- Main - Combined turtle server executable is made here - also contialns all of the information and specifications
- Tortoise - turtle utility API
- ccftp - File transfer over rednet
- LyqydNet-Programs - A collection of ComputerCraft programs using the LyqydNet API for client-server interactions
- LAMA - turtle position tracking
- lnfs-client - client for below
- lnfs-daemon - A LyqydNet-based file server
- framebuffer - A framebuffer API for ComputerCraft, used by several projects
- ccdocker - Docker-like application for ComputerCraft!
- cc-netshell - A remote shell program for ComputerCraft
- CC-Pathfinding-and-Mapping - A collection of APIs and programs to allow pathfinding and mapping within the ComputerCraft mod for Minecraft
- CraftOS-Standards
- metadata - A metadata API and fs API replacement for ComputerCraft
- Howl - A CC Build System
- Blue Shiny Rocks - Lua Rocks for CC - For Lua Documentation Generator
the old Hive repo - the original git repoall of the content we can get from here has been taken- turtletopia - turtle automation framework
- base-mate - A base automation system for ComputerCraft
- QDTTS - quick and dirty turtle task system
- A.S.S. - a program with which you can easily automate your computer/turtle to do certain jobs at certain times.