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518 lines (374 loc) · 19.8 KB

Raylib.nelua - Raylib binding for the Nelua Programming Language


Raylib.nelua is a Raylib binding for latest Raylib 5.0 version. A simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming.

Raylib.nelua. It's like Raylib on steroids, except without the harmful side effects. This delightful little binding brings the power and simplicity of Nelua to the world of Raylib game development.

Code Example

Raylib - Basic Window
require "raylib"

-- Initialization
local SCREEN_WIDTH: uint16 <comptime> = 800
local SCREEN_HEIGHT: uint16 <comptime> = 450

rl.setConfigFlags(rl.configFlags.VSYNC_HINT) -- Enable VSYNC
rl.initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raylib-nelua [core] example - basic window")


-- Main game loop

while not rl.windowShouldClose() do        -- Detect window close button or ESC key
  -- Update
  -- TODO: Update your variables here

  -- Draw


    rl.drawText("Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, rl.LIGHTGRAY)


-- De-Initialization
rl.closeWindow()       -- Close window and OpenGL context
Raylib - Basic Keyboard Input
require "raylib"

-- Constants
local SCREEN_WIDTH: uint16 <const> = 800
local SCREEN_HEIGHT: uint16 <const> = 450

-- Initialization

rl.initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Raylib.nelua [core] example - keyboard input")

local ballPosition = rl.vector2{ SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 }

-- Main game loop

while not rl.windowShouldClose() do        -- Detect window close button or ESC key
  -- Update
  if rl.isKeyDown(rl.keyboardKey.RIGHT) then ballPosition.x = ballPosition.x + 2 end
  if rl.isKeyDown(rl.keyboardKey.LEFT) then ballPosition.x = ballPosition.x - 2 end
  if rl.isKeyDown(rl.keyboardKey.UP) then ballPosition.y = ballPosition.y - 2 end
  if rl.isKeyDown(rl.keyboardKey.DOWN) then ballPosition.y = ballPosition.y + 2 end 

  -- Draw

    rl.drawText("move the ballwith arrow keys", 10, 10, 20, rl.DARKGRAY)

    rl.drawCircleV(ballPosition, 50, rl.MAROON)

-- De-Initialization
rl.closeWindow()       -- Close window and OpenGL context
Raylib - Texture Loading and Drawing
require "raylib"

-- Constants
local SCREEN_WIDTH: uint16 <const> = 800
local SCREEN_HEIGHT: uint16 <const> = 450

-- Initialization

rl.initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Raylib.nelua [textures] example - texture loading and drawing")

-- NOTE: Textures MUST be loaded after Window initialization (OpenGL context is required)
local texture = rl.loadTexture("./resources/logo.png") -- Texture loading

-- Main game loop

while not rl.windowShouldClose() do        -- Detect window close button or ESC key
   -- Update
   -- TODO: Update your variables here

   -- Draw

      rl.drawTexture(texture, SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - texture.width/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 - texture.height/2, rl.WHITE)

      rl.drawText("this IS a texture!", 360, 370, 10, rl.GRAY);

-- De-Initialization
rl.unloadTexture(texture) -- Texture unloading
rl.closeWindow()       -- Close window and OpenGL context
Raylib - Export to Web via Emscripten
require "raylib"
require 'allocators.gc'

    if PLATFORM_WEB then
     cflags '-O3 -Wall' -- Change your optimisation options to suit your needs.
     cflags './source/dependencies/lib/libraylib.a -I./source/dependencies/include/ -L./source/dependencies/lib/' -- Include & Library locations
     cflags '--preload-file ./source/assets'
     cflags '-s USE_GLFW=3 -DPLATFORM_WEB -s WASM=1 -s USE_WEBGL2=1' -- Recommended to not touch.

## if PLATFORM_WEB then
   collectgarbage('stop') -- conservative GCs cannot run automatically with emscripten
## end

-- Initialization
local SCREEN_WIDTH: uint16 <const> = 800
local SCREEN_HEIGHT: uint16 <const> = 450

## if not PLATFORM_WEB then
  rl.setConfigFlags(rl.configFlags.VSYNC_HINT) -- Enable VSYNC if we're building for Desktop
## end

rl.initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Raylib.nelua [core] example - basic window")

local function update()

    rl.drawText("Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, rl.LIGHTGRAY)

   ## if PLATFORM_WEB then
      collectgarbage() -- safe to collect garbage here
   ## end

## if PLATFORM_WEB then
   rl.wasmSetMainLoop(update, 0, 1) -- If building for web, pass wasmSetMainLoop which calls emscripten_set_main_loop. Don't use if you're passing ASYNCIFY flag!
## else

   while not rl.windowShouldClose() do



-- De-Initialization
rl.closeWindow()       -- Close window and OpenGL context


  • Emscripten must be installed on your system.

  • You have to provide your own Raylib 4.5-dev (build from source) libraylib.a and include files for web export. Please read here.

  • Your library and include files have to be placed in a folder "libs"/"include" respectively. You can, however change those settings in raylib.nelua.

  • You have to pass rl.wasmSetMainLoop(UpdateFunctionHere, 0, 1) function as seen on example above if you're not planning to use -s ASYNCIFY flag. Read more about this here.

  • To build, pass emcc to to Nelua compiler

Raylib - 3D Free Camera
require "raylib"

-- Constants
local SCREEN_WIDTH: uint16 <const> = 800
local SCREEN_HEIGHT: uint16 <const> = 450

-- Initialization

rl.initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Raylib.nelua [core] example - 3d camera free")

local camera = rl.camera3D{} -- Define the camera to look into our 3d world
camera.position = rl.vector3{ 10, 10, 10 } -- Camera position = rl.vector3{ 0, 0, 0 } -- Camera looking at point
camera.up = rl.vector3{ 0, 1, 0 } -- Camera up vector (rotation towards target)
camera.fovy = 45 -- Camera field-of-view Y
camera.projection = rl.cameraProjection.PERSPECTIVE -- Camera projection type

local cubePosition = rl.vector3{ 0, 0, 0 }

rl.disableCursor() -- Limit cursor to relative movement inside the window


-- Main game loop
while not rl.windowShouldClose() do        -- Detect window close button or ESC key
  -- Update
  rl.updateCamera(&camera, rl.cameraMode.FREE)
  if rl.isKeyDown(rl.keyboardKey.Z) then = rl.vector3{ 0, 0, 0 } end

  -- Draw

    rl.mode3D(camera, function()
      rl.drawCube(cubePosition, 2, 2, 2, rl.RED)
      rl.drawCubeWires(cubePosition, 2, 2, 2, rl.MAROON)

      rl.drawGrid(10, 1)

    rl.drawRectangle(10, 10, 320, 133, rl.fade(rl.SKYBLUE, 0.5))
    rl.drawRectangleLines( 10, 10, 320, 133, rl.BLUE)

    rl.drawText("Free camera default controls:", 20, 20, 10, rl.BLACK)
    rl.drawText("- Mouse Wheel to Zoom in-out", 40, 40, 10, rl.DARKGRAY)
    rl.drawText("- Mouse Wheel Pressed to Pan", 40, 60, 10, rl.DARKGRAY)
    rl.drawText("- Alt + Mouse Wheel Pressed to Rotate", 40, 80, 10, rl.DARKGRAY)
    rl.drawText("- Alt + Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Pressed for Smooth Zoom", 40, 100, 10, rl.DARKGRAY)
    rl.drawText("- Z to zoom to (0, 0, 0)", 40, 120, 10, rl.DARKGRAY)


-- De-Initialization
rl.closeWindow()       -- Close window and OpenGL context
Raygui - Portable Window
require "raylib"
require "raygui"

-- Initialization
local SCREEN_WIDTH <const> = 800
local SCREEN_HEIGHT <const> = 600

rl.initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raygui.nelua - portable window")

-- General variables
local mousePosition = rl.vector2{ x = 0, y = 0 }
local windowPosition = rl.vector2{ x = 500, y = 200 }
local panOffset = mousePosition
local dragWindow: boolean = false

rl.setWindowPosition(windowPosition.x, windowPosition.y)

local exitWindowPress: int32


-- Main game loop
while not rlgui.intToBool(exitWindowPress) and not rl.windowShouldClose() do
    -- Update
    mousePosition = rl.getMousePosition()

    if rl.isMouseButtonPressed(rl.mouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON) and not dragWindow then
        if rl.checkCollisionPointRec(mousePosition, rl.rectangle{ x = 0, y = 0, width = SCREEN_WIDTH, height = 20 }) then
            dragWindow = true
            panOffset = mousePosition

    if dragWindow then
        windowPosition.x = windowPosition.x + (mousePosition.x - panOffset.x)
        windowPosition.y = windowPosition.y + (mousePosition.y - panOffset.y)

        rl.setWindowPosition(math.floor(windowPosition.x), math.floor(windowPosition.y))

        if rl.isMouseButtonReleased(rl.mouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON) then
            dragWindow = false

    -- Draw


    exitWindowPress = rlgui.windowBox({ x = 0, y = 0, width = SCREEN_WIDTH, height = SCREEN_HEIGHT }, "#198# PORTABLE WINDOW")

    rl.drawText(string.format("Mouse Position: [ %.0f, %.0f ]", mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y), 10, 40, 10, rl.DARKGRAY)


-- De-Initialization
rl.closeWindow() -- Close window and OpenGL context
Raygui - Scroll Panel
require "raylib"
require "raygui"

-- Initialization
local SCREEN_WIDTH <const> = 800
local SCREEN_HEIGHT <const> = 450

rl.initWindow(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT, "raygui.nelua - Scroll Panel")


local panelRec = rl.rectangle{ x = 20, y = 40, width = 200, height = 150 }
local panelContentRec = rl.rectangle{ x = 0, y = 0, width = 340, height = 340 }
local panelView = rl.rectangle{}
local panelScroll = rl.vector2{ x = 99, y = -20 }
local showContentArea = true

-- Draw and process scroll bar style edition controls
local function drawStyleEditControls()

  local style: int32
  -- ScrollPanel style controls
  rlgui.groupBox(rl.rectangle{ x = 550, y = 170, width = 220, height = 205 }, "SCROLLBAR STYLE")

  style = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.controlProperty.BORDER_WIDTH)
  rlgui.label(rl.rectangle{ x = 555, y = 195, width = 110, height = 10 }, "BORDER_WIDTH")
  rlgui.spinner(rl.rectangle{ x = 670, y = 190, width = 90, height = 20 }, "", &style, 0, 6, false)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.controlProperty.BORDER_WIDTH, style)

  style = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.scrollBarProperty.ARROWS_SIZE)
  rlgui.label(rl.rectangle{ x = 555, y = 220, width = 110, height = 10 }, "ARROWS_SIZE")
  rlgui.spinner(rl.rectangle{ x = 670, y = 215, width = 90, height = 20 }, "", &style, 4, 14, false)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.scrollBarProperty.ARROWS_SIZE, style)

  style = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.sliderProperty.SLIDER_PADDING)
  rlgui.label(rl.rectangle{ x = 555, y = 245, width = 110, height = 10 }, "SLIDER_PADDING")
  rlgui.spinner(rl.rectangle{ x = 670, y = 240, width = 90, height = 20 }, "", &style, 0, 14, false)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.sliderProperty.SLIDER_PADDING, style)

  local scrollBarArrows = rlgui.getStyleAsBool(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.scrollBarProperty.ARROWS_VISIBLE)
  rlgui.checkBox(rl.rectangle{ 565, 280, 20, 20 }, "ARROWS_VISIBLE", &scrollBarArrows)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.scrollBarProperty.ARROWS_VISIBLE, rlgui.boolToInt(scrollBarArrows))

  style = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.sliderProperty.SLIDER_PADDING)
  rlgui.label(rl.rectangle{ x = 555, y = 325, width = 110, height = 10 }, "SLIDER_PADDING")
  rlgui.spinner(rl.rectangle{ x = 670, y = 320, width = 90, height = 20 }, "", &style, 0, 14, false)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.sliderProperty.SLIDER_PADDING, style)

  style = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.sliderProperty.SLIDER_WIDTH)
  rlgui.label(rl.rectangle{ x = 555, y = 350, width = 110, height = 10 }, "SLIDER_WIDTH")
  rlgui.spinner(rl.rectangle{ x = 670, y = 345, width = 90, height = 20 }, "", &style, 2, 100, false)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.SCROLLBAR, rlgui.sliderProperty.SLIDER_WIDTH, style)

  local text = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.LISTVIEW, rlgui.listViewProperty.SCROLLBAR_SIDE) == rlgui.SCROLLBAR_LEFT_SIDE and "SCROLLBAR: LEFT" or "SCROLLBAR: RIGHT"
  local toggleScrollBarSide = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.LISTVIEW, rlgui.listViewProperty.SCROLLBAR_SIDE)
  rlgui.toggle(rl.rectangle{ x = 560, y = 110, width = 200, height = 35 }, text, &toggleScrollBarSide)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.LISTVIEW, rlgui.listViewProperty.SCROLLBAR_SIDE, toggleScrollBarSide)

  -- ScrollBar style controls
  rlgui.groupBox(rl.rectangle{ x = 550, y = 20, width = 220, height = 135 }, "SCROLLPANEL STYLE")

  style = rlgui.getStyle(rlgui.control.LISTVIEW, rlgui.listViewProperty.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH)
  rlgui.label(rl.rectangle{ x = 555, y = 35, width = 110, height = 10 }, "SCROLLBAR_WIDTH")
  rlgui.spinner(rl.rectangle{ x = 670, y = 30, width = 90, height = 20 }, "", &style, 6, 30, false)
  rlgui.setStyle(rlgui.control.LISTVIEW, rlgui.listViewProperty.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, style)

  style = rlgui.getStyle(DEFAULT, rlgui.controlProperty.BORDER_WIDTH)
  rlgui.label(rl.rectangle{ x = 555, y = 60, width = 110, height = 10 }, "BORDER_WIDTH")
  rlgui.spinner(rl.rectangle{ x = 670, y = 55, width = 90, height = 20 }, "", &style, 0, 20, false)
  rlgui.setStyle(DEFAULT, rlgui.controlProperty.BORDER_WIDTH, style)

-- Main game loop
while not rl.windowShouldClose() do
    -- Update
    -- TODO: Implement required update logic

    -- Draw


    rl.drawText(string.format("[%f, %f]", panelScroll.x, panelScroll.y), 4, 4, 20, rl.RED)

    rlgui.scrollPanel(panelRec, "", panelContentRec, panelScroll, panelView)

    rl.beginScissorMode(panelView.x, panelView.y, panelView.width, panelView.height)
    rlgui.grid(rl.rectangle{ x = panelRec.x + panelScroll.x, y = panelRec.y + panelScroll.y, width = panelContentRec.width, height = panelContentRec.height }, "", 16, 3, rl.vector2{})

    if showContentArea then
        rl.drawRectangle(panelRec.x + panelScroll.x, panelRec.y + panelScroll.y, panelContentRec.width, panelContentRec.height, rl.fade(rl.RED, 0.1))


    rlgui.checkBox(rl.rectangle{ x = 565, y = 80, width = 20, height = 20 }, "SHOW CONTENT AREA", &showContentArea)

    rlgui.sliderBar(rl.rectangle{ x = 590, y = 385, width = 145, height = 15 }, "WIDTH", string.format("%0.f", panelContentRec.width), &panelContentRec.width, 1, 600)
    rlgui.sliderBar(rl.rectangle{ x = 590, y = 410, width = 145, height = 15 }, "HEIGHT", string.format("%0.f", panelContentRec.height), &panelContentRec.height, 1, 400)


-- De-Initialization
rl.closeWindow() -- Close window and OpenGL context

More examples can be found here.