from the directory with  these JSONs.
+    """
+    for photo in Path(dir_).rglob("*"):
+        metadata = Path(json_dir).joinpath(photo.name[:46] + ".json")
+        if metadata.exists():
+            timestamp = json.loads(metadata.read_text())["photoTakenTime"]["timestamp"]
+            os.utime(photo, (int(timestamp), int(timestamp)))
+            print(photo)
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 877e464..70938ff 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -21,4 +21,7 @@ opencv-python = "*"
 Pillow = "*"
 textual = "~=0.52.1"
 sh = "*"
-tqdm = "*"
\ No newline at end of file
+tqdm = "*"
+deduplidog= "deduplidog.__main__:main"
\ No newline at end of file