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EZGas Requirements Document

Authors: Peraccini Simone

Date: 28/03/2020

Version: 1

#Change history

Version Changes
1.1 Added Developer in Stakeholders
Added Administrator in Context Diagram and Interfaces
1.2 Added Glossary
Added Administrator in Context Diagram and Interfaces



Every car driver who travels a lot looks for the cheaper gas station where he can refuel his car. EZGAs maps all the gas stations showing for each of them the current price. With this application the drivers can find the closer gas station that offers a convenient price whereas the gas station owner can keep the price updated and certify the updates of the drivers.


Driver Searches for position and price of fuel of the station. Add a station to the map specifying position and price. Update the prices of the gas station.
Gas Station owner Updates and certifies the prices.
Maps System System that provides a map where the gas stations are geolocalized
Administrator System that mantains the application
Developer Develops the application

Context Diagram and interfaces

Context Diagram


  actor Driver
  actor Gas_Station_Owner
  actor Administrator
  actor  MapSystem

  usecase EZGas

  Driver -right-> EZGas
  Gas_Station_Owner  -left-> EZGas
  MapSystem -up-> EZGas
  Administrator -down-> EZGas



Actor Logical Interface PHYSICAL INTERFACE
Driver GUI Smartphone display, touch screen
Gas Station owner GUI Smartphone display, touch screen, Screen, Keyboard
Map System API Network, GPS
Administrator GUI Smartphone display, touch screen, Screen, Keyboard

Stories and personas

Giovanni is a lorry driver that travels all around Europe. During his working days he is used to take some breaks in order to have a snack and also refuel his car. Over the years, Giovanni thought to keep track of the changing of the prices for all the gas station he met, in order to remember them for the future times. Unfortunately, he experienced that in almost all the gas stations the price is rarely the same of the previous time.Speaking with his colleagues John has understood that many of them adopted the same strategy and he decided to create a whats app group (Lorry friends) where they could communicate with each other any change of the prices.

However, Giovanni experienced that even this strategy was not good enough to keep the prices updated and he decided to contact his friend John, who is a computer engineer. Together they decided develop an application able to collect and show these data.

Thomas is a gas station owner. He noticed that his earnings were not so satisfying so he decided to decrease the prices but even this strategy does not allow him to reach improvements. Because of this he thought that his gas station may been a little far from the main streets of the city so he started to browse the web in order to find useful services. Among all the application he found a free one that offers a good services both for drivers and gas stations owners: EZGas.

Functional Requirements

ID Description
FR 1 The driver searches gas stations
FR 1.1 The driver filters gas stations by distance
FR 1.2 The driver filters gas station by price
FR 2 The driver registers to the service
FR 3 The driver logs in
FR 3.1 The driver updates prices of gas station only if he is registered and logged in
FR 4 The gas station owner can register to the service
FR 5 The gas station owner logs in
FR 5.1 The gas station owner confirms the updated prices only if he is registered and logged in
FR 5.2 The gas station owner can update the prices only if he is registered and logged in

Non-Functional Requirements

ID Type (efficiency, reliability, .. see iso 9126) Description
NFR1 Usability User-friendly GUI All FRs
NFR2 Portability The application must be deployed on portable devices All FRs
NFR3 Reliability The application should not have failures when executing functionalities All FRs
NFR4 Functionality The application should provide consistent data All FRs
NFR5 Performance All functions must be completed in < 1 sec All FRs

Use case diagram and use cases

Use case diagram


left to right direction
skinparam packageStyle rectangle

actor GasStationAdmin as g
actor Driver as d
actor MapSystem as m

rectangle Ezgas {
  ("Search gas Station") as uc1
  ("Filter by distance and price") as uc2
  ("EZGas registration") as uc3
  ("Update price") as uc4
  ("Certify price") as uc5
  ("EZGas Log in") as uc7

  m <-- uc1
  uc1 <.. uc2 :<<extend>>
  d -- uc1
  d -- uc3
  d -- uc4

  g -- uc4
  g -- uc5
  g -- uc3

  uc3 ..> uc7 :<<extend>>
  uc4 ..> uc7 :<<include>>
  uc5 ..> uc7 :<<include>>


Use cases

UC1[ FR 1,FR 1.1, FR 1.2]: Search for a gas station

Actors involved Driver
Pre-condition Internet and Gps connections and Map System work
Post-conditions Get results
Nominal Scenario The driver opens the applications and looks the map in order to find the closer or the cheaper gas station.
Variants The user filters the gas stations in order to see only the ones under a specific price or distance.

UC2: FR 2: Driver registration

Actors involved Driver
Pre-condition Driver account does not exist.
Post-conditions Driver account exists.
Nominal Scenario Driver inserts Username, email and password. The system creates a new profile.
Variants The Username has been already used or the password does not follow the security standards.

UC3.: FR 3.1: Driver updates price

Actors involved Driver
Pre-condition Prices are outdated
Post-conditions Prices are updated but marked as not certified
Nominal Scenario Driver notices that the prices related to a gas station are outdated so he updates them.

UC4.: FR 4: Gas station registration

Actors involved Gas station owner.
Pre-condition Gas station is not associated to any account.
Post-conditions Gas station owner is created.
Nominal Scenario A gas station owner inserts Username, Password and a certification. The system creates a new account.
Variants Who is trying to create the account is not certified.

UC5.: FR 5.1: The gas station owner certifies an updated price

Actors involved Gas station owner
Pre-condition Gas station prices are updated by a driver but not certified.
Post-conditions Gas station prices are certified.
Nominal Scenario Gas station owner checks and confirms prices.
Variants Gas station owner checks and updates wrong prices.

UC5.: FR 5.2: The gas station owner updates prices

Actors involved Gas station owner.
Pre-condition Prices are outdate and gas station owner has an account.
Post-conditions Prices are updated.
Nominal Scenario Gas station owner checks and confirms prices.

Relevant scenarios

Scenatio 1: Driver updates price

Scenario ID SC1
Description The driver notices an outdated price and decides to update it.
Pre-condition Price is outdated
Post-condition Price is updated
Steps Step description
1. The driver selects the gas station.
2. The driver selects the update price button.
3. The driver inserts the new price.
4. The driver submits the modification.
5. The price is updated but not certified.

Scenatio 2: Gas station owner certifies update

Scenario ID SC2
Description The gas station owner receives the update.
Pre-condition Price is updated but not certified.
Post-condition Price update is certified.
Steps Step description
1. The gas station owner selects the request.
2. The gas station owner confirms the prices.
3. The prices are correctly updated

Scenatio 3: Gas station owner refuses a price update

Scenario ID SC3
Description The gas station owner receives a wrong update.
Pre-condition Price is updated but wrong.
Post-condition The price is updated by the owner with the correct value.
Steps Step description
1. The gas station owner selects the request.
2. The gas station owner changes the prices.
3. The prices are correctly updated



/' Classes '/

class EZGas

class PriceUpdate{
  + ID 
  + FuelType 
  + GasStationID
  + NewPrice
  + Certification

class Account{
+ name
+ surname
+ email
+ username
+ password
class GasStationOwner{
class Driver  {
+ driverID
class Administrator {
+ AdminRights
class GasStation  {
+ Address
+ City
+ CompanyName
class Fuel{
+ price
+ SelfService

/' Associations'/

GasStationOwner "1" -down- "0..*" PriceUpdate : does
Driver "1" -down- "0..*" PriceUpdate : does

Driver -up-|>  Account 
GasStationOwner -left-|> Account 
Administrator -right-|> Account
GasStationOwner "1"-down- "1..*" GasStation
EZGas -- "0..*" Account :accounts
GasStation "*" -right- "1..*" Fuel : Offers  

GasStation "1" -left- "0..*" PriceUpdate : refers to 

/' Notes '/
legend top 
 This glossary is drawn to describe how are managed the accounts in EZGas.


note bottom of PriceUpdate
The price upadate can be executed 
both by a Driver and a GasStationOwner 
A price update has ID, FuelType,
GasStationID, NewPrice and a value Certified 
that is set only when the gas station owner 
confirma the update.
end note

note right  of Fuel
In each station the a kind of fuel is has a price 
and a value that specifies if the station offers
self service for that kind of fuel.
end note

note bottom of GasStation
A gas station is described by an addres a
city and the company name.
end note

note right of GasStationOwner
A Gas station owner, in order to create 
an account has to sepecify his P.IVA.
end note

note right of Account
Each account registers name and surnamen 
and the data used to access the service.
These are email, username and password.
end note

note left of Driver
An Account associated to a driver 
has entry  for his dirverID.
A driver can update the prices of a 
specific fuel related to a gas station.
end note

note left of Administrator
The amministrator has an
 account with admin rights
end note
